Is This Why Women Should Not Get Married

Why women should not be educated?

Ok, well I am completely against this too but here are some of the arguments.

Education leads to more career opportunities for women and women are taking advantage of them and are waiting longer to have children - the birth rate is going down at the same time as our population is living longer - the concern is that there will not be enough people working in 50 years to support the retired people. Also more children are being born with physical and mental disabilities because of the older mothers which is an additional strain. You can look up birth rate statistics to support this and search for decreasing birth rate concerns.

Educating women means there are less jobs available generally and this means more men are unemployed than previously - male unemployment figures will support this.

A faction of men on here (and some you will be able to find online) say they will not marry career women because they are not how women should be and turn to dating agencies which introduce them to Asian women seeking a traditional lifestyle.

Girls are currently doing better than boys in all areas of academic study (in the UK girls took the lead for the first time in science and mathematics in 2008 - this may not have happened yet in the USA -look it up?) and this makes boys associate studying with being feminine - there are studies showing that boys fear being called 'gay' if they study.
The same is true of female college graduates who I was told constitute 62% of all college graduates. You could use these two points to argue that girls being educated causes boys to perform more poorly.

This is, of course, all rubbish - if we followed this, education would still be the realm of white, Western, middle class boys and men and we have lost out on all the positive consequences of black people, working class people and women in education - these include medicine, cancer treatment, computer technology etc. We need to have everyone having the opportunity for education so that we do not limit our advances and discoveries. These points can be made tho to impress your teacher.

Why should I (girl) get married?

It is not important to get married…be it a girl or boy.When you think of marriage, ask yourself, why do you want to get married? What do you expect out of a marriage? If you have clarity, go ahead. I don't say marriage is bad, but if you don't have a strong reason, then you're in deep shit. Marriage is commitment. Marriage is dal chawal for 50 saal till you die. Don't get married for it is society's norm to get married. Society will eat at your wedding and then watch your life like it's a movie.At the same time, if you're looking at getting married to financially secure your future, you're morally and ethically wrong. Never look at financial security in a wedlock. You never how things can turn up. If you think getting married will make you happy, you're wrong. As a girl, if you thinking getting married will give you a shoulder to lean on, then you need to equally strong.Learn to be financially independent and lead a happy life by yourself. If you can't be happy by yourself, no wedding can keep you happy. When you think of marriage, have an equal stake in it.

Why aren't men getting married?

They aren't interested in marriage because:

1. Women have an equal chance of extramarital relationships than men, and can do so much more easily than men.

2. Women may bear children, but if things don't work out they use visitation and custody as mean-azz weapons against their men.

3. Divorce courts are very unfair to men.

Therefore, why get married if you know you're going to get dragged through the mud? The playing field is not yet level enough to encourage men to want to marry.

Besides, what's the point of marriage? You can't force someone to love you. You can't force them to want to stay. And if you did, they'd resent you. So again, its better to be with someone that wants to be with you, than using a piece of paper to torture that person if things don't work out.

Why do women quit their jobs when they get married?

I am working in a position that was left because the last Admin Assistant left because she was getting married. Do married women leave their jobs often? Why is the phrase "She left because she was getting married" suficiant? Just curious. Thanks!

Should women take their husband's surname after marriage? Why, or why not?

I will personally support to change the surname.When a boy is married to a girl that means the boy is responsible and is the guardian of the girl.If she marries then it is natural that she will use her husband's house,properties, t.v. and other stuffs. If she doesn't change surname there she might not get these. And I will tell the people who are telling boys to change surnames that boys have Zero claims over the girl’s properties and excluding being a husband living in girl’s house mostly girls come to in laws so there is no point for boys to change surname.It may be a complete mess and lack of peace when their children is born and they start ego battles for which surname will be the children’s. Expectations come step by step.If she marries in any tradition there is a symbol of marriage, i.e. sindoor in hindu tradition, ring in Christian tradition. Likewise in most countries it is the tradition as the symbol of marriage.It is not HAZARDOUS to anyone's identity. Even it doesn't kill (pun intended).It is often shown as the dominance of patriarchal society and often elaborated women as ‘properties’ by petty Feminists. But this custom is for respecting her as his beloved wife. It is like giving special honour to her not to propertise her.So this unnecessary revolution to oppose women from changing titles is really overdone. Obviously they may not change but they can not claim anything from the boy even if he becomes successful.