Is My Resting Heart Rate Bad

Is it bad to have a resting heart rate of 150?!?

A resting heart rate of 150 is far too high. If you're sure that you haven't made a mistake it may be a good idea to visit your doctor and check it out.

Thе general guideline given fοr calculating уουr max heart rate іѕ 220-уουr age. Sο іf уου аrе 20 years οƖԁ, (220-20), уουr max heart rate ѕhουƖԁ bе round 200 beats per minute. Thіѕ саn bе a general guideline аnԁ there іѕ ѕοmе variation іn thіѕ, ѕο ԁο nοt bе concerned іn case уου аrе exercising wіth a heart rate monitor аnԁ spot уουr max heart rate varies somewhat tο thе estimate. Thе calculation іѕ a guideline аnԁ nοt a hard аnԁ fаѕt rule.

Best wishes - Mark

Is it bad that my resting heart rate is 42?

Is it bad that my resting heart rate is 42?Maybe. Are you a 19 year old athlete or a 72 year old retiree with congestive heart failure? Context matters, and none was provided with your question. If you are concerned that your heart rate is too low, please discuss your concern with your doctor.

Is a resting heart rate of 49 bad?

Dr. Sie’s comment says it all; as long as it is a Sinus rhythm, started by the heart’s normal pacemaker. Fit athletic people often have resting heart rates in the 40s and 50s, sometimes even lower…at rest.However, if the sinus node, the heart’s pacemaker” is not functioning at physiologically mediated rates; pacemaker cells in the AV node may take over albeit, at a slower rate.. If AV junctional rhythm is present and the dominant pacemaker site, the following two problems present themselves; 1. Loss of the atrial contribution or “kick” in prefilling and valvular closure of the ventricles and, 2.) Chronotropic response. If a AV junctional rhythm is the dominant pacemaker site, the Heart rate may remain about 50 bpm no matter what you do.In some cases, dueling pacemakers compete for dominance, and generally the faster one sets the pace. This can also be symptomatic as the site of activation shifts back and forth between normal sinus rhythm and an ectopic foci.

Is a resting heart rate of 95 bad?

That would be high if it's your true resting heart rate, but most likely it's not. Better to check while in bed in the morning when you first wake up and you're not in a hurry to jump out of bed. It's an easy thing to check yourself whenever you want to. If you got fingers and something to tell time.

Good way to check is to press two fingers against your carotid artery just next to your throat, you usually can get a good pulse there.

A more normal number is 60 - 70. But many people are lower. Mine's about 50 to 55.

BTW you'll NEVER get a good reading at a doctor's office because you'll be nervous and in a strange environment. That's not the way to find out your resting heart rate.

My resting heart rate is 154 bpm is that bad?

That's high, but it is completely explained by our history of SVT. Has someone shown you the Valsalva Maneuver to control the SVT? If not, someone has done you a disservice. Ask your doctor to refer you to a cardiologist.

My resting heart rate is 72 bpm. Is this bad?

72 is a great, healthy heart rate
It is normal for your heart rate to increase with strenuous activity
72 is not high
Yoga is good for relaxation

Is it bad to have a resting heart rate of between 80-100 bpm?

That depends on a few factors. Do you have any symptoms of any heart condition the general range of healthy resting heart rates is 40–100. However, if you are seriously concerned for your health begin exercising regularly and it will bring down your RHR.

My Resting Heart Rate is 40? Is That Good or Bad?

the more fit you are, the lower your resting heart rate becomes. The lowest ever recorded resting heart rate is 28, belonging to a Tour de France winner. 40, is the resting heart rate of a very fit athlete. Unless you do a LOT of sprinting, and train every day, I would be suspicious that you miscounted your resting heart rate, and that it actually is about 15-20 bpm higher than that.

Is it bad if my resting heart rate is 155 and I'm only 22?

My opinion: Yes. That's the best answer for this. Find a cardiologist or have your primary doctor find one for you. Either way, get one ASAP. You need to find out WHY it's so high, because 155 is too high.

WebMD says: "A normal heart rate for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. Heart rates of more than 100 beats per minute (tachycardia) can be caused by:

Exercise or stress. This fast heart rate usually returns to normal range (60 to 100 beats per minute) with rest and relaxation.
Illnesses that cause fever. When the cause of the fever goes away, the heart rate usually returns to normal.
Dehydration. When the dehydration is treated, the heart rate usually returns to normal.
Medication side effects, especially asthma medications.
Heavy smoking, alcohol, or too much caffeine or other stimulants, such as diet pills. Stopping the use of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants may help your heart rate return to normal.
Cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamines.
Babies and children younger than 2 years old have higher heart rates because their body metabolism is faster. Heart rates decrease as children grow, and usually by the teen years the heart rate is in the same range as an adult's.

A new fast heart rate may be caused by a more serious health problem. Heart disease or other medical conditions may sometimes cause a fast heart rate. A fast heart rate may cause palpitations, dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting. Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of fast heartbeat. It causes the heart's upper chambers to beat irregularly, reducing blood flow to the heart muscle and to the rest of the body. Atrial fibrillation increases your chance of having a stroke or a blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

If you have heart disease, heart failure, or have had a heart attack, it is especially important to understand how serious a fast heart rate can be. This is especially true if it occurs with shortness of breath when you are resting or after mild exertion. Call your health professional if you have a sudden change in your usual heart rate or rhythm."