Is It Possible To Get A Heart Attack This Way

Is it possible to have a heart attack in your sleep?

Yes, it's possible. It has actually been implicated (or rather, suspected) in a good number of cases of people who die in their sleep.   Given the usual risk factors, like age over 45, usuallygenetic predisposition (to atherosclerosis) sedentary lifestyle overweightother vasculopathies e.g. diabetesprevious warning signs like an anginaa diagnosed heart condition a heart attack can occur anytime.     It doesn't have to be dramatic like the sudden pain and chest-clutching we see in movies, after which they fall and die. Actually, a heart attack can be quite insidious.    During sleep the body takes it easy, no doubt, so the chances of a heat attack occurring are lower than during wakefulness. However, progressive ischaemia that leads to a myocardial infarction, that is, local death of heart muscle cells and what we call a heart attack, continues even when we sleep. When there are only small areas of infarction, the heart usually compensates by hypertrophy (increase in size) to increase pumping power and cardiac output, and make up for the non-functional infarcted areas which are usually fibrotic.Also, the damaged cells may release acidic substances e.g lactic acid or other pain-producing substances like histamine which alert the individual of the damage (angina pectoris). However, large infarcted areas may occur, andsome people never receive the alert; they never have an angina. Therefore, susceptible individuals who experience sudden wakefulness with the following symptoms should call for help immediately Chest or body pains, especially around the left shoulder region Cold sweats Irregular heartbeat Increased heart rateDizziness, confusion and mental impairment Engorged neck veins (in extreme cases) These are hallmarks of a nocturnal heart attack. Also, it'd be wise to sleep with help nearby, to prevent unfortunate outcomes. I hope this answer helps someone somewhere. Peace.

Is it possible to fake a heart attack?

Depends on whether you still want to be alive after "faking " a heart attack. There are drugs that can imitate a heart attack. Well enough to fool a coroner.

Heart attack at 14?

Is that possible, because I think I just had one. I myself find it to be pretty outrageous, but earlier I was reading, and all of the sudden it hurt really bad to exhale. It felt like stabbing on the left side of my chest, so I wound up laying on my bed for like, 30 minutes trying to find an easy way to breath without getting a stabbing feeling. Then towards the end of my trouble breathing, my back (the area behind the left side of my chest) began to ache badly. Then my jaw started to hurt. I was chewing gum at the time, so I assumed it had something to do with that. This was like 1 hour ago, and it still hurts a bit to breath. And I also thought my breathing was asthma related, because I used to have a severe asthma problem when I was young, for an example of the severity of my problem, I was on a name to name basis with many of the doctors in my local ER. But later, when I looked up my symptoms (extreme pain in chest, back aching, and jaw pain) I kept coming up with heart attack

Is it possible to have a heart attack with normal vitals?

I currently am having chest pain which radiates to the upper back between the shoulder blades. I feel the discomfort during inspirations and expirations with slight dizziness. However when i take my blood pressure, it shows 138 over 82 with heart beats per minute at 64. I do cadiovascular exercise three to four days a week for about an hour and sometimes more. I do smoke cigarettes, about 20 per three to four days. Is it possible to have a heart attack with normal vitals? should i rush to an emergency room?

Heart Attack at age 22?

Is it possible to have a heart attack at age 22? I am not majorly over weight. I do not eat the way I should, but I am trying to change all of that. I try to work out every day and watch what I eat. Is it possible to change the direction my bad health is going? Is it possible to lower the chances of Heart problems? if so, how?

How can i induce a heart attack?

why would you want to?

What are the signs of a mini heart attack?

Every heart attack is potentially dangerous, even a so called minor one. Studies have also shown that 25–45% of heart attacks may be silent or go unrecognized.Any chest discomfort (need not be pain) or discomfort ranging from the lower jaw to the upper abdomen may signal a heart attack. Since there are so many other causes for chest pain or discomfort, a few points might help.Any discomfort in these areas, associated with sweating or breathlessness or giddiness should not be taken lightly and warrants medical attention, especially in a person with risk factors for a heart attack.Pain of a heart attack is generally NOT localised to a small area (eg coin sized), not sharp or pricking, does not get worse by pressure over that area, and does not worsen with movements of the neck or shoulder.Its also good to know a persons risk of having a heart attack. The major risk factors include Diabetes, High blood pressure, Abnormal lipid (cholesterol) levels, smoking, family history of heart disease, obesity and sedentary life style. Age is the strongest risk factor and other risk factors include being male and Indian, but we don’t talk much about these as they are non-modifiable risk factors. The more risk factors one has, the greater is the statistical probability of getting a heart attack. Persons with risk factors should have medical checks conducted and try their best to control the risk factors.If you think you or someone close to you is having a heart attack, rush to a good hospital, as 50% of deaths due to a heart attack occur in the first hour, and many of these deaths are preventable if the patient is in a well equipped hospital.We see too many youngsters coming with heart attack, and many of them are smokers.Advice especially to younger people: please AVOID TOBACCO IN ANY FORM, avoid too much junk food, and get some regular exercise. Remember, prevention is much, much better than cure (and cure is often not possible).

Is it possible to voluntarily induce a heart attack in yourself? How?

A2AA heart attack is a loss of blood flow to the heart resulting in the death of the heart muscle. In order to induce a heart attack, it would be necessary to somehow block blood flow to the heart. You know how commercials for erectile dysfunction medications say "Don't take this medication if you take nitrates for chest pain?" Here's why: Nitrates (Nitroglyecerin) work by causing systemic vasodilation. Chest pain, or angina, is caused by restricted blood flow to the heart causing oxygen deprivation in the tissues, but not enough to result in tissue death. Taking nitroglycerin will help to dilate your coronary arteries, which supply the heart muscle with blood, and hopefully it will create a larger opening through the partial blockage of the artery so your heart gets the blood it needs. ED meds work the same way, because they were also initially designed to treat angina. Viagra was developed as a heart medication, and it was discovered to have the side effect of inducing an erection due to the altered blood flow. Taking an ED medication and Nitroglycerin together results in massive systemic vasodilation, effectively reducing your blood pressure to practically nothing. Having such a low blood pressure could reduce blood flow to your heart so much that you have a heart attack. Realistically, though, you'd be likely to have a stroke as well because the blood vessels in the brain do not have valves to keep blood in place, and having a good blood pressure is necessary to perfuse the brain.