Is Real Life Like The Hunger Games

Could the Hunger Games happen in real life?

Possible, but not much the similar form as the one in the book or movie.It might happen in a “Slavery-Communist” society, not in a Fascist country like Panem.(p.s. “Slavery-Communism” is a made up concept. I can not find any better description.)In a global federation or global empire led by capitalism instead of socialism, advanced productivity can benefit majorly a brunch of rich elites. When it cames to technologies allow people stay alive forever or directly transfer knowledge into their brains and so on, the rich will benefit most. In this way, the gap between rich and poor will turn into a gap between super human beings and traditional human beings step by step.When fearless and hardworking AIs can replace sodiers and workers. Billions of people will lose their jobs but no one gonna save them because they live in a global country which means there is no more foreign media. Rebeillion will be impossible ethier, because robot cops can arrest them in a few minutes.They would like to do anything to feed themselves, like joining in a TV show killing each other to please some spoiled rich kids who got tired of video games.

Is The hunger games going to happen in real life?

Lol you sound like those paranoid kids who are scared about a zombie apocalypse happening.

It won't happen. Chill and remember it's only a friggin' movie.

Has there ever been a real life version of the Hunger Games?

To be honest I’ve always thought the premise of the Hunger Games event was not really fully thought through. I made an active decision to ignore the massive plot holes because I really liked the characters and the action.But really what purpose are the Hunger Games actually fulfilling for Snow? Are they a Proxy of War? Not really. Are they the sacrifice of a client to an overlord? Not really. If you really want to control a region through it’s children then hostage taking and indoctrination are far more effective. Which is why many Religions are so very invovled in Education.Personally I think that it is a fault of cherry picking an aspect of a culture and mashing it into your plot, without understanding the religious and cultural context in which those behaviors developed. In the case of Gladiatorial combat it arises out of Funeral Games. We can see it’s origins in the Iliad and trace through the history of Rome as the religious aspects become a thin veil for human blood lust.Suzanne Collins fails to give us that context for the Hunger Games. A bad man does a bad thing for no real pragmatic reason. Which is why although human beings have done some terrible things to each other. I don’t think there are very useful real world comparisons because it just doesn't stack up outside the pages of the book.

What would happen if the Hunger Games were real?

It wouldn’t last for nearly as long as it was portrayed.There are SOOOO many problems in The Hunger Games that rely quite heavily on the momentary suspension of disbelief, and thus work REALLY well in the story, but not at all in real life.Perhaps, if things were different. As it stands, The Hunger Games isn’t terribly realistic. Lets go over a few plot holes.Somehow, bakers like Peeta have enough experience decorating cakes to be able to use that talent adequately to disguise himself. Yet somehow, we also lives in a world where people are starving and literally hunting squirrels for food.A government that’s been orchestrating the Hunger Games for 74 years now has absolutely no contingency plan for when multiple victors are in stalemate, threatening to kill themselves at the same time. Seriously, why did they just give in when Katniss and Peeta were about to drink the Kool Aid? There must be SOMETHING to fall back on in such a situation.The Capitol has this constant worry that the citizens from the 13 districts will want to revolt, and so their plan to keep them intimidated and suppressed is to give them an annual game whereupon they must train and be ready to constantly fight to the death. Nope, totally not an incentive for the citizens to prepare themselves physically and psychologically for the worst, which might inadvertently lead to a more successful revolt.For some reason, the Capitol seems to have technological marvels at its disposal, including perfected nuclear power, ridiculously powerful transit systems, biological engineering, etc. Surely, this must be a dictatorship built off of some natural resource replacing the labor of the citizens. But if that’s the case, why do some districts still have shitty coal mines and outdated fishing systems?Overall, if the Hunger Games were real, I could happily sit back, smile, and wait for them to STOP being real. As entertaining of a story as it is, its sense of transport is an excuse for the problems it carries.If we lived in a world similar to the Hunger Games, but with all the boring details ironed out…. Well, that certainly wouldn’t be as entertaining as a novel, and I’d be MUCH more concerned.Sources:What are some of the biggest plot holes of the Hunger Games Trilogy book/movie series?The Hungry Gays: Analysis by Lyle Mcdouchebag

If someone dies in hunger games, do they die in real life?

Hunger games is not a simulation. It is the ‘Cruel Olympics’ of The Capitol. So yes, everything that happens in the games is real. Including death.

Don't you wish the Hunger Games were real?


Is the Hunger Games a fiction or a real-life history?

Purely fictional. It is the author's imagination of our world, thousand years from now. That's why the characters talk about their forefathers being democrats in the third book. The author has done a remarkable job by surreptitiously implying that the human thirst for power would never die with time.

What are some parallels between the Hunger Games series and life on earth today?

The Hunger Games is a dystopia novel that follows the life of Katniss Everdeen. In this world, there are 12 districts, and the capital. The districts are poor, hungry, and laborers. The capital if full of the rich and wealthy, who have never wanted for anything. The ““hunger games” are a yearly event when one boy and one girl from every district is chosen to fight to the death. The districts are told that this is payment for a rebellion that happened years ago. That it’s normal.The first parallel I see is the void between the rich and wealthy. Take North Korea. There is a rich government with a few wealthy officials. These officials aren’t hungry or needy. Then, there’s the people. The people are oppressed and starving.Another parallel I see in North Korea is the brainwashing of the people. They are told that their trials are for the good of the future. That their enslavement is good.Another parallel is the gluttony if the wealthy. Many western countries are having issues with growing levels of obesity. While the wealthy eat and eat and eat, people in third world countries starve to death.I’m not saying that our world is going to the dogs (or Ceaser Flickerman), but these are the parallels I see today.Disclaimer* I have have nothing against any countries mentioned in this post.

How is The Hunger Games related to the real world?

The Hunger Games is very similar to the real world because there are certain places in the world (like Africa for example) who are struggling to feed and take care of their population, like district 12. Another similarity is that sometimes people are forced to join military activities against their will, some people in countries are forced to join the army to serve their country, even when they dont want to. This is like choosing the Hunger Games participants. Rebellion is shown by the districts, as they are unhappy by the way they are treated in savage ways by the richer districts. This also relates to real life because when a country doesn't satisfy its people (because of religion or politics or economy), they revolt.

Hope this helped :)