Is It Wrong That I Was Hurt By Him Not Replying

Is he playing with my heart.. it hurts?

we met about 3 months ago when i was just getting out of a really bad, 2 year relationship.
he was there for me and we became really close. about 3 weeks ago we told each other that we "love" each other. well actually he said it to me, but from the beginning he knew I wasn't going to be ready for a serious relationship and he was FINE with it.

I told him so many things about me, I cried to him etc. I mean we were really close and we talked everyday for hours. Then last week he, out of nowhere, told me he was "done" with me because we never "hang out" I just said okay. I was really hurt and he knows I'm just not ready for all of that.

then a couple days after that he texted me out of nowhere and started a argument with me. I eventually stopped replying to it. Then he said "Well nice knowing you, bye" and I still did not reply.

A hour after that he texted me and said "Now you can go be a hoe and do whatever it is you do.. Enjoy =)" I STILL didn't reply. Even though it was really difficult not too.

The next day, nothing. He didn't say anything. But last night he was posting stuff on twitter about how he hates "timid females" and they need to "boss up" he is obviously talking about me.

he then texted me and said "just seeing if you're alive, goodnight" and I just said "lol, okay" and he said "something funny? and I said "yup" and he never replied.

He know's I'm fine. We follow each other on Twitter, I know he sees me tweeting.

Anyways, I don't understand. What's going on with him? I'm going crazy, I want to call him right now and just tell him how I really feel. I'm so upset I got played -_-


Also, I just turned 18 and he is 24.

What should I reply to my ex e-mail?

After not talking for a long time, my ex sent me an e-mail saying just hi how r u doing?He hurt me bad and he said I hurt him bad too.We broke up because he suspected me of cheating while I was not and he wanted an apology that I refused to ask because I was loyal and honest to him.

He just blindly start dating number of girls right away and I don't know what he is upto at the moment.I completely cut all connection with him.

I want to know how he will feel if I am going to answer his email like "Excuse me who is this again Loser?"or just ignore him.In both cases I want to guess what his reaction will be.Which one will break his ego and teach him the lesson?If you are a man what will cross your mind when you are ignored?If you are a woman what will you do?Thanks all

Why do people get so upset if you don't reply to a text or a message right away?

BecauseYou felt your self worth is attacked.You feel that you are not as valuable to him as you thought yourself to be.You have expectations with him. You feel that this kind of behavior hampers your chances of you two being together.You have low self worth and your confidence depends on his validation.You need him more than he needs you.What could be possible reasonsHe is not a text person. Many people don't like communicating too much on text. They treat text only as a means to set meetings.He might be playing some mind game to make you obsessive for him.He might not have felt to reply to trivial text. Your text might not have anything which needs replying.He might value you less.He might be really busy or lazy.It might have been too late when he saw your text. Some people don't reply to texts when they lose context. For example ‘what are you doing' or 'good morning' has no reply after two hours.Thousand many other argument. Never judge a person by his texting habits. Always judge people based on how they treat you in person or may be phone.