Life Seems So Pointless And I

Life seems so pointless?

It seems like I have no significant value to the world, and it just makes me feel so numb and dull. Like nothing matter because were all going to die anyways. It makes me frustrated because it feels like whatever im doing is completely pointless in the long run.

Why does life

Same boat here, except I'm a 14-year-old college sophomore who graduated HS early. You can probably imagine that I have no friends (due to my age), and I've a rich fantasy life because...well, it's like you said. Fantasy is just amazingly better than reality.

I don't know what to suggest. But you did ask, what is there to experience that isn't boring. You're 22. Can't you travel (by travel I don't mean go to Italy and stare at some old paintings in buildings, but actually get a job there or something)? Get a new job? Learn and practice meditation (which is apparently the ticket out of mundane experiences) in India?

I have to agree, though. The world is pointless because life just goes on and ends. I'm lucky enough to have read a lot about Buddhism. Someday I do plan to go to India to get the f*ck out of this materialistic society and experience something more fulfilling than the cycle of suffering speckled with fleeting moments of pleasure. For now I'm stuck in college listening to and reading apathetic music/literature all day to briefly cheer myself up.

Life IS pointless, but you can create and cherish the more beautiful parts of your life, and maybe even learn to let go of your attachment to wanting pleasure and "meaning" from life. Best wishes!

Why is Life so Pointless?

I am 17 years old and i've been thinking about life for years and how pointless it is. It makes me sad that my mother will die one day and that she can't be with me forever. I am disrespectful to her because im so mad that life has brought me nothing but poverty and nothingness so I just take it out on her when really she is the only one who truly loves me. I pray to God but he doesnt answer. I don't work hard in school because whenever I do, something demotivates me and tells me its pointless. I am trapped in a cycle of nothingness as the universe and time pass me by. Most days I find myself staying up till 4 am and then waking up in the late afternoon. I don't want to be a nobody just being poor and broke forever. I feel as though nobody really gets me and I'm all alone. Nobody cares about what I say because I'm too shy to speak up so I often find myself being talked over or overlooked. I don't have many friends and I struggle to keep in contact with the ones I do have. I feel very socially awkward and Like I'm dumb or autistic or something. I really love this girl but she is a christian and is too good for me. I don't enjoy going to the mall or to a restaurant or anything because I feel like people will judge me for being a weirdo or something. I mostly can laugh and act like I'm ok but its really starting to get to me. I feel like If i never existed I would be better off because then I don't have to deal with life at all. Please give me some advice.

What should you do when you feel life is pointless?

Before I answer you… what do you really feel like doing right now?For me(on the verge of ending myself), asked myself do I still want to live.I controlled myself to hesitate, enabling rest to rethink and reflect.(upon reasons, be it to live or die)I searched google, and it told me many positive things.(not what i wanted)I searched negative literature to see the author’s point of view.I searched religions and saw their predictions of life and death.I saw philosophies of life and knew for sure, nope, these theories can’t be proven.(our senses might be an illusion: see solipsism)All those years, why did I live? Unconsciously living(yes nevertheless still living), for what?You can see the highest frequency word that is in my answer is the word, I.I guess you can guess it, the truth is everybody is searching and pursuing the purpose of life, but it is just all question based upon I.“I” matters most… do you get it?My life is mine, it doesn’t belong according to the views of my family, my peers, or even my God.I get my say in my life.Reasoning likewise I love life! I love MY life! For me to feel meaningful is to not disappoint myself by slacking off or not trying when there is a chance for success, be it whatever it may be(even if it is researching immortality). To try my best, so that eventually even if I die, I have tried, therefore there is no remorse in this. How cool is it to fight against all odds! People think I am defeated, think my actions are madness, but no…. oh no, I define what is my defeat, what is my purpose in this life, therefore I shall not waver when anybody questions my existence and purpose.That’s just me.Your life, your say. You define what it means to be meaningful or meaningless. What people think does not matter when it comes to your meaning of life. People think you are defeated, if you truly believe what they think, then you are truly defeated. Therefore you are here now, believing in what that isn’t defined by yourself.I am the author of my life. Be it meaningless or not nobody other than myself can judge it. Nobody can define my meaningless/meaningful other than me.So to answer your question:I suggest you do what you value most before your life ends.ButYou are the one who authorize your next step.P.S. Immortality gives meaning when all eventually fades.

Why does life seem so boring and pointless to me?

If it's not, then how can I give a meaning to it?

My good friends have all moved away to college, and I'm stuck here in community college with nobody to talk to. I spent the first few weeks of class trying to find new friends, but it doesn't seem like anyone here has anything in common with me. I have social anxiety, which makes things difficult as well.

My life consists of waking up early to go to work or class each morning, and not getting home until very late at night. I have no free-time except for the few hours between classes on Monday and Tuesday nights, and loads of homework that need to be done after 10:00 on school nights.

I'm studying to become a psychologist, but I'm not sure that that's what I want to do anymore. I feel less and less motivated every day, and I'm getting B's in my classes (which will prevent me from going to graduate school down the road).

I really want out, to take a long break, but I'm stuck in this cycle until I graduate and move into a different one. If I take even a semester off, I'll have to work even harder to pay back the government loans I took out to come here.

I'm 19 and I feel like I'm getting older, fatter, and uglier by the day. I see high school girls in stores and such, and I cry to myself thinking about how easy and comfortable life was back then and how much it's going to suck for those girls when time runs out for them.

I know this isn't normal - what can I do? I don't want to hurt the ones I love by committing suicide, but my existence seems so pointless.

Thank you, I appreciