Is It Possible To Have Add And Ocd

Is it possible to have ADHD and OCD at the same time?

Yes it is. I suffer from both with the exception of the H. I don't have hyper activity at all. I have suffered with mild to moderate OCD for as long as I can remember. I didn't realize I had ADD until I was about 30. I went back to school, I was studying mental health and chemical dependency. In my dual diagnosis class we got on the subject of ADD and a couple students started talking about there kids that had been diagnosed; I realized that they were describing my childhood. My mom couldn't tell me to go clean my room. She had to tell me pick up dirty clothes, make your bed, pick up bigger things of the carpet, run the sweeper etc... There were other things as well. ADD is actually a lot more complex than getting distracted. When you throw OCD in with it well it sucks. I don't have the extreme OCD i'm not a germaphobe, I don't have to touch the door knob 3 times before I open it. If you would like to know more about my issues comment and let me know. But yes they can co-exist just check my bio by my namd ;)

Is it possible to have dyslexia and OCD?

It is possible to have OCD and dyslexia

Do you have any other compulsive behaviours or patterns, like checking things a certain number of times, line things up, washing hand or other rituals? OCD becomes a problem when other notice or you find it difficult to get out the door because of your rituals.

But you know you tend to forget things, which might be causing you some anxiety, which could make the checking worse.

Certainly mention to the EP that you have noticed your checking things often and that your unable to sleep until you have made sure things are ok, and that friends have noticed too.

My late father in-law had OCD, which was quite noticeable when I met my hubby, he'd line things up on the dresser and bathroom and if you touched and did not put it in the right place he'd go mad, it eventually got so bad, when had to make him do something, as he had to open close the doors 3 times before going through it, wash the cup/glass 3 times before drinking from it, everything was in threes.

Is it possible to have high functioning autism and OCD at the same time?

Yes. Its far too common for someone with high functioning autism to also struggle with a side diagnosis likely related to how they deal with stress and doing too much and so on. Having OCD, ADHD, depression and more as well as an autism diagnosis is far too common unfortunately.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Autism Spectrum DisorderOCD and autism: How can you tell the difference? - Mendability

Is it possible for a person to have ADHD, OCD and Autism?

I'm not a doctor so I can only tell you about my first-hand experience. Yes, it is possible to have all the conditions listed. Most autistic people struggle with either ADHD or anxiety or both. But autistic people do repetitive behaviors and tend to get stuck on certain thoughts even without OCD so it is very hard to distinguish. For example, I have both autism and OCD. I developed OCD in my 20's so in my case, it is evident that those are 2 separate conditions. Since OCD is a type of anxiety disorder, it tends to be comorbid with autism. People with autism have significantly higher rates of anxiety disorders.

I have tried to research this subject and I haven't managed to find much explanation because of the complexity of the subject. Some people think anxiety coexists with autism because it has different origins in autistic people than in people who have no the brain is wired differently so it results in anxiety.

My experience is that autism itself causes anxious behavior and then the behavior that differs from neurotypical behavior causes further anxiety due to negative feedback. So I think anxiety has multiple causes in autistic individuals. A part of it does not derive from others' feedback. I notice that on myself. It just exists due to autism, I believe.

No matter what you have, just know that it is possible to manage these conditions.

Can one have both ADD and OCD?

My husband has both ADD and OCD. Although they are both rather mild, they both exist, so yes it is possible. Perhaps I should note that they do not tend to work together with one another. As to why, all I can say for sure is, the brain works in mysterious, profound ways we've yet to truly understand. Your question is interesting, sorry I couldnt be more scientific.

Update: I found this on the web, it's interesting:

ADD OCD is different from Classic OCD. Both are dysfucntions in the area of the prefrontal cortex associated with the abilty to shift attention. ADD/OCD is associated with multiple areas of the Cortex, while Classic OCD is associate only with the one single area.

Classic OCD involves a global perfectionism in every area of the persons life. The person with OCD/ADD seems to be organised on the outside, but upon further investigation (look in his closet) you find surprising amount of disorder and disorganisation. My livingroom is organised, but if you go in my room you'll do well to make it without tripping over the shoes, laundry, books that liter my floor.

The OCD/ADD combination may be the most tormented. Part of his brain is obsessed with perfection, while other parts are incapable of successfully balancing a checkbook.

Could i have both OCD and ADHD?

I'm an eighteen year old who was recently diagnosed with ADHD and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). The problem is that since going on medication to get rid of the ADHD symptoms, i have become more obsessive than normal, to the point my friends have commented.

1) I eat in a very specific way - for example with a Kit-Kat i must open it up and smooth the silver paper as straight as possible, then break each stick and eat it so the word 'Kit-Kat' is spelt forward. The main problem is that i can't stand to watch other people eating them in the 'wrong' manner and refuse to offer them to friends for fear they will do this.

2) I have a thing with numbers: I avoid listening to music if the volume is at an odd number, same for the TV. I have a serious problem with the number 7, i just hate it: I feel physically ill if someone puts the volume up/down to it.

Although I do like some numbers: even numbers are better but a multiple of five tops that, as i said before i don't like odd ones and yet the number 3 plays a big part in my life. I always use 3 squirts of soap, always have and make others have biscuits in a multiple of 3 etc.

3) I am a perfectionist, if i don't have a shower at the exact right time in the morning then i just think it's not worth doing and write the day off, try again the next day to get things perfect.

4) Bad grammar is the thing that kills me the most in the world: mainly that mine isn't perfect. I didn't do well in an exercise in school concerning apostrophes and it plays on my mind everyday even though it was months ago now. Someone has drawn on a toilet door at my local pub and made a horrible mistake and now i can't use that cubical without reading it and getting extremely irritated

Okay sorry that was so long, but what do you think? My mum is currently going for tests as she may have OCD too, she obsessively checks things and that the taps and oven are off etc, i don't really have this problem though (except making sure the door's locked when i'm in bed).

Thanks in advance.