Is The Slytherin House Bad

Is the Slytherin house bad?

On Pottermore and a few more harry potter sorting quizzes. I've been placed in the Slytherin house. I'm nothing like Malfoy, I'm extremely reserved and I do have a darkness about me. I see the world as a dark lonely place. I'm not the type to bully someone since I've been bullied myself. I do want revenge though, I want to see the people who bullied me suffer in the same way they made me. I'm shy, and I do feel that I need to prove myself a lot. It's just everyone says a Slytherin is bad? I'm not bad :/ I'm just quiet and a keep to myself girl. Can someone help me sort this out? No rude comments!!


Is Slytherin really the worst house?

No it isn't. Slytherin embodies the traits of being cunning and ambitious, with a focus on self-preservation. Which by themselves are not bad traits, but it just so happens that when taken to extreme levels those ideals can go down very dark routes. Hence why Slytherin has the whole dark wizard reputation.

Not every Slytherin is bad though. For example, Horace Slughorn was from there and he's a good person at heart. The series paints them as unpleasant because they're meant to be the antithesis to Gryffindor is all. But that's only one perspective. The dark reputation unfortunately overshadows the good sides and people of Slytherin.

House sorting is only a general thing, everyone is capable of being good or bad. Slytherin is just an easy one to single out and stereotype. I actually think the other houses are part of the problem. It's because the rest of the school shuns them so much that Slytherin is so negative and distant, the others only further the problem instead of trying to fix it.

Are there any good slytherins...!?

I'm sure there is, its just that they were never mentions. But I'm sure, pretty sure, that there are some good Slytherins. Well, they might not be goody goodies but like alittle better than Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson etc. I mean, its IMPOSSIBLE that the WHOLE Slytherin house are bad. Well, maybe their parents or something are but deep inside they are not. Get it ? I mean, like they're just pretending to be bad to seek their parents love and attention !

P.S Oh and by the way, here's an example of a good Slytherin. Proffessor Slughorn was in Slytherin when he used to go to Hogwarts ! lol... I know that he turned out to be a weird fat slob but yeah whatever ! lol. Ohh and Regulus Black and Snape (in the end of the 7th book)

Hope thats what you were seeking for ^_^ !

Which house is better Slytherin or Gryffindor to you?

To me, all of the houses are equal. There are good people and bad people from each house. What about Wormtail/Pettigrew? He betrayed his friends, got them killed, and he was a Gryffindor, wasn't he? Most bad people are ambitious, so THAT is why many end up in Slytherin. Just being in Slytherin does not make a person evil. Look at Severus Snape. He certainly wasn't evil. The HOUSES themselves aren't better or worse than others. It's the people in them. At the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry's son, Albus Severus, asks Harry what would happen if ended up in Slytherin. Harry's answer is that Slytherin will have gained a wonderful member. Also, you have a choice. The house you go to depends on how much bravery, intelligence, kindness, cunning, ambition, etc. that you have, but it also depends on which you value the most. Let's say that you're like Hermione─ she's quite brave, she's very intelligent, she's kind, and the way that she answers everything in class shows ambition. She could have easily fit into any house, but she chose Gryffindor, because as she says herself, bravery and friendship are what matter in the end, not book smarts. People in Ravenclaw may not agree with that.It's about what matters to you.

Personally, if I had a choice, I would choose Ravenclaw. Other than that, I don't know. I would want to be in Slytherin, but I wouldn't want to be treated like I was evil by the rest of the school. At the end of the day, they both have equal characteristics, and it's your values that make one better or worse.