Is This Very Good Idea For High School

What are some good ideas for a high school French Club?

Try doing some things that will attract French students and others to the French culture. You could try having something like French movie night where you can show your fellow students movies like Amelie (very good from what I hear).
You should also try to set up an ethnic day where you sell French foods during lunch time.
French is a very interesting language. Like you said, it's just a matter of making others aware of this. I've only given a few suggestions but it might do you some good to really sit down and brainstorm. Also, it might be a good idea to check out what the Spanish club is doing (if your school has one) and learn from them.
Best of luck. Salut!

What are some good ideas for a half time event at a high school?

1. The normal high school band performance
2. A contest where you have people enter a drawing and you pick two people (one male and one female) to come down at halftime and try to kick a field goal from the 15 yard line....if they make it, they get a prize ---- They did this every game at my college and it was so much fun (you can get sponsors from local companies to donate prizes)
3. Call the local little girls dance and gymnastics schools and get them to come out and do a performance at halftime---thsi increases attendance too because their parents and grandparents will buy tickets to the game to come see their little ones perform
4. Call the local parks and recreation dept and have them send two little league football teams out to play a 10 minute game at halftime....again their parents will buy tickets which increases attendance

Is it a good idea taking a gap year after high school?

As other people said, it depends. For me it was a brilliant idea.I took a gap year because I was not clear on what to do and I didn’t feel like to start college.My parents were opposed obviously. After a lot of talking we decided that I would at least spend the year studing English and so I left for a year living in Arizona.It was actually very challenging for me as I didn’t know almost anyone there and I had to make a living somehow. I had a lot of great experiences, met people who I still have contact with after several years, learnt a new language and finally felt sure about what I wanted to study in college.I would encourage anyone to do the same if they are not sure about starting college. But only to do something else, something very challenging, and something that would help in the future at least as an experience.

Is it ever a good idea to drop out of high school?

I speak as a high-school dropout.I can mostly agree with all of the advice to not drop out of high school, however there are always reasonable exceptions. The conclusions drawn from years of data are incontrovertible though– if you drop out of high school you face a MUCH higher likelihood of being a teenage parent, living a life in poverty, and being incarcerated.A higher likelihood. There are always exceptions.I dropped out, got my GED, labored hard, learned a lot of hard lessons, got married young, started my own business, had kids, made lots of money, was able to keep my wife at home with the kids, never saw my wife or my kids, learned even more hard lessons, went back for my BA, got accepted to grad school, got my state teaching license and became an English teacher.As teachers we tell you to go to school, get good grades, get a high school diploma, get into a good four-year college, and then specialize BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR BEST BET, STATISTICALLY SPEAKING, for a good life.Additionally, and I know this is a hard one to swallow, high school is teaching you how to achieve your objectives in spite having to deal with other people’s BS and society’s expectations. In high school you are dealing with the objective of getting a diploma in spite of teenagers’ BS, teachers’ BS, and the expectations of the warped society that is high school as well as the expectations of society at large.This does not mean that a high school diploma is the ONLY way to a good life.By not getting a diploma you are choosing to do things the hard way, and given the fact that most dropouts are looking for an easy way out of their responsibilities, this is rarely a good plan.Stay in school. Learn as much as you possibly can in the way of mathematics, language, how people function in groups, how you function in a group, and how well you deal with challenges and adversity. I promise, you will need all of it.

Is online schooling a good idea?

Online schooling has it pros and cons, like anything else. The glass is ALWAYS half full or half empty, depending on what you WANT (if not NEED) and what you EXPECT.ADVANTAGES:Cheap or free.Tremendous variety (practically infinite choices of topics).No commuting. No need to be at a certain class at a certain time.No time limit to finish anything (could be a disadvantage too).You can learn at your own pace (which may be too slow at times to make real advancement).Instructors who are still in the field and in touch with the latest out there. Even though they may not be great teachers per se, they usually know their specialized material well.DISADVANTAGES:Usually no nationally-recognized diploma or certification.No networking or memorable social experiences.Some of the instructors who may not be as well versed in the craft of training as college professors.Since everything depends on the student's motivation, it requires a lot of self-discipline to continue and finish the courses.

