Is It Natural For Hair To Darken With Age

Why are some blonde women have a natural darker hair near the scalp?

When most people think of blonde hair, this comes to mind:This is bleached blonde hair, not natural blonde hair.Adults with natural blonde hair look more like this:andNatural blonde hair is multidimensional. The undertones are darker blonde or sometimes even light brown. The lighter portions will be one or more shades of blonde. Overtime, exposure to sun will subtly lighten the hair emphasizing highlights in addition to brightening the ends to create a gradient effect.

Why do natural blonde's hair darken as they age?

Nobody's natural hair color stays the same. My hair was medium brown when I was younger - now I am 24, and it's a darker brown. In the summer, it turns light brown from being in the sun - when I stay more indoors, it darkens. There's a science to it, I am sure, but only if the natural color is left alone.

How do I keep my natural blonde hair from darkening.?

i was born with platinum blonde hair, but like as early as maybe 3 it started to darken. It kept darkening over the years into an ashy blonde, which looked good for a while. The problem is that now it is like a very very boring brown. It is not even a nice brunette color because it is cool toned, and has no reds or hazelnut color in it. Just plain boring mousy brown. I don't want to damage it, and I get it highlighted, the problem is that when my roots grow in they look really dark compared to the blonde highlights. Even though technically I am still a level 8 blonde. I don't think lemon juice works and no sun in PLEASE! Any shampoos I could use? I also have really really dark brown eyes, and very very pale skin. If my hair gets any darker I will look dead, so anyone have any GOOD suggestions?

Naturally blonde hair with darker roots?

I don't understand it either, my hair was blonde last year (un-naturally) and my natural color was brown, well when school started up again I decided to go dark again, except now my roots are starting to show, and they're lighter...?
Not to mention, i re-dyed it a couple days ago to get rid of my showing roots, but the roots ended up being a couple shades off the rest of the color, even though i dyed the whole thing. so that was basically a waste of time and money for me, cuz my hair is gonna lighten in the summer anyway.
But it's really confusing, and I kinda agree with the person who answered before i could. Thats what color it will be if you grow it out, although, the roots tend to be a little bit darker than the rest of your hair anyway, and as long as its natural, it'll look alright.

Blonde hair does darken with age... Right?

Or not necessarily? I was looking through old photos and started to wonder.

As a very little child I used to have light blonde hair. However on photos where I'm around 4, up to photos where I'm 15, my hair is chestnut brown or a realy dark blonde - I remember having this color and I see it on old photos. However, it has changed - it lightened a lot from that time, (I'm 20) now it has a nice blondish honey color. I never dyed it, I only let it grow very long. How come it is lighter now? Shouldn't it be darkening?

Do blonde people's hair darken as they age?

It depends on a few factors. The main one is genetics, but a person's environment and lifestyle can hair color as well. For example sometimes blonde hair gets lighter if a person moves closer to equator and gets more sun. Or sometimes stress can cause a person's hair to turn grey. Certain chemicals in the air have also been known to alter hair color.

At what age does your hair stop getting darker?

Well I know your hair gets gray and then white when you're in yours 40-50s or maybe before (duh!) But... when I was born and as far as I can remember (like at age 4-5) I had light-medium brown hair and now, at 16, I have very dark brown hair that looks almost black... is there a chance that my hair might become darker or even black? When does hair usually get its permanent color (until it whitens, that is...) My dad had jet black hair and my mom had medium to dark brown hair.

Why is my pubic hair getting darker?

Sunlight lightens your hair, especially if you are already blond but how often do you expose your pubic hair to the sun? It's not going to change the same way, so don't worry about it, it's normal.

At what age does blonde hair turn darker? Serious answers only please!?

I'm sure most people know that most blondes end up with dark hair by the time they're adults, but the thing is, how old does someone have to be before it's safe to assume that they'll forever be a natural blonde? That it won't turn darker?

I had natural very, very light blonde hair until I was 12 but then it darkened to more of a golden blonde shade and it's still the same shade today and I'm now 16 (almost 17). My parents say it will more than likely turn brown though eventually because both of them have dark hair. Is it safe to assume that I'll be blonde forever or is there still a chance it could turn brown?