Is This Correctly Spelled In English

How do correctly spell this spanish name?

Javier or Xavier

Which ones are the correct spelling for name معاذ in English, Maaz or Muaz?

I have heard both forms, but I'm not sure whether it's "correct" to name a person as مَعاذ (Ma'aadh).مُعاذ (Mu'aadh)This name owes its popularity to Mu'adh ibn Jabal ( مُعاذ ابن جبل‎ ) who was a Sahaba (companion) of the Islamic prophet Muhammad (sall.). He compiled the Quran with other five companions while Muhammad (sall.) was still alive. The Prophet (sall.) called him "the one who will lead the scholars into Paradise."'aad ibn Mu'aadh is another Sahaba whose father was called Mu'aadh.مَعاذ (Ma'aadh)This word occurs in the Qur'an twice as part of مَعاذ الله "the refuge of Allah", both in Surah Yusuf (12:23,79). I think some have chosen this form simply because it occurs in the Qur'an. I do not know if it is semantically acceptable.  Since apostrophes are not permissible in legal documents, this name occurs in different variants such as Maadh or Maaz (persianized). I know a person called Maaz whom people often ridicule by comparing his name with Mazaa (Urdu: enjoyment) or Maaza (a mango drink) etc.He, no doubt, regrets.

Is "plagiared" the correct spelling in English?

Is "plagiared" the correct spelling in English?To plagiar or plagiare is not a word in English; it follows, therefore, that “plagiared” is not a word either.The verb is "to plagiarise" (British spelling) or "to plagiarize" (American spelling), so the past tense would be "plagiarised" or "plagiarized"

Is "fibre" the British spelling of "fiber" or the correct spelling?

"Fibre" is the British spelling. "Fiber" is the standard American spelling. If you are writing for a British (or Canadian or Australian) audience or a British (or Canadian or Australian) journal or publisher, you would naturally use the British spelling. Otherwise, stick with the standard American spelling.

What is the correct spelling for 'colonel'?

If you’re speaking about the senior military officer rank ‘C-O-L-O-N-E-L’, you have spelled it correctly.The common abbreviations for the word are Col, Col. and COL.Although spelled as ‘C-O-L-O-N-E-L’, the word is pronounced as ‘K-E-R-N-E-L.’Nikhil Lunia

What is the correct spelling of tonnes/tons???

Tonnes is British. Tons is American.

Tons is correct. :)

What is the correct spelling: Macau or Macao?

The English spelling is traditionally Macao (an archaic Portuguese spelling) and the modern Portuguese Macau.An official webpage on the China Daily website briefly explains this: China City Information-Macao, Macau.(via Wikipedia)Both spellings are official, though the central government consistently spells it Macao, the English way, but that's more because official PRC communiques in a foreign language are invariably in English anyway.That territory's constitutional document (the Basic Law of the Macau Special Administrative Region [1999]) uses the spelling Macau instead.The official Macau government portal spells it either way, so take your pick.

Which is the correct spelling: Chicho or Chico?

well, both

Chico (like in Chico and the Man) chico means guy

Chicho (shee-sho) means lovehandle

Is this the correct spelling for the name" yvonne"?

The correct spelling for the name is Yvonne. Take care