Is My Hamster Acting Weird Or Is This Normal

My hamster is acting weird?

All of the behaviors you describe are completely, 100% normal.

Hamsters often pull bedding into their little hutches to surround them and make them feel safe. They nest underground in the wild, so they're used to being totally surrounded by a substrate.

Hamsters are nocturnal. They spend most of the day sleeping, and come out at night.

As far as being "depressed" probably not. Hamsters are not social creatures (with the possible exception of Roborovski's dwarfs). In fact, some species of adult hamster cannot live together, or they will fight and kill each other.

You just got him yesterday. Give him time. It can take a hamster over a month to fully settle in to a new home.

Why is my chines darwf robo hamster is acting weird and hiper?

That's just the way dwarf hamsters are, I'm afraid. It's always a good idea to research the species before you decide to get one for a pet! To help your hamster burn off energy, make sure to give it an exercise wheel in its cage, and provide an area for it to run around (safely) outside of its cage. You might be able to take the edge off, but it will never be a calm hamster - that's just not the way dwarfs are.

My hamster is acting strange?

This is just normal hamster behavior, they are definitely odd little creatures. The nibbling is like tasting you, (whether or not your hands smell like food) or it could be like saying hello, like rabbits do. The rubbing on things is just her getting used to her new home and putting her scent on everything, like 'this is mine..this is mine..' haha. Her itching and twitching is probably just her grooming herself, or 'brushing' her fur (hamsters do this by lightly biting at their fur).

All the things you described are just normal things hammies do, whether it seems odd or not :) Maybe buy a book about Hamsters so you know what's normal and what's not.

Enjoy your hammie <3

My hamster is acting way more hyper than usual?

My hamster, an 8 month old female teddy bear hamster, has just recovered from dehydration and now she drinks and eats some apples along with regular food each day. She is hydrated and seemed fine for a few days. Then she started acting more hyper than usual. She is climbing the bars of her wire cage up and then jumping down all night. She runs in circles and chews endlessly on the bars too. I plan on letting her run around a hamster-proofed area tomorrow to hopefully use some of her energy up. Is this a good idea to calm her down?
Also is this normal? or is she sick? This is unusual for her as she has always been calm.

How do I care for a dying hamster? She can't walk because she's too weak and we don't want to stress her out taking her to the vet.

I agree with One if the previous answers, take the whole cage to the vet or if you can afford it get a home visit from your vet. Your hamster might not be reaching its end but it might be. Hamsters often hide their illnesses and it’s often too late to do anything about it when we realise that something is wrong. It’s heartbreaking I know to take your pet to the vets especially when you think it might me terminal but you do owe it to your furry previous hamster Fred had a stroke and would often fall to one side. He still was bright and wanted to get around. My vet didn’t believe he was in any pain or distress but he was 2 years old. We decided not to put him down but to let him carry on. Around a month later he was lying down on my chest gently stretched out one of his back legs and relaxed. He died. No drama or distress just drifted off. It was a peaceful end and he wasn’t alone. ( as peaceful as it was it didn’t stop me crying like a child )Just a thought, I have no idea of how old your hamster is or it’s condition but have you checked his teeth? Hamsters teeth continue to grow rather like fingernails. If they grow too long they struggle to eat. You might have to wrestle with him to find out or try to offer him some apple by holding it above his head so he has to lift his head opening his mouth to get to it.If a hamster can’t eat properly then they get weak really quickly.Could be something as simple as meeting his teeth trimmed. Hence the need to consult a vet.

What are some common signs that a hamster may be dying?

I have had experiances with six Winter White hamsters in my lifetime, and recently had one pass away to old age. Here are some signs that's she's reaching past her prime:1) Most Winter Whites live between 2-3 years old. Most of them don't start showing physical signs of growing old until they are a year and a half old. Your hamster, not even being a year old yet, shouldn't appear elderly, rising some concern.2) Their fur appears more ragged, ruffled and unmanaged when they reach their later years. Your hamster's silky smooth coat shows that she's still young and in her prime.3) They itch themselves a lot more, often leaving bald spots, red spots, or even bleeding. 4) Older hamsters have an almost grumpy expression, and often loose the light in their eyes to cataracts. This can lead to blindness. Your hamster appears to have very bright and happy eyes.5) They walk funny, almost clumsily, and exercise less, taking more time to rest.Your hamster looks fine from the picture, but if she is starving herself and refusing water, she could be sick. I would take her to a small animal vet to see if they know how to help.Finally, if she is developing a lump, definitely watch it and have a vet look at it. I've had a Winter White that developed a cancerous tumor, which ended up growing to be larger than her, before she eventually passed at around a year old.

Why does my hamster act like a dog?

that is normal my teddy bears hamster act like dog to especially when i calling them they are starting walking to me and sometimes like a monkey ahahahahha they are always climbing in there cages

Is this weird, my hamster does handstands?

My hamster goes to where his water bottle is, scootches his butt up against the wall, and practically does a handstand to go pee. He even gets up from sleep just to go pee in that spot.

My hamster is acting hyper one minute and depressed the next?

My hamster is acting very odd, she is normally overly hyperactive, climbing the bars and never sitting still for long but she's started just lying on top of her house. She looks like shes depressed and she'll lay like that for a few minutes and then go bak to her hyper self.
I bought her a wheel, and other then try to climb it she won't touch it, she has a decent size cage and I let her run around outside of the cage so I don't have a clue whats wrong with her.
Anyone have any ideas?