Is Jet Black Hair Possible

Is it possible to be born with black hair?

It's entirely possible to be born with any (natural) color hair.

How do i get jet black hair that has a blue tint?

Blue black hair dye ?

Is it possible for a Caucasian to have naturally black hair?

Absolute black hair occurs only in people of pure Asian descent.

I stand corrected: Reference this entry in wikipedia:

Black hair is the darkest and most common color of human hair. The vast majority of people of non-European descent have black hair.[1] In English, people with black hair are usually referred to as black- or dark-haired, rather than brunette.

Outside of Northern Europe, where the blond mutation originated, most humans are black-haired.[2] Black or extremely dark brown is likely the original hair color of homo sapiens, and is found in its greatest distribution in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, pre-colonial Australia, and the pre-Columbian Americas. Among Caucasians, black hair is particularly common in people of Southern European, West Asian, North African, and South Asian descent, and much less so in people from Nordic countries. Native Americans, believed to be genetically related to East Asians, have straight, jet-black hair.

Black hair comes in a variety of textures. Many people of African or Melanesian origin have afro-textured hair, while straight black hair is common in Asians and Native Americans. Ethiopians have wavy or straight hair. Curly or wavy hair is common among black-haired Caucasians, as is straight hair.

Search Wikipedia "black hair"

Sorry about that.

I hate my jet black hair?

I dyed my hair jet black in March, hate it! I can't change it and I had no idea that you could not dye over jet black!!!! will it be safe to bleach my hair? I also have super thick curls that tend to dry out. what are some good moisturizing products?

What is the best way to lighten jet black hair?

Is it natural Jet Black hair, or Box Dye, or done by a reputable hairdresser?These could all affect your way forward. Box Dye and Hairdresser dye jobs are very different and will require different approaches and will most likely require you to see a hair dresser/stylist.If it is naturally that color, try a box dye, but for the best results they only option is to go to a professional hairdresser. It is the only way you will avoid having orange hair.

Can two blond parents have a kid with jet black hair?

hair colour is determined by genes, meaning that even if both parents have on hair colour, there is still a chance of the child having black hair.

let us presume for the sake of simplicity, that only black and blonde hair exist. every person has two "genes" (i've forgotten their proper names, sorry), and each parent puts forward one gene for the child. so, if blonde hair is dominant (which means that the parent can have a black gene and a blonde gene, and their hair would still be blonde), both parents have the chance of having one black gene, and one blonde gene. if this is the case, then there is a 25% chance of the baby having black hair, but only when the circumstances are right.

in short, yes it is possible, but not very likely

Does anyone have natural jet black hair?

I am white and I used to think my hair is black it looks black but it the right light it shines brown, same thing with my asian, indian, latino and black friends, all of their hair appears black but in the right sunlight you can see that its just dark brown, doesn anybody really have truly black hair or just really dark brown?

Is it possible to lighten black hair with 40-volume developer creme?

You can’t combine developer and another color to color your hair if it’s black. If you used color to get to your black hair color, and now want to change it, you’ll have to do a slight color correction by stripping your hair.This means using a lightener (we hate the term bleach) combined with a hydrogen peroxide developer to get the black color out of your hair. This takes time and patience. DO NOT try to lift your hair in one sitting. This will damage it to the point of no return.It will take multiple salon visits to get the black out of your hair.

If a jet black haired parent and a blonde parent have children, what color hair would the children likely have?

You can study dominant and recessive genetics and you will learn that brown eyes are the dominant (most prevalent) gene. Blonde hair is the recessive gene and thus less common. Even when a person is born with blonde hair, it may turn darker with age.I will tell you that I know of one true blonde/blue eyed person in my immediate family. My father’s mom. She also had natural curly, blonde hair ( both recessive genes). = Both her sons (my father (green eyes/recessive gene) and uncle/my father’s brother) had jet black hair.=My mother and father (green eyes/recessive gene) both had jet black hair.=The 3 children born of my parents all had jet black hair. 1 child got the recessive gene for green eyes. 2 had no kids. 1 had 9 kids (me).= I have 1 blonde haired/blue eyed (both recessive genes) child with her father who (like me) has dark hair and brown eyes. She is 17 years young. So it is likely she will maintain her blonde hair.=I had 1 child with a man who has blonde hair/blue eyes. Our child has medium brown hair and blue eyes.The moral of the story is that yes, the recessive genes will eventually show themselves down the line but not necessarily in the 1st or 2nd or 3rd generations. And person with brown eyes must also have the recessive gene for blue eyes in order to have a blue eyed child. So! you just never know who has those recessive genes hiding behind their dark hair and dark eyes.And honestly, the real deal is that anybody can change their hair color or lose their hair, so at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. lol

I dyed my hair jet black how do i get it to be dark brown or auburn?

i dyed it what was supposed to be a natural black/dark brown, left it in too long and now its jet black....i hate it and i just want to go back to a dark aubur/ it possible with jet black hair?