Is It Possible To Become The President In The States Without Believing In God

If it is true that no one can become an American President without God's approval, then is it true that an opposition to him is influenced by Satan?

*Sigh*OK, time for a quick crash course in formal logic.“If p, then q” is called a “conditional statement” or an “implication”, where “p” and “q” represent fact claims.“p” is called the “antecedent”, and “q” is called the “consequent”.A conditional statement is true if and only if every time p is true, q is also true. It is false only if there is some scenario in which p is true and q is false.Now, an interesting consequence of this, which not many people realize, is that a conditional with a false antecedent is always true.*That is, if p is false, then it doesn’t matter if q is true or false - because, remember, we said that the conditional is only false if p is true and q is false.This is sometimes phrased as, “A false statement implies everything.”So, yes, if it is true that no one can become President without God’s approval, then it is true that any opposition to him is influenced by Satan.Oh, I’m not saying there’s any theological truth here - it’s more than possible for someone to take an action that is not aimed at God’s ultimate plans and not to be a sinner, because God doesn’t necessarily let us know His plans ahead of time.What I’m saying is that the statement, “No one can become an American President without God’s approval” is false - and therefore, you can insert anything at all as “q” and it will be true.“If it is true that no one can become an American President without God’s approval, then it is true that Clint Eastwood is an alien cyborg from the planet Bxtyplrg.” Still a true conditional.God doesn’t even hand-pick the Pope, much less the American President.He works all things to His will - but He uses what we give Him, via our use of His great gift of free will.So, is Donald Trump’s presidency “part of God’s plan”? Yes - in the sense that God knew it would happen, and planned accordingly.Did God cause Donald Trump to be elected? Only He knows, but I’m betting on “no”, simply because He usually doesn’t interfere in the results of human free choices.Did God want Trump to be chosen over Clinton? You’ll have to ask Him, because I sure can’t read His mind.*[For the sake of completeness, I should note that this applies only to indicative antecedents, not subjunctive antecedents - that is to say, it is still possible to meaningfully debate hypothetical or counterfactual scenarios.]

Which group would be the least likely to become president?

A few years ago I would have said a black president! I am old enough to remember when people said Jack Kennedy could never be president because he was Catholic! In fact, long before that, people wouldn't stand for a Catholic VP candidate! If anything happened to the president, they said, he would take orders directly from the Pope.

Then they said a divorced man could never be president. But Reagan was divorced and it didn't matter at all. (Actually Reagan showed us we didn't even -need- a president. 8^< ).

I'd say of the ones you have there, probably a gay would have the least chance. If he was really openly, outrageously gay. But then there's a big difference between an Arab American like, say, Tony Shaloub, and a crazy guy with a turban, between a president who just doesn't believe in God and one who campaigns about religion being evil, etc.

Can an atheist become the President of the USA?

No and Yes.The No partWhile there are no legal impediments requiring the POTUS to have any type of religious affiliation one way or another, the voters get to decide if a candidate is actually qualified to hold the position.Currently no candidate in the U.S. elections has been able to get elected without declaring a mainstream Christian affiliation. The closest anyone has come lately was probably Mitt Romney who declared himself to be Mormon. Mormons are not quite mainstream Christians, and arguably not quite Christians either, although it probably wasn’t his Mormonism that was the reason he wasn’t elected.The Yes part. It is quite likely that declared non Atheists who became presidents are actually Atheists. It is hard for many to believe that the current incumbent is not an atheist, for example. I am sure there have been others, perhaps better hidden. Two Corinthians…..Now for an opinion - because I can’t help myself: I live in the U.S., but am from Australia. One of our recent Prime ministers was an unmarried female immigrant atheist living with her partner. When the U.S. voters are sufficiently enlightened to make a similar selection as their head of government, then I’ll believe U.S. democracy and social values have made real steps forward.

Why do United States Presidents swear in on The Bible?

