Insecure About My Birthmark

Insecure about my birthmark...?

I have a birthmark on my forehead, and lately it's been making me very insecure. The thing is, I use to LOVE my birthmark. I thought it made me special, who I was. But since I've gotten older and become a teen, people treat me different than other people because of it. And they NEVER think it's a birthmark for some stupid reason. They think it's a gigantic pimple or a scrape or a bump. Just that is pretty maddening. People don't talk to me, they ignore me because of it. It's been making me feel really bad about myself. I don't know what I should do. Here's a pic of me:
Haha it looks like a tooth XD

Insecure about my birthmark?

So I have two massive black pigmentation on the back of my knees. It spans from my mid calf to just where the back of my thigh ends. When I say they are black, they are BLACK. I am African american (yeah i know) and I''m more of Oprah's color but the back of my knees are black. This developed over the course of a year because of my extreme eczema. Now my eczema is dormant but now my legs are a disaster. I've tried everything! Dermatologists, skin lighting creams, everything. And its summer and I want to wear bikinis and shorts but I'm insecure. What should I do!

Like I'm 14 and I know people with birthmarks and such, but I've never seen birthmarks as large as mine. Will people judge me even if I ignore that the birthmarks are even there? Please give me advice. I don't wanna wear leggings with shorts everyday.

Thanks if you can help. :)

I'm really insecure about my birthmark?

Basically, on the side of my neck i have a birthmark (congenital nevi) of about an inch squared.
Throughout primary school, it never really bothered me because kids aren't judgmental about that sort of thing and it was quite a bit lighter. But I'm in yr 10 at school now and its quite dark (brown/black) and I'm really insecure about it.

Luckily, my school collar pretty much covers it, so people don't really see it at school. But i cant where the summer v neck shirts at school because it shows and i dread non-uniform days. In the summer, I always have to wear scarves or put a band aid over it and just tell people its a cut. I'm fed up of not being able to go out in a normal t-shirt etc.

My best friends obviously all know i have it and are 100% supportive and accepting about it, but my less close friends and males friends don't know about it and I cant keep wearing a band-aid forver because obviously cuts heal.

I'm worried that all my male friends wont like me when they find out. The guy that likes me at the moment always says Im really pretty and stuff, but I'm worried that if i meet up outside of school or date him or anyone, they wont like me anymore. I know people will say "if hes a nice/worth it person, he'll accept it" but i wouldnt blame him to be honest, its a massive dark raised mole on my neck.

Its too raised and dark to cover with makeup and i cant get it removed under the NHS.

Please give me a way to persuade my parents to let me get it removed!? X

I have a birthmark on my boob. I'm really insecure?

It's kind of big and I get self-conscious about it when I take off my shirt or wear a low-cut shirt or bikinis. I feel like people are staring even if they're not. It's reddish and slightly raised. I've had it my entire life and I'm 19 now and still hate it.

I want to be able to wear bikinis this summer without caring about it but I get really uncomfortable when people can see it because I feel like they'll think my boobs are ugly or something. I have a nice body despite this and this is the only thing that stops me from wearing lower cut stuff.

Is it stupid to feel insecure about this?

Birth mark on my butt,kinda insecure about it?

I have one on my lower right cheek . I hate it and I'm so insecure about it. Especially when I wear bathing suits. I always wear boy shorts so it sorta covers it. I'm embarrassed that someone will think its a piece of ****. is it a turn off for guys? do any of you have one under the belt?

Birthmark biggest insecurity?

I have a quarter-sized tag (not a mole, not raised) on my inner right thigh. It's two inches from the top/crotch. I am a female in high school and I really want to be intimate with guys but this holds me back to levels that nobody understands. I'm really not insecure about anything else, without being conceided I consider myself to have a pretty good body. I'm not afraid to show anything else but when I go to the beach or pool I have to be wearing shorts, and rarely go in the water and just tell people I hate swimming. I can't wear high wasted shorts even though I love them and have many pairs. I try to cover it up when changing infront of my friends. I feel like if any girl would ever be jealous of me, they would see that and no longer be. This sounds so ******* ridiculous when I type it out but it really is keeping me from so much. In a couple years when I have money I'm gonna try to get lazer surgery and make it go away.

Anyway, sorry if this is long. But I really just need some comfort. Guys: would you care or even notice? Or would you be turned off or even you go off and tell your friends..

I'm insecure of my birthmark when I wear my bathing suit, what should I do?

My birthmark is one lighter than my actual skin tone. It's really embarassing to say, but it lies like in the middle of my boobs. It's about the size of a nickel (not a perfect kind of circle tho). I always try to wear bandeau bikinis but i just purchased one that's not bandeau. It's extremely cute but the birthmark makes me insecure. I don't know if I should cover it with foundation or go to a skin doctor or whaaaa?

How can I feel less insecure about my birth defect on my hands?

The heart of the issue is more than your hands. It’s inside yourself. It’s true that people can be cruel and do look at our appearance. However the solution is not to try to have perfect looking hands but to be at peace with your hands.When I was 39 it was discovered that I had a tumor growing on my facial nerve. This tumor had to be removed. Before this time people said that I looked like the princess Diana. But when I woke up from my surgery one side of my face was paralyzed. My beauty gone entirely.Did people treat me differently? Absolutely they did! But I was the same person on the inside. So I decided that this wasn’t going to ruin my life. That by God’s Grace I would continue to go forward and not focus on my appearance.As a result I continued to work in the medical profession. I’m sure peoples first internal response was “oh my, what happened to her?” But I had already decided to put out of my mind what others thought about my appearance and to go on, just a though I would have if this had never happened to me. And you know what? Once people met me and realized that I was interested in them and focused on their needs it was as though my appearance no longer mattered to them. But first it has to start in me. Chooseing to be confident and compassionate was something that I could do and guess what. It works.See beyond your hands and you will find that others will too. Use those hands to bless and help other people. That is what makes your hands beautiful. Using your hands to serve at a soup kitchen or to hold the hand of someone who needs comfort. That is what gives you lovely hands. Just like me. I can’t smile but I can love people so that they can smile.

Should I remove my birthmark?

Personally, it comes down to what you want. If you feel conscious about it all the time, and it is going to compromise your confidence for job interviews and the like, then I’d recommend getting it removed if you have the resources. I have scar tissue in my lips that I am going to get removed when I have the finances for this very reason. If it doesn’t bother you though and you can present yourself just as confidently with it as without it, then it won’t benefit you as much to get rid of it.