Is This What Happened In Missouri

What is happening in Ferguson, Missouri?

It's a mixture of longstanding racial tension coupled with police militarization.Here is a brief summary of the issue with background: 1. Out of 53 local cops, only 3 are black. Yet Ferguson is a majority black town. The Police do not represent the community they have jurisdiction over. This becomes a problem because the police force is racist. How do we know this? Check #2. 2. Blacks are much, much more likely to be stopped by police even though police are more likely to find contraband on the whites they stop. 3. Police killed Mike Brown an unarmed black man, while his hands were up. After he was killed, they left his body lying in the street for four hours. 4. Then, Police refused to name Mike Brown's killer for days. And when they did, they also seemed to justify that killing by showing tape of Mike Brown allegedly stealing cigars. The implicit assumption--that Mike Brown was a lawless kid who got what was coming to him-- is offensive and racially charged. 5. Police responded to legitimate protests with overwhelming force, violating the rights of community members to assemble and journalists to report on the story. A short list of abuses include; Tear gassing Al Jazeera America, arresting two reporters in McDonalds for no reason, screaming "I will fucking kill you" to reporters while pointing guns at them, etc. etc. One ex-member of the army noted '4 years in the Army, including 2 spent staring down N. Korea and I never had as much sweet gear as the cops in Ferguson, Mo. pop. 21,000′.Ferguson police are overarmed, stop blacks at rates which defy logic and show clear racial bias, and also bungled the public relations aspect of the case. All of these reasons contributed to the problems we have seen in Ferguson, Missouri. References: Police stops in Ferguson: What are the numbers? : News7 Consequences of Police Militarization - Safety is Dangerous

3. What would happen to the dissolved oxygen in the Missouri River if large amounts of waste were dumped into?

Well...., it would decrease. All the microorganisms that break down waste in the rivers require oxygen in order to fully decompose the waste. If large amounts of waste is dumped in, a lot of dissolved oxygen would be used up. (Killing all the fish :/)

Why did the Missouri Compromise happen?


The was a delicate balance in the Congress between slave states an free states. But then Missouri got enough people to qualify as a new state. They would be a slave state, and that would give them greater power in the congress.

The compromise was to allow another Free state to jion at the same time. But there were no other territories out west ready to be states.

Maine at that time was under the control of Massachusetts, called the "province" of Maine. The people of Maine had been asking that they be allowed to separate from Massachusetts and form their own state.

So they let Missouri in as a slave state and Maine in as a free state. That was the compromise.

At the last minute, someone put in a provision that said that there could be no more slave states as far north as Missouri. The compromise held for 30 years and then .... Kansas-Nebraska!

Good Luck

What happened to the Missouri couple who adopted a kidnapped Guatemalan girl?

There was an interesting story in the news not too long ago, but I haven't heard anything about it recently, so I wonder what happened.

A US couple, Timothy James Monahan and Jennifer Lyn Vanhorn Monahan of Liberty, Missouri, adopted a kidnapped girl, named Anyeli Hernandez Rodriguez, from Guatemala; however, even though the girl's mother, Loyda Rodriguez, has been trying for years to get the girl back, the Monahans have argued that they get to keep her anyway,

The girl was already four years old when she was taken from Guatemala, so it's not as though she has no memory of her real country and family.

Last I heard, the US government said that they have no obligation to return the girl to Guatemala, because the US and Guatemala hadn't signed any agreement for returning abducted children.

The most recent updates on this story I could find are from a year ago, so I wonder what has happened since then.

If Missouri would have joined the Union in 1820 as a whole state, what would have happened?

Bad question, maybe was misquoted. Missouri joined as a slave state, which would have unbalanced the Senate members between slave and free states. The compromise was that Maine, which previously had been part of Massachusetts, was admitted as a free state, preserving the balance.