Is This Enough To Lose Weight

Is cardio enough to lose weight?

One correction before we get into this. I think what you and your trainer are both trying to talk about is fat loss. Weight loss does not need cardio or weight training. You just have to consume less calories than your body burns. It’s that simple.Exercise is just a way to burn of some extra calories.However, with weight loss, it can be anything from muscle to fat and even just water weight. Hence we try to trick our body into burning fat instead of muscle. The principle is still the same - consume less calories than you would burn. But the way you do it is different.Now, coming to the question,Is cardio enough to lose weight?For fat loss, I would say no. But then again, you could give HIIT a try and see for yourself. The ideal answer is there is no set of golden rules that would work for everybody. A lot of this would ultimately come by personal preference alone. Which is why I might favor weight training above steady state or HIIT cardio. It’s not because they are bad or less effective. It is simply because I prefer to work with weights.But that doesn’t mean you can’t look ripped with the help of HIIT cardio and some decent body weight workouts. But if you are going to the gym to do all that; you might as well just do it back home. So, you could give weight training a go. Compared to cardio, weight training have shown to cause a slight increase in the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. This effect could last for up to 24–36 hours depending on the intensity. The same applies to HIIT if you are doing it the right way.Of course, when I say weight training am not counting on you to bicep curls alone. Take up compounded lifts like squats and deadlifts. Do them with the correct form and with ample intensity at least once a week. Spare some time for cardio. Above all, watch what you eat. Remember, veggies first, include a lot of protein, and drink a lot of water.

Is cardio alone enough to lose weight?

I'm a 19 year old male and I'm 6'1ft and around 210-215 lbs. So yea I'm a little overweight. I lose and gain weight pretty fast so I was wondering if I can just do cardio to lose about 30 pounds.

My goal is 180-190 and last summer I was about the same weight I am now and lost about 30 pounds and got to 180 pounds. Long story short, I got lazy over the winter and didn't work out and ate a lot of crap. Back then, I mostly did 45 min of cardio after a good weight lifting session. But now that I'm out of shape from being lazy and smoking butts, I feel like I can only do cardio and that it takes every fiber in my body to lift.

So what I'm asking is if I can lose 30 pounds by just doing 30-45 min on an elliptical trainer 3-4 times a week until I get in better shape. Last year when I lost the weight I just did cardio in the beginning and gradually transitioned into weight lifting. So what do you think?

Is 1200 calories enough to lose weight?

1200 calories is a good number for weight loss, however, you really need to start counting the calories in your drinks. Protein and carbs contain 4 calories per gram, pure fat contains 9 calories per gram, alcohol is not too far behind with 7 calories per gram. So imagine a single measure of alcohol, a shot of 40% vodka for example might aswell be slightly under '40% fat'. Glass of wine is around 15%, lager and cider between 3 and 6 percent. Anything above 5% is considered high in calories.

That 1200 calories means an 800 clorie deficit, or just over 1.5lb per week weight loss, but you don't have to be the biggest drinker, you don't even have to be a regular drinker for the extra calories to ruin the work you are putting into your diet. 4 pints, 2 glasses of wine or 4 double shots at 40% brings you back upto 2000 calories for the day, but the possible hangover puts pressure on your liver, while the liver is busy sifting out the excess poisons in the digested alcohol, it spends less time converting fat into useable energy.

Is running on treadmill enough to lose weight?

The best way to lose weight is to reduce calories in. Calories spent is inefficient, no matter which exercise you choose. It’s basic math.As an example:Bicycling, Stationary. 30 minutes : moderate 210 - 311 caloriesCalories in an egg and cheese sandwich: 340 caloriesI lost over 220 lbs and I did not exercise. I work out now, but for other reasons. Lower your calories, do some moderate exercise, and you will see the weight fall off. Use a diary for your foods, track everything you eat - every single bite that goes into your mouth, and forget what healthcare professionals say about how many calories you “should” eat. Just eat less than what you do now, and you’re set.Good luck!Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights - Harvard HealthFree Calorie Counter, Diet & Exercise Journal |

Is this enough to lose weight in 2 months dastrically?

You will most likely lose up to 20 pounds following this regime. You shouldn't aim to lose more than 20 pounds in 2 months because not only can it put your health at risk, but you are more likely to gain it back in the long term, and also if you lose weight too quickly you can end up with saggy skin.

You should eat healthy food like fruit and veg, fresh fish, lean meat, egg whites, low fat dairy products, complex carbs, bran etc and cut out junk foods, soda, processed food, take outs. Don't eat fattening snacks, but opt for healthy choices instead such as oat cakes, fruit, veg sticks with hummus dip, a handful of nuts or anything else which is nutritious and filling, but low in calories. Be sure not to starve yourself, and eat 1200-1500 calories per day to ensure that you keep losing weight. Portion size is very important, and its better to eat small portions of all the food groups, than just big salads. Also drink lots of water to boost metabolism.

As you are trying to lose weight, one protein shake per day is sufficient. One can be between 200 and 600 calories depending on the brand, so you will need to take that into account in your overall calorie allowance.

One last thing is that you should change your routine a little after about 4-6 weeks, as your body gets used to it and the weight loss slows down.

Hope this helps and best of luck.

Is working out twice a week enough to lose weight?

I’m trying to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year. I eat around 1700 calories a day, on a vegan diet. I’m waiting to get the nerve endings in my knees burnt as I have nerve damage which makes my brain think that I’m in a great deal of pain when I’m not, swimming and cycling are the worst for this. The doctor recommended I only did light exercise or walked often if I needed to work out before I have my procedure. I on average walk 7-10km a day.

I want to lose weight?!!?!? But I'm not strong enough. help!?

I'm 115 pounds and 5 feet....I want to lose 10 pounds to feel more comfortable with myself. But I just cant get myself to go on a diet...I start my day good and dont eat that much but when the clock strikes three I just start eating a lot and i dont know how to restrain myself...I really want to lose ten pounds for my sweet 16 in another month!!! so its coming up!!! any advicwe?!?!

Is 30 minutes of exercise a day enough to lose weight?

Sure. If you don't stuff your mouth with food for 23 hours and 30 min. Actually 30 min 3 days a week is the recommended exercise for the average person.