Is It Better To Stand Up For Yourself Or Ignore It

To stand up for yourself or ignore people?


Is it a sin to stand up to yourself?

There is plenty of support in the Bible for self-defense, but if you believe you can return evil for evil just because someone spoke something to hurt your feelings, you've got to man up a bit and learn the difference.

How do you stand up for yourself, when you are scared?

When I was younger I use to be bullied alot. Now that I am older I still carry this fear of standing up for myself. My technique has always been ignoring people. I feel like I am scared of people in general. Right now at work I have a supervisor that tells me I'm not cutting it at least once a day, and it is really frustrating.. I can't even get the words "LADY I'M TRYING AS HARD AS I CAN" out of my mouth. When I even think about speaking up my hands start shaking and I get an urge to cry. I don't cry, instead I go home and blow up at my husband and kids. I have no fear to stand up to family members it is the rest of the world. I don't understand why I am this way. My parents weren't abusive or anything. I get nervous just going to the grocery store by myself. I still go, but I feel like everyone notices me. I really want to learn how to function like a "normal" human being. I'm sick of living my life in fear. i'm not afraid of writing my opinion though.

How do i stand up for myself?

im in 8th grade, gonna be 14 in two weeks, and i am SICK of being bullied and teased and what not by my so called friends. honestly i would rather live in the woods for the rest of my life and see no one ever and be happier. im short, so i get teased by my height. and my voice gets high pitched as well when i get confused and ppl make fun of me. even my friends. we just had a bully assembly yesterday at my school and they said that if someone gets bullied go tell an adult, but i don't want to be called a snitch cuz the bullying will keep happening. im also smart so i get made from from that. and im a girl btw. i want to stand up for myself without any fighting, been down that road- not fun. i honestly don't know what other reasons ppl make fun of me for. my friends will say that im a freak and etc. (being serious). even if im just eating my lunch quietly. it bugs the crap out of me. and i don't swear. I HATE IT. PLZ HELP ME. thank you (: i do have a good friend that said he'd stand up for me if im made fun of but i don't want to drag him in this stuff. thank you. like for instance im very gullible and im now paranoid because my "friends" said that i live in a crazy house filled with actors (i have a strong and strange imagination) and they all were making fun of me cuz im paranoid. i started ignoring them. help? thanks :D

Am i a bad person if i ignore someone i can't stand?

Of course not. That's exactly what you should do.

I'm scared to fight and stand up for myself?

I have been bullied for a long time by a lot of people and I used to stand up for myself when I was in elementary school but now I lost all my confidence. Everytime someone In my school says something mean about me,I get too scared to stand up for myself so I ignore them . I've never got into a fight but I got physically bullied before. I don't like to argue or fight . How can I overcome this ?