Well, no, not really. I think I understand your point (serving two masters) but in this instance it isn't actually so.
I can't speak for other Christians, but the Orthodox Christians daily pray for their civil and military authorities, as well as have them in their prayers for Divine Liturgy. I have been taught that I must remember that whoever holds such offices are not immune to the fallibility of man.
Currently, the only reason an incoming President is inaugurated by swearing on a Bible is tradition. There is nothing legally wrong with doing so, nor is it legally wrong to not.
Edit: But how is it blasphemous? Again I can only speak for my faith, and no one else's, but it is also a matter of faith that God brought us our leaders at the time they were needed for His plan. I don't ever have to like God's plan for the government of my country, but I must accept it as a matter of His will for His purpose.
Edit2: OK, but Jesus also commanded His apostles to obey the laws of the country and be willing to accept the consequences (actually, martyrdom) for breaking them. The laws of this country dictate that the President swear or affirm to uphold the Constitution of the US. Whether they use a Bible or not to swear or affirm that oath is inconsequential.
I would feel it more blasphemous if an elected official took an oath on a Holy Book that was not of his or her faith, like if a non-Christian took the oath on a Bible. This applies to a Christian taking an oath on a Holy Book other than the Bible as well.

What are the informal qualifications to become a president?

If you consider that the "formal" qualifications are only those listed in the Constitution, then the "informal" ones that the American people seem to want are: They have to have held a significant office such as governor or Senator or Member of Congress or be a high-ranking military officer. They have to believe in God and be willing to be public about it. They have to perceived to be a good speaker at some point in time.

If God exists, did He choose Donald Trump to become the President of the United States?

You make an erroneous assumption that God likes the GOP and he wouldn’t.They are all already damned them all to hell for not being Christian and following his example in the bible. Where he gives you examples of abortion being done. Where he gives word and deed that life does not begin until outside the womb when we talk that breath of life. Wasn’t good enough for the Pro Lifer’s so the threw away their God yet again to try to redefine when he tells them life starts. Then in every example given in the bible, life is only mentioned when the person is outside the womb, again, every time the word is used in the bible. Blasphemour!If God exist he damned the entire GOP to hell for lying about him and abortion for 50 years. He does not oppose it but condones it. The story this scripture is from shows it was a common practice during that time.Numbers 5:27 - King James Version (KJV)27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.So since they show they have no integrity, no moral high ground and they threw out their God and supplanted his word, will and authority with their own morality. I doubt he has much use for the GOP Christians who are no more Christian than I am in reality.What say you sinner? You didn’t vote for God, you voted yourself to hell.

Why did President Eisenhower believe it was important for the United States to provide aid to Vietnam?

He expected that in return for the aid, Vietnam would agree to become a democracy.

He believed it was the duty of the United States to assist all nations in need.

He thought that if one Southeast Asian nation fell to communism, more would follow.

He wanted to establish bases in Asia that would be close to China, Japan, and the Soviet Union.

Did the U.S. ever have an atheist president? If not, is there a possibility for that in the future?

When Barack Obama was born, it was conventional wisdom that there was absolutely no chance of becoming President.It took a radical shift in society for him to become President, but it did happen.  People live longer, and they usually carry their old ideas with them the whole time, but they do eventually die off.  When Obama was born, homosexuality was the love that dared not speak its name.  Today, it's the love that won't shut up, and today's young people find homosexual relationships on nearly identical footing to heterosexual ones.That's not to say I'm optimistic that it will take only 50 years.  When Obama was born, a female President seemed more likely than a black President.  Hillary Clinton didn't get the job, and there are no non-ridiculous candidates running this time, either.  Atheism may remain the last taboo.  Various tenets of religion fade over time as people realize that they can eat pork or love their own gender or skip church without lightning striking them, but at least in the US we still cling to the idea that God loves us in particular.  We even had it crammed, ungrammatically, into the indoctrination oath we force our children to learn.  A common anti-atheist argument is of the form "Somebody must have created the universe": not necessarily my god, but somebody's god.  It's just gotta be, right?Still, one lifetime is all it takes for the unthinkable to become a daily fact of life.  I doubt I will live to see an openly atheist President, but by living openly as an atheist myself I am introducing the present and subsequent generation to the idea that an atheist can be good, moral, thoughtful, and tolerant.  It may be nobody alive will see it, but the grandchildren of one of us might well.  They're just waiting for us to die off.