Is It Weird To Ask Someone Their Myers Briggs Personality Type

What do you think of the ESFP personality type (Myers Briggs)?

Oh man, I'm sorry. I can just picture an ENTJ with a ESFP. I can see how that went wrong. :(
ESFP are very fun-loving, impulsive, practical and extroverted people. My sister is an ESFP. I'm an ISFJ. But, I can sympathize.

A good partner for an ESFP personality type would be either an ISFJ, like me, or an ISTJ. ISFJs are sweet, introverted and earnest people. They are truly warm and kind-hearted, and want to believe the best of people. ISTJs are introverted, practical and rational people. They are quiet and reserved individuals who are interested in security and peaceful living. I think either of these types would be ideal for an ESFP. Note: That does not necessarily mean they are your only matching types. Relationships are about shared experiences, common interest and goals as well as personality types!

NTs can be really harsh. I'm sorry about your ENTJ girlfriend. They can be ruthless. *hug*

Hope this helps! Good luck! :D

Myers Briggs Personality Test.?

Find out "what you are".
The Myers Briggs personality test is divided into 16 different personality types. It's amazingly accurate. It's good to know, and you can also look up other personality types. I've found that when I clash with someone, I read what sounds like their personality type, and it's easier to see where they're coming from.

The test is based on four categories.

Extraversion and Introversion
Sensing and Intuition
Thinking and Feeling
Judging and Perceiving

I'm an ENTJ. :)

Once you find your four letter type, go to
and read a more in-depth description of your type. If it doesn't sound like you, retake the test.


Myers-Briggs personality type and belief(s)?

The Myers-Briggs is just more pseudoscience.

Am I an isfj or isfp? myers briggs personality type...?

ok. I thought I was a infj, at first. Then I didn't agree with the description, so I then tested as an infp (dreamer). But I felt like I was conforming to an ideal, be more like Angela Chase, My So-Called Life, my childhood inspiration. But then I tested as an isfp (the artist), I agreed. But I didn't agree with the personality of the relationship aspect. I then tested as a isfj. I agreed with the relationship aspect (fiercely loyal and kind, etc). But my mom thinks I am more of a perceiver, because I do not really organize myself, until I am told to do so. I do my assignments when i want to. I narrow down my goals through periodizing them. And most of all, I ask A LOT of questions. So my question is from this short description, how I appear on paper, and what I have said, am I more of an isfp or isfj?

I am sure about introversion and feeling aspect, I am so-so about sensing, but I am not sure of the j or p. thank you for answering.

Is it rude to ask someone what their meyers briggs result are?

It's not only rude, it's unnecessary.All you need to know is whether or not someone is an Introvert or an Extrovert and you should be able to figure that out in the first half-hour (I'm being liberal, I can tell within 10 minutes).Depending on the day and the mood, I have come up with three different readings on three different times, but they all started with "E". That means I'm an extrovert and good with people.I don't put any importance on someone's "personality traits," because I get along with 98% of everyone I meet. And, I get to know someone long before I decide to date them, and I can tell whether we get along together or not.Don't rely on test results; go out and meet people.

Does your personality type have a correlation with your taste in names?

I'm kind of obsessed with the Myers Briggs personality test, and I'm utterly obsessed with names.

I asked this question about eight months ago, and really loved the answers I got; it was so cool to see the results.

Since there are so many different regulars here now, with such different taste in names, I'd love to see what your MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is and if there is a correlation with your name style. As I'm getting my master's in Psychology, I'm totally into this kind of thing :)

Anyway, put your personality type (if you know it*) and your name style with a few examples of the names you like, single names or with middles. Top five for each would be good.

I'm an INFJ, and I'd say my style is classy British quirk. My favorite names are...

Leo Sebastian Felix
Henry Atticus Roman
Oliver August Jude
Maxwell Everett Oscar
Jack Edward Alastair

Ivy Helena Esme
Alice Matilda Piper
Nora Emmeline Hazel
Annabel Georgia Lark
Violet Tallulah Jane

*If don't know it and want to find out, take this free short test to determine what you are:

And after that, you can get more info on your type here:

Looking forward to seeing your answers!

Are INTP personalities typically less religious than the other Myers-Briggs personality types?

Seeing as logic and reasoning is a core component of being INTP it would make sense to me if they were typically less religious. I am an INTP and I can't see any logic in religion at all. What do you think the ratio is for religious : non-religious INTP types?

Another reason I ask is because I was looking at jobs most often picked by INTP types, and Religious related stuff was on the least likely list:

Also, I conducted a survey of INTP types in the past and found there a good majority that frequent Y!A, possibly because of the logical debating that is going down here. So you INTP's better answer this.