Is The Goal Of Liberals To Make The Entire Us Like Tijuana

What does "liberal amount" mean?

basically it means to be liberal with it. liberal means free. so a lot. or a good amount, at least.

What do liberals want to do with the caravan of Central Americans at the southern border, let them all into the US?

Is that what they want? lol That’s more humane than intelligent. People can not just migrate like that but please don’t call me Trumpster if I say I wouldn’t like those guys from Honduras unless they were truly willing to assimilate. Honestly and I know it sounds bad but people have to have something to offer. I mean, Is there a Doctor among them? why should a Doctor have the same chance to apply than the average Juan (joe)? I as a Mexican understand your dilemma. I suppose liberals don’t think about extremes and think all of then are nice and honest. I saw and talked to a lot of people and they have little education little to offer to an increasingly demanding society. I sometimes think it’s all a charade (the caravan thing). Why did they think they had to go aaaaall the way to Tijuana when they could’ve crossed way south in Piedras Negras. I really thought it was a stunt made up and paid by Republicans to give a reason for Trumps wall. The US has always justified their wars, interventions, and what not to its people. that way they can get away with wars. This one is not to deliver the Venezuelan people of a horrible Tyrant like Maduro God forbid there’s another Domino theory and all Latin America goes to the Venezuelan way. :)

What do liberals think of the Mexican citizens in Tijuana who are resisting the caravan and calling them" invaders and bad people"?

Well, that’s their right. I assume it is because the invasion of this devastating force of 200 people that would cripple America and turn it into a 3rd world nation overnight and that requires 5000 highly trained soldiers to protect us has completely ruined Tijuana’s economy and changed its culture forever, right? I mean, they must be just completely overrun by rapists, drug mules, and Muslim infiltrators demanding Sharia law, right? I don’t know how the city will ever recover from such an infestation of bad hombres.Personally, I’ve been sheltering in place and performing as many vegan gay marriages as I can before our country is forever destroyed.But, of course, I’m just a liberal who can only “feel” and doesn’t use reason or facts, so ignore what I say. The threat is totally real and you’re being a rational and clear-headed realist by believing people WALKING the length of Mexico to claim asylum in America are an existential threat to the nation. Kudos.

Do liberals want open borders?

It depends on the definition of liberal.Using the American definition of a person on the left-wing, typically, such people want open borders, or something approaching that. In this view the border is simply an obstacle to prevent people from pursuing the best economic success that they could have. While many on the Left believe, correctly, that people from different places address the same issues differently, which is why different cultures exist, they refuse to acknowledge that this will naturally lead to some cultures being more economically, politically, militarily, or socially more successful than others. Accordingly, they see the opposition to open borders to be an economic form of discrimination as opposed to a cultural or lifestyle decision. As with any form of discrimination, it should be opposed.Using the John Stuart Mill definition of a person who supports free speech and other libertine freedoms, such people are are typically opposed to open borders. The influx of people who would come from a place without libertine values would hamper the growth and development of these values in places where they are enshrined. Accordingly, such liberals believe in the evangelism of liberalism to other countries, i.e. bring the freedom to the foreigner as opposed to bring the foreigner to the freedom.

Are the gated communities of Tijuana safe?

Most people who answer in this section(especially Ken) don't know what the F they are talking about TJ is as safe or as dangerous as any city in mex or US .....if you live in a upscale , gated community then yes. I'm a gringo and lived there for over a year and the people are nicer than most in San Diego. Stay away from the rif-RAF and you'll be fine

Why did the Migrant Caravan arrive at Tijuana as opposed to elsewhere along the US Mexico border?

The very first caravan of Central American migrants crossed into Mexico via Guatemala in late October 2018, and by early November the bulk of them had arrived and was camping in Mexico City.They were originally trying to reach the Mexican border cities of Reynosa or Matamoros, both in the state of Tamaulipas. This made sense considering that these are the nearest border crossings to the U.S. available when coming from Central America through Mexico by land.However, at that same time on November 5 2018 cartel violence peaked in Reynosa (which isn’t peaceful even on regular days). This made national and international headlines, giving the caravan a heads-up of how the situation looked like at the Tamaulipas northern border (it is worth noting that in 2010 a cartel kidnapped and murdered a group of over 70 migrants in Tamaulipas).Compounded with their experiences thus far during their drive north to Mexico City, the information that a Western route through Mexico would be relatively safer, plus their networking amongst California migrant support groups, the caravan leaders decided that they ought to try instead to reach Tijuana, which was the part of the border that was considered the (relatively) safest albeit geographically the furthest away from Mexico’s capital.

Since liberals want to accept the migrant caravan headed towards the U.S-Mexico border, should a fund be created that liberals can donate to help them get on their feet when they arrive in the country?

The Migrants in the caravan aren’t coming here for federal aid.The Migrants in the caravan aren’t coming here for federal aid.The Migrants in the caravan aren’t coming here for federal aid.The Migrants in the caravan aren’t coming here for federal aid.If your only opposition to accepting asylees (who don’t receive federal assistance upon arrival), refugees (who often do), or any other immigrants (who may or may not depending on status) is money, let me ask you this:How much did your taxes increase due to Donald Trump’s tax cuts, or George W Bush’s economic stimulus plan?Both created a large deficit in the budget. Neither incurred any new cost to you (obviously). You are not on the hook for federal spending, and the amount of federal spending that occurs does not affect your taxes. At all. Ever. Your taxes are set by congress, on a tax schedule. You will be charged that if the government doubles it’s spending or eliminates it. The government can change that schedule without adjusting the budget to reflect it. No spending on anything will ever dictate what that schedule will look like, only congress will.Now, with that said…I have pitched in to help migrants. I donate as often as possible to Support the kids at the border.

Why do you as a liberal not support open borders?

Oooh, this is actually kind of a tough one for me.First, I do support open borders. I believe that people should be free to live, work and travel wherever they want to.I support this for a number of reasons. The first being the selfish one in that I want to live, work and travel wherever I want to.But, I also feel like it give an incentive to local and regional governments to make their area as attractive to potential tourists and residents as possible. If people are allowed to essentially vote with their feet, they will tend to migrate towards locations that suit them best. If the government starts making dumb decisions, it is easier for people to just leave and go somewhere else.Now, at the same time, I also support effective border and travel control. I feel that individual countries should have an effective methodology for screening travelers and potential residents they let in their borders. That being said, I feel like the exclusions should be fair and specific and I also feel that the goal should be to exclude as few people as possible.BTW, Not sure if I qualify as a liberal. I own guns, and I’m the oil and gas section manager at my company. So….