Is Ocd Can Affect A Persons Intelligence Level And Learning Ability

Can intelligent people fail IQ tests?

I am extremely proud of my 70 IQ score based on 4 tests. It was my way of sticking up my two fingers to the establishment.Not only are IQ tests very seriously flawed but the fundamental assumption is that the subject is co-operating. In more than a few cases that is not correct. A suspicious student is unlikely to score well. Someone who is really intelligent usually knows they are and do not need an IQ test to tell them and may be inclined not to co-operate because they think the test is silly. Confronted with an IQ test they will wonder why people want to test them to find out the bloody obvious fact of how bright they are.They are also likely to read up on what an IQ test is and are likely to be unimpressed or have a quite hostile reaction to being given the test. I quite deliberately decided to refuse to co-operate (10y). Subsequent observations on those who scored well confirmed my unwillingness to co-operate and so I deliberately threw the other 3 tests as well.IQ tests are most accurate for those of average intelligence (IQ100) because that is the cohort they are designed for. Accuracy falls off the further from the mean. One of the characteristics of highly intelligent people is that they tend to read a lot into the questions they are asked and often give non-standard (interpreted as wrong) answers to questions. What is your dog’s name? I do not know - we call him Rover.It never affected my career in any way. I have a PhD in Membrane Biophysics and I am an Assoc Prof.My advice is never allow yourself to be tested (you will be harassed all the time for not working hard enough if you score high) and never allow your children to be tested. The more you read about IQ tests the more sinister their motives appear. IQ testing is not a force for good in the world. Do not fall for it.I never saw any of the kids that were sent away to special schools for smart kids ever again. They completely disappeared without a trace. When I got into the University of Sydney which is the closest Top World Class university to where I lived I thought I might come across some of them there. Since Australian universities are commuter universities the “gifted” kids should have ended up there. No, I did not see any of them. None show up on the Internet.

How does a person with a IQ of 155 qualitatively differ from a person with an IQ of 130?

How is a person with an IQ of 130 different from a person with an IQ of 155 with regard to how they think? I am discussing adult/deviation IQs, NOT child/ratio IQs. I have an IQ of 130, so I'm curious as to how people with 155 IQs think.

The smartest of the smartest people I know seem to share these characteristics:
1) extraordinary depth/breadth of knowledge (whether it is breadth or depth seems to depend on personality; I've definitely noticed that very smart people have either breadth/depth, or both)
2) very smart people seem to have a much larger vocabulary
3) very fast at understanding the main point of an argument, it seems like they really cut through all of the extraneous information and distractions
5) prefer learning by immersion instead of sequence/rote and prefer to spend an extended period of time on a topic of interest

Ehh, I got a little is a person with a 155 IQ different from a person with a 130 IQ with regard to their thought processes in a qualitative sense (not just one's "smarter" or "thinks faster")?


Can selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors make you dumber?

SSRI's can and frequently do affect one's cognitive functions, like memory, attention span, learning skills, as well as sleep patterns, libido and metabolism. Weight gain is common. So if you gain weight, disrupt sleep, have trouble with concentration and recall, you can say you are becoming dumber.
Unfortunately, many of these side effects are also primary symptoms of depression.
That is why these drugs should not be prescribed casually.
However if needed for their intended benefits, as with all drugs, the risks must be weighed against them.

Can someone be mentally challenged. ut not mentally retarded (mentel retardation)?

I got inoto a debate with my friend if they were the same and i believe they are different but simular please explain to me i am a mainstreamed student with ocd, aspergers and fatal alcohol/drug abuse syndrome. I have been called mentally challenegd from everyone including my family but they. All deny me being mentally retarded/mental retardation i got my aa degree and have a job people say i am challenged but also mainstreamed and functioinable. Tbey say i am a mentally challenged functionable student