Is Yahoo Answers A Forum

What's so bad about Yahoo! Answers?

I have to disagree that it's the worst thing in the world. It has shortcomings for sure. But Yahoo Answers serves the masses, while Quora still serves the niche. Quora has a strong following in Silicon Valley and in general among internet entrepreneurs, software geeks, etc. But that would hardly be 2-5% of the masses. I have to believe that average intellectual level of the community on Quora is pretty high and I would not expect them to use Yahoo Answers. If you somehow bring the 100 million users of Yahoo Answers on Quora then they are likely to create a significant amount of spam on Quora as well. No community moderation can stop that. Turns out that what is "spam" for a few of us, is actually entertainment for millions out there. People actually visit those pages (in millions) and click on ads as well! Yahoo does not pay or promote people to create spam. In fact, a lot of research goes into how to tactfully deal with spam without hurting the community. I love Quora and spend a lot of time on it. However, I find it very hard to get answers to non-tech questions on Quora. I have to turn to Yahoo or Aardvark for them. I believe both Yahoo Answers and Quora can coexist like any other niche and mass products in the world.

Is Yahoo Answers a forum?

it moved into forum territory - when they added comments and allowed people to see their followers voting

there have been many formatting and feature changes over the last 3 years

The Q and A - boards are meant to be knowledge seeking and chat is against the Community Guidelines


most of the site is chat and activity feeds encourage social networking on the site

recently - a lot of the features do not work properly

it's not a stupid question - yahoo has sent out mixed messages about how the site should function and how it can and also how it shouldn't be used

The Answers Team posted a lot of chat over the last two years - they also ran a lot of promotions asking users to post chat

then - if you participated in those promotions - many people got chat violations

there has been little or no participation on the site by staff for over a year - no one really knows, what the expectations are anymore

Is Quora just a glorified Yahoo! Answers?

Sure, in the sense that a Tesla is just a glorified golf cart.  At the most basic level, they both work on the same principle, but one has design, functionality, capability and even looks that's far beyond the other.   The problem here is that you have two competing definitions of the word "glorified".  It can mean something that's given glory for no good reason, or it can mean something that's been made glorious.  If you mean the first, then no, Quora isn't given glory for no good reason.  It's far more prestigious because it has a great deal more to offer.  The differences between the sites may be subtle (some are, and some aren't) but they cumulatively make a huge difference in the user experience (at least, they did in my case). If you're using the second definition, then the answer is yes.  Quora took the basic concept behind Yahoo Answers and they made it into something glorious.  And good for them.

Is Yahoo Answers a forum for teenagers to ask about sex, how tall they will grow & do they have diabetes?

Excuse me sir, I'm 14 and have noticed that teenagers are not the only ones asking questions here there is a wide range of people of all ages asking life questions on here and some asking rather odd or quite stupid questions. But yes teenagers do ask about sex, how tall they will grow and whether or not they have diabetes because that is what we do. we ask questions and learn. If i may ask, how did you learn? I would guess by asking questions :) Have a good day dear sir!

Will Quora die someday like Yahoo Answers?

Pretty much the way other things die, they will fall out of use. Is anyone still using My Space? I knew they made a comeback but can't imagine who is there. Google has their own graveyard, igoogle, picnik photo editing, Google reader, Google answers. Facebook was going to launch a Q&A forum, I submitted some things for them, but never manifest (but I suspect it might be Quora that came out of that). Yahoo has a lot of dead services, Geocities, 360, Mash, Buzz, Photos, Yahoo HotJobs. Technology has a way of growing fast and having a shorter lifespan, but you never know, it could evolve into something else.

Why do people prefer Quora over Yahoo! Answers?

Oh boy, this is going to be fun.Q1: Why do we need water to survive?Quora: Our bodies are mostly made of water, so we need to continually replenish our water supply in order to survive.Yahoo! Answers: WE DONT!!! I ACTUALY FOUND A HEALTHY WATER SUBSTITUTE IF U GUYS R INTRESTED!!!!!!!Q2: What is 2+2?Quora: 2+2 is equal to 4. For instance, imagine you had two cookies and your friend gave you two more. How many do you have now? You now have 4 cookies.Yahoo! Answers: 2+2 is an aDITION PROBLOM. your duMb.Q3: Why is the grass green?Quora: Grass and many other plants have a pigment called chlorophyll which absorbs light to be used for photosynthesis. However, green light is the one wavelength in the spectrum that chlorophyll cannot absorb. Therefore, it is reflected back to our eyes, which perceive the grass to be green.Yahoo! Answers: the same reason teh skys blue god made it that way now just be happyBONUS: Yahoo! Answers strikes back!I’ll let you be the judge of why people prefer Quora.

Is Yahoo Answers a good forum for a public service announcement?

WARNING: I am not responsible for my actions thanks to Moonbelle who has put a very potent love spell on me. Please handle with care. Stooge content may be too mooshy for some Y!Viewers. This may include but is not limited to: silly love poems, video links to romantic songs, blatant disregard for reality and other side effects which generally induce vomiting in those who are allergic to moosh...