Is This Some Type Of A Panic Attack

Panic attacks?

i really need help. i have panic attacks regularly (well, more irregularly but on a regular basis if that makes any sense...) and they are making my life so hard. i just started a new job that i LOVE and today i had to drive an hour away from my work for the orientation...which wasn't bad, i had a few minor attacks while there (it was an 8 hour session) but nothing really notable...until the ride home and i FREAKED out. i felt like i was going crazy...i started to cry and i couldn't hold it in any longer and i threw up and i kept making my co-worker who had driven our agency van, pull over and i ran away from the van and laid in the snow wishing i could just get hit by a i have 2 more days of training and i'm not sure i can do it...i can't go back to work. i made a fool of myself. she was really understanding but that doesn't make it any less embaricing...i guess my question is...what should i do? i'm so scared of being scared. the only thing i haven't tried is meds.

Can you have panic attacks while you are sleeping?

About 50% of all patients with panic disorder have nocturnal panic attacks, but most of the events will be happening during daytime activities. Research shows that only 10.2% of all panic attacks happen at night, but patients might be more severely concerned about these events.
A significant number of patients are afraid of the nighttime and do expect a loss of control or severe somatic consequences like a heart attack, stroke or other irrational cause of death. Of course this is most unlikely!

We know that most panic attacks are NOT caused by dreams. Records of sleep polysomnographia show a maximum of panic attacks during early sleep phase (phase II), not during the REM-phases associated with dreams. This is a major difference to nightmares! Nightmares happen during the second half of the night, so we are often able to remember the content of these dreams.

Pavor nocturnus is a very specific type of sleeping disorder, more common among children. It is defined by a sudden avakening with crying, strong anxiety symptoms and vegetative symptoms like heart palpitations, short breathening and sweating. This type of sleeping problems occur during deep phases of sleep (phase IV).

Arousals caused by sleep apnea syndromes are usually not characterized by extreme anxiety symptoms. But this sleep disorder might have an effect on the origin of panic attacks, because sleep apnea has an impact on heart frequency and blood pressure. Chronic arousal of anxiety during night could be a kind of dysfunctional protection against apnea during night.

The exact causes for panic attacks at night are not known. Other possible causes include an increase of CO2-concentration (False Suffocation alarm hypothesis) or changes of the parasympathotonic system due to autonomic dysfunction.

So panic attacks at night will be mainly influenced by the events of the last day, consumption of alcohol or drugs and a general higher arousal due to the anxiety disorder of the client.

Panic attacks, Anxiety, heart rate?

I dont know of one in your area, but I use to suffer from them to the point of having agorphobia. I am happy to say that I no longer have them anymore. That is without any types of drugs too. If you need any help please email me at in the subject line put panic attack so I will know what it is. I have helped alot of people.
First know that just being afraid of them, makes them worse. Know you are NOT going to die from them, although you feel sure that you are when your having them. And do know that you can be cured. Its just a matter of knowing how they are caused and whats happening to you while your having them is the first step in becoming free of them. The chemical that goes through your body at the time you have these is called epenephrine. Normally our bodys only produce this during needed times. Its called the flight or fight response. But some of us have them in all kinds of settings. Even waking up with them out of sleep. They are very common to type A personalitys. It is our bodies way of saying "okay you wont slow down well I'm going to make you". There is hope and I can tell you more if you need to get additional information. Take care! Email me if you need to. It helps to talk to someone who has been there.

Is it normal to have memory loss after a panic attack?


I have Anxiety Disorder so I know what panic attacks are like too, bloody horrible!

I have never experienced this type of "forgetting" that you did, where you don't remember a thing, but I do know that right after a panic attack I am so disorientated that I sometimes need to think really hard to remember exactly where I am and what I am doing there. My mind gets pretty confused.

It's very unlikely that you have anything other than panic wrong with you, but I would go to a doctor if I were you, just to make sure. Don't worry, if there is something wrong, it is probably minor, but go and get checked to give yourself peace of mind. The type of forgetfulness that you describe is not a common symptom of anxiety or panic, which doesn't mean that your anxiety isn't causing it, it's just not that heard of.

Book yaself in with a Doc, just to check. Good Luck!

Vistaril for anxiety/panic attacks?

Visteral will help your panic attacks. It is non addictive so you will not become dependent on it. You won't feel a buzz or anything like some people get taking the benzos. It should not make you drowsy either. I had severe panic attacks and had to go to the hospital, they gave me a shot of something, and they put me on Visteral 50mg 3 times a day. I have OCD and some GAD and it works well. However if you are under a lot of stress I suggest as well as the medication is that you find a good psychotherapist. You will be amazed if you start going on a regular basis how much better and unstressed you will feel. I know that is not the most popular thing to do and a lot of people think that it is a weakness, but the choice is up to you. You can either keep living the stressed out life you are in, or you can take action, get some therapy and make some changes and start to enjoy you life. Not all therapists are good so I recommend you try a few of them out until you find someone that you click with. If you can do an hour every week or every two weeks you will notice a difference in a short amount of time. The longer you do it the more you will gain. Eventually you will get to the point where you can do shorter and fewer sessions. It just depends on how stressed you are.

I have 3 different disorders including bipolar, ocd and add and the therapy has changed my life. I love my life now and I can take on a lot more issues now that would have had me really stressed in the past. I achieved this with several years of therapy and a combo of medications.

Good luck to you.

Panic Attacks/Anxiety: Can you please advise me?

Hi guys. Ive suffered with panic attacks and anxiety since 1999. I am male, 24 years of age. I was hoping you can help me

I absolutely hate riding as a passenger in cars at the moment with my anxiety. The thought of riding in one in the front or back, windows down or not makes me feel short of breathe and panicky. I dread everytime i think about having to go somewhere by car.

The last few times Ive travelled in a car i hyperventilate to the point i think im gonna pass out and if its not that, i get a tingling numb sensation in my face, making the think something terrible is about to happen to me.n My heart races and i cant get a breathe at all. This is worst in situations such as at traffic lights or whenever its not easy for the car to pull over to the side of the road (say if its in the middle lane of a main road).

Can anyone sympathise with me here with this problem and can anyone advise me how to conquer this fear and what to do to not panic when riding in a car.? Thanks all