Is It Normal For My Hand To Hurt 4 Weeks After I Broke My Elbow

My hand hurts after punching a wall. Is my hand broken or simply sprained?

I did this like a muppet. My right hand was basically completely useless after connecting with a hard wood wardrobe. My knuckle was in a lot of pain almost immediately and I iced it regularly and used my hand sparingly. But its okay, if you really caught it bad and its sore throughout the back of the hand, then after around 5 weeks should start to feel somewhat back to normal from experience. Squeezing and gripping can be an issue for a while, and avoid shaking hands with it. Seriously.It feels like it will never get better, but keep it in a compressed ‘sock’ for around 3 weeks - taking it off for bed, and use it when you need for a 4th week - and the tendons will start to gain strength back after healing.Now after 6 weeks id say its at 85% and getting better. Lesson learnt.

I hit my elbow like two weeks ago?

This happen to me before, I hurt my elbow and after a few weeks of hurt i went to the doctor and found that i chipped something. Nothing that can really be done, the pain went away in time.

I broke my arm, have been in cast for five weeks, but I still feel pain when i move my arm around in the cast?

Having broken the radius in my arm 4 weeks ago, I can assure you that the pain you are feeling is from lack of movement. The other bone in the forearm is the ulna (the bone you broke).
I had a cast on my arm for 3 weeks that disallowed movement of my wrist and hand, because the elbow was restricted. But last week, the orthopedic doctor changed the cast to a "short arm" cast, which freed up my elbow. He told me to start moving my arm palms down and palms up to increase my range of motion. Yes! It hurts to do it, but I try a little more each time.
Since you have a cast from your hand all the way to your armpit, your fracture must be more involved than a straight break, like mine. However, it only takes 6 to 8 weeks for a bone to heal properly, so it probably is healing just fine, but the muscles have atrophied a bit from lack of use.
Don't be terribly surprised to find out when they remove your cast, that your arm is noticeably smaller in bulk than your other one. You may need to do some physical therapy to regain the muscle strength in your arm. I wish you luck and a speedy recovery!

I hit my elbow 6 weeks ago and it still hurts to straighten out x-rays were normal what should I do?

Couple of things.  If the x-rays were taken within 24 hours of the injry you may need to be re-x-rayed.  Many times a hairline fracture does not become visible on x-ray for up to 7 days until bone healing highlights the fracture. In other words, they can be easy to miss in early x-ray studies.The joint most likely will not fully extend because inflammation within the joint creates fluid which acts like a ‘block’ to full extension.  Healing requires you to reduce the inflammation.  After 6 weeks your condition is chronic.  Therefore you can begin home therapy.  First use moist heat around the joint. Once you have the joint warmed up you can before gentle ROM exercises to limits of motion and gently try and stretch the ROM as much as possible.  After a period of stretching ice the joint down which helps to ‘lock-in’ gains.  Do this at least once a day (preferably twice) for a couple weeks.That is basically what a Physical Therapist would do and by doing it yourself you can perform it more often and less out of pocket expense.

Broken arm!?

I had a minor break this summer (only a 3 week, half cast thing). I had to learn how to write with my other hand, and got pretty good at it, but found typing one handed to be a lot easier and faster.

Ummm, other advice to make things easier. Get your sister, or mom, or someone to help you dress.

If you don't have a table to eat at, only get food that you can eat with one hand.

If you have chores like dishes that you normally do, ask your folks to buy some paper plates for when it's your turn.

Try to keep a smile on - it's really easy to get depressed and frustrated when your body just doesn't work.

And last, but most important of all - be very good about doing all your exercises or physical therapy your doc recommends so you can get your full strength and range of motion back as soon as possible.

Have anyone broken their humerus (the arm bone above the elbow )?

Yes yes yes. Okay, so I fractured my humerus 8 monthes ago. It snapped completely in half. I had surgery that day (after 14 painful hours). They put a plate and a screw in to hold my arm together. Before the surgery I couldn't even get out of my hospital bed, but a couple hours after the surgery they sat me up and brought me to the bathroom. I felt a LOT better. The days afterward weren't too bad because I was on a LOT of pain killers. I got the cast off after about a week which was replaced by a completely removable brace for my upper arm.

However, I suffered from radial neuropathy (wrist drop) for around 5 monthes. The surgery or the break (the doctor isn't sure which) knicked the radial nerve, so I couldn't extend my fingers or wrist at all for around 4 monthes. After 4 monthes I saw it start to come back VERY quickly. I got a flicker at first, and within a week, I was able to move it up and down. After another month, I had almost complete control over it. The day of the break was in August, and I'm now 100% better. I had about 3-4 weeks of physical therapy. I was out of work for about a month ( I work at a grocery store, so I didn' want to risk picking somethign heavy up and re-breaking it). I drove 2 days after I got my cast off (to make sure the pain killers had worn off). If you have nerve damage, you're in for about a 6 month road. It will seem hopless, but trust me, it's not. And no one will appreciate being able to wave more than us!

I broke my humerus 8 weeks ago but still am unable to straighten my arm. I've begun physical therapy a week ago with very slow progress. The therapist said the elbow can tend to get pretty stiff. Do I need surgery or to be more aggressive with moving the arm?

The inability to straighten your arm (your elbow that is) is because you had to bend your elbow while carrying your broken arm in a sling for many weeks, so you need to exercise hard to be able to stretch your elbow again.While having your arm in a sling you need to exercise your shoulder so not to lose movement in the shoulder.See Fractured Humerus | Doctor | upon the broken bone (which after 8 weeks would have healed by now) obviously isn't useful since that isn't the problem you're facing.

Why does my elbow still hurt two months after falling on it? Could it be fractured without me knowing it?

If you want to do anything useful, have a competent doc look at it, rather than having an X-ray taken and then what, you lacking any medical expertise. People don’t realize that doctoring is much, much more than ordering blood test, X-rays and what have you, taking one’s history and doing a proper examination are still the mainstay of practicing proper medicine. Otherwise why would you need docs for?Many would start by consulting a competent GP (my preference). Some would directly go to an orthopedic surgeon.As you can see from this pic there is much more than just bones involved: muscles, tendons, ligaments, joint surface, bursa, they can be damaged, inflamed etc. etc. and cause pain.All the best!

Why is my elbow still hurting 7 hours after I hit my funny bone?

The upper bone of your arm is the humerus, then you have two bones that make up the lower arm called the radius (towards the thumb) and ulna (towards the little finger). Usually when you hit your ’funny bone’ it’s the ulnar nerve that runs along the bone and skin.The pain is often described as a shooting, shock like pain that runs down the outside of your hand, last couple of fingers.If you have really banged up that nerve, it’s possible to have some swelling and trauma. It may take a couple of days for the nerve swelling and/or structures surrounding the nerve to calm down. Give it a little time, maybe use a bit of ice and an NSAID.However, having said all of that, if there is severe swelling or discoloration of the hands or fingers seek urgent care from a physician or emergency room immediately!Otherwise, if the pain is not resolved or at least better within a couple of days, you may call your physician for professional advice.Hitting your ‘funny bone’ is not very ‘humerus’. Pun intended ;)