Is My Weight Loss So Far Noticeable

Is a 20 lbs weightloss noticeable?

Would definitely be noticeable. Even a 10lb weight loss would be noticeable.

I lost weight but why isn't it noticeable?

I'm a 19 year old girl and am 5'5". I started working out on October 25 and my starting weight was 206 lbs. I drastically cut my calorie intake, and went jogging everyday, sometimes even twice a day. As of December 16 I now weigh 184. That's 22 lbs and I know I should be proud but why am I still the same jeans size? My stomach has definitely gotten flatter but my hips obviously haven't slimmed down since I'm still the same size. I wear a slimmer around my waist and stomach when I go jogging everyday, isn't this supposed to be helping me? And why won't my damn love handles go away?

Why isn't the weight loss noticeable?

Congrats on the weight loss so far. Not sure where you are trying to notice it. Weight loss is highly deceptive when judged alone. Make sure your sister uses another means of measurement weekly along with the scale. An easy form of measurement is body tape. Simply measure her hips and waist. Record the numbers weekly and you should notice subtle changes that will keep you motivated when the big changes have yet to happen

I've lost weight but it's not noticeable?

Okay, so I'm a 14 year old boy and I've lost 7 pounds so far. However, it's not noticeable at all. Like, I'm currently on a diet, and I've cut my calorie intake and jump roped 30 minutes a day every day, and I'm successfully losing weight. However, I can't tell at all! I can't see any weight loss in my arms, legs, face, chest, etc.! I still have 10 more pounds to go, but I don't have any hopes right now for the future at this rate for my body in terms of appearance.

But this ALWAYS happens! Whenever I lose weight, you can never tell. I can't like lose visible fat. I can only gain fat, but never lose it. It's extremely frustrating and stresses me out every time I want to lose weight.

At this point, I just want to drop to the floor in tears and scream my lungs out.

Please help. What is causing this and how can I get around it?

How can I lose a noticeable amount of weight in 2 weeks?

You can lose a noticeable amount of weight in 2 weeks, this isn’t hard to achieve and YES it all can be accomplished in a matter of 2 weeks! This is something a friend told me about and I am so forever grateful that I got this. I use it as my Bible/reference to keep my diet on track. It is a life saver! You’ll see.Personally I got a little fed up of the absolute mess of information the internest throws at you when it comes to fasting. It gets pretty hard to know what to follow, how long to follow it for and half the time it doesn’t work. I mean we wouldn’t all keep hearing about fad diets if one actually met half the promises, right?You can download the Eat-Stop-Eat Audiobook completely free from Fasting TV. It goes back to basics to actually get results: [Free Audiobook] Eat - Stop - Eat: Make Fasting Simple Again (And Get Actual Results)If you haven’t really looked fasting before it can be a murky topic. There’s a lot of inforation to go on, especially online where everyone and their dog have an opinion whether they’re qualified to share it or not.At the most base fasting is an intentional withholding of food. Whether for spiritual or health reasons there absolutely are benefits to it when used correctly.To everyone spouting that it’s all a craze with no backing - I think you’re thinking of detoxing and juice cleanses. Fasting is different and has clear and proven advantages.There is no set duration or way to do it. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers because at the end of the day I only know what works for me and a sample size of one is not a reliable study. However I will tell you that the biggest thing you can do for yourself is get at least a basic understanding of what you’re doing. You don’t need to study nutrition for years but don’t just follow along with fad diets or fasts in the hopes of stumbling into something which works.The sad truth is if it was as easy as all that selling us on fake diet crap wouldn’t be such a big market.

Is 7 pounds a noticeable weight change?

Depends what your weight was to start with and whether you appear skinny or fat. You might be able to notice it in your clothes if you were at the top of a size range to begin with so try on you skinny jeans and see how they feel.

Is a 50 pound weight loss noticeable? Would losing 23 more be more noticeable?

Congrats on your weight loss so far!

About the 10% loss mark is noticeable (give or take a few pounds). For you, the loss should have been VERY noticeable from 248 to 198. When you drop from your current weight, the loss should be noticeable even more quickly (e.g., losing about 20 pounds from your current 200 should be noticeable).

Good luck!

If I lose 10-15 pounds, will it be noticeable?

If you can imagine that each pound you lose is the equivalent to a pound of butter, even a couple of pounds is noticeable.

When Oprah lost 75 pounds, she lugged 75 pounds of animal fat out onto the stage in a wagon to show everyone just how much it was. (it was huge by the way)

When you look at pounds of butter and how much space they take up, 10 - 15 pounds is a lot of space. So you'll definately notice it.

I hope this helps.

Take care.
