Is It Possible To Teach My Baby Brother To Roar

Wtf is wrong with my brother?

Perhaps you're thinking too deeply about this. Yes it must be annoying as hell to be going through what your'e going through but stop pretending your brother is going to view the situation like a full calm and collected adult. He's 13, he probably feels on top due to this 'I get away with everything'. You're best bet unfortunately is to not react at all, yes you've tried it and yes it sucks but hell, you're better than this. Rise above it and don't react when your parents tell you off, it's just what he wants...

Now if you're not better than this and you want good old fashioned revenge you could always find some secret on your brother, ei, film him doing something embarrassing, catch him doing something he'd get you in trouble for and once you get that evidence, use it against him, you tell him, if he snitches for these petty things 1 more time, this thing hit's the internet and hell, if he tells you off, it'll be worth it, mwuhahahahahahhaha

I don't know what to tell ya, brother's can be d***s sometimes but if you step back and review the situation before you act on it, you'll do a lot better, and perhaps sit your parents down and speak to them like adults, if they still seem to be unreasonable and act blind to this favorism, it might be best to be 'off' with them. Behave, be polite, but don't be happy with them, it's like when a girl says she's fine but you know you've done something wrong, do that long enough and eventually they'll snap out of it.

Meh I'm no expert, these are my humble opinions

Is it okay to let my son play with a baby doll?

Of course it is okay! For one, imaginative play does not permanently set children on a course for their future. It has more to do with the actual exercise of their imaginations not the exact content. But if you shame him for innocent play, he will not understand why, he will simply have negative emotions surrounding that subject. What is wrong with wanting to be a dad? Honestly, the taboo surrounding boys playing with dolls and “girl toys” is the most ignorant fear. First, if your child is going to be gay, they just are, and any decent loving parent shouldn’t have a problem with that. Second, as I said above, this is innocent play and should be left alone. Why would you want to change a child’s nurturing personality? Too feminine?? He is THREE… In a few years, perhaps even a few months it is likely your son will be throwing that doll in the dirt and running it over with monster trucks. Which is a little more concerning if you think their imagination at play is a threat to their future identity.My middle son is absolutely in love with his baby brother. Trying to share his toys, snacks, and always giving him kisses. Concerned when he cries. He is 17 months old and cares about his newborn little brother. Should I be concerned that he isn’t being boyish enough? Now does it sound silly when I put it that way?

My little brother is afraid of thunder and can I help him?

maybe you could try singing him to sleep or try to find positive things about the storm or even make a game out of it! I know that on an episode of winnie the pooh (don't judge me haha) that piglet was afraid of the thunder and pooh helped him by teaching him that the further apart the roars of thinder are from each other in time, the farther away they are and they made a game from that. Anyways, I hope that helped and you seem like an amazing brother! Good luck :)

How do you deal with someone who lacks compassion or empathy?

Quite simply…don’t allow their behavior to take you out of your peace.My dad’s a dick.I love him. He’s incredibly loyal, dependable & generous. And, of course, he’s my dad.But he’s also an incredibly imperialistic & judgmental narcissist who treats anyone who cannot serve him like human garbage.Curiously, of the 6 kids my folks had, only my brother & I have chosen to remain local (perhaps it bears mentioning that 1 of my brothers - who actually worked alongside my dad for 20 years & knew him better than anybody - chose to “suseed from the union” 17 years ago).But simply living within 3 miles of my dad wasn't enough. I chose to work for him too! Which means that I have the added benefit of seeing him every single day of the (work) week.Apparently I felt the best way to work through my daddy issues was to face them head-on. And I was right!Ever hear the expression “run to the roar”? It refers to the hunting habits of lions & it goes like this…As lions age they no longer have the strength or stamina to chase down prey.But they can still roar!So while the younger, stronger lions “go wide” the roar of the older lions sends the unwhitting gazelle straight into their trap.The analogy being that, rather then run away from that which frightens us, we run to it & face it directly.Which is exactly how I feel we must deal with behaviors that make us feel uncomfortable.Rather than blame another for the feelings that are coming up in us we need to recognize that they're actually doing us a favor by bringing those feelings to our awareness where we can actually do something about em!Someone who lacks compassion & empathy has learned - probably at a very young age - that the best way to protect themselves from getting hurt is to prevent themselves from ever feeling the emotions that hurt them in the 1st place.Of course, it rarely ever looks this way, does it? People who exhibit this behavior tend to show up as insensitive assholes. But that doesn't mean this is who they are. Merely that it's the persona they've adopted to protect themselves.Allowing another person’s negativity to stick to you is a choice. When my 85-year -old dad chooses to show up like a 10-year-old child I simply ignore him - until he chooses to act his age.And it works!So that's how I have learned to deal with someone who lacks compassion & empathy without loosing myself in the process. I hope this helps!

If a child doesn't shut cupboards, drawers, or doors do you think something is wrong?

Psychologically, do you think there may be a problem if a 8 year old girl can never remember to close any drawers, cupboards or doors when they have been opened. Even when asked repeatedly to close them, and reminded on a daily basis the doors are alway left open.
For example, when she will come in the house, the front door is wide open, when she grabs a snack out of the cupboard she doesn't close it, if she gets juice out of the fridge it is left wide open, and she absentmindedly walks away.

I'm wondering if there may be some psychological reason for this, or if it is just the forgetful nature of an 8 year old girl. She is a foster child, new to our home, has only been living here for roughly 7 months, is very intelligent in school, so i wonder what the problem might be?

I am just concerned because it does not happen 'occasionally', it occurs every time.

Do Siberian Huskies eat cats?

My brother & I have been thinking about getting a Siberian Husky & we've heard that they eat cats. Does anyone know if it's true? & if so, would just training the dog really well help prevent them from eating smaller animals?