Is it a good idea to marry your high school sweetheart?

Well, to give you an idea of how retrospect works: in a Psychology Today article, psychologist and researcher Nancy Kalish reports some significant findings about how people aged 18 to 92 perceived their first loves—their high school sweethearts. Most respondents—56 percent—said they wouldn’t go back to that relationship, while 19 percent said they didn’t know, and 25 percent said that they would.Of course, you have to remember that the 25 percent who said that they would go back to their high school sweethearts have no clue how their first love has changed over the years—and how they have changed. They may be seeing their first love through the lens of nostalgia and a yearning for their lost youth.High school is a great time to be alive and in love. You have few cares except making good grades—and making your bed in the morning. Your parents are still giving you shelter, and you’re not embroiled in the tough, hard real world of adulting. Transitioning from being kids together to being adults together can be very challenging.It has also been said that your 20s are the decade in which you change the most. You discover your political ideology, your religion, your belief system, your goals and aspirations, your true passions. If you and your high school sweetheart don’t grow together, in the same or markedly similar ways, it could be disastrous to marry at a young age.I wanted to marry my high school sweetheart, but I’m glad that I didn’t. We would have definitely gotten a divorce post-haste. We have nothing in common today. That doesn’t make him a bad person—it just means that we grew in completely different directions.

Is it a good idea for a high school student who is extremely interested in a future in medicine to buy the USMLE step 1 textbook in order to study from it, or is it too advanced and if so what would you recommend?

The USMLE Step 1 textbook may be too advanced and you definitely do NOT have the background to understand the material in the book. Your first step should be do well in high school so you can get into a very good college or university. Your second goal should be to do well in university or a very good 4 year college, especially in the premedical required subjects such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry; Biology (Cell and Molecular and Genetics); Physics (at an algebraic basis); Statistics; Sociology or Psychology; and English literature. You may ask why English Literature—you will be doing a lot of reading in the first years of medical school and then in your clinical clerkships, you will be doing quite a bit of writing as you will be expected to write up patient information in their charts. The third step is to do well in your major that you study in university or college. Do a major you enjoy as you will not necessarily have the time in medical school or residency to do the fun things you enjoy. The fourth step is do well on the MCAT. As you can see there is a long road to getting into medical school before you need to get ready to take USMLE Step 1.I would suggest that during high school and college or university, you shadow physicians and even become a “candy stripper” or volunteer at the local hospital. You should learn what medicine and healthcare is really about.

Is it a good idea to drop out of high school so I can focus on making weed videos for YouTube?

How old are you in the first place to smoke weed?.My firm answer would be NO. Education is very important and making weed videos and landing a job would be a difficult task because the employers who interview you will deem as you as “full time stoner”. Dropping out of high school just to make weed videos is not worth it. Get your high school diploma and once you have reached your legal age to smoke RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA then you can think about it. You have to live in a state where recreational marijuana is legal, remember that.

Gap Year to Study Abroad after High School, good idea? ( Bad grades)?

I want to take a gap year after I graduate from high school and study abroad in Japan. So after I graduate high school in the U.S. I'll go to school again in Japan. (Any idea what grade I would be in? I'm assuming it would be high school and not a college that I would be attending.) Is this a wise idea? After I return I would like to attend an art school. I'm just a little nervous and I want to see if anyone had done something similar.

Hearing others experiences gives me reassurance.

I don't think it would be hard to catch up since it's an art school. I know I won't get all of the scholarships that I could as a senior and going straight to college. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also I think it's important to mention my academics.
I'm a good student, it's just that I messed up really bad in freshman year and slightly in sophomore year. I got F's, D's, and C's for my freshman year. Sophomore year I got D's but stayed in the B-C range. Currently I am a B average. I only had one D this year. For my senior year I plan on working very hard to stay away from D's and raising my GPA. I have (sadly) a 2.2, but I've been watching it rise carefully and I'm hopeful that it will rise in the future. ( Planning on re-taking some classes I failed freshman year to take off those weights.) I can handle the workload and show that I can improve. Do you think I'm still qualified for studying abroad? I really want to do it and I'll do anything I can. What do you suggest? Thank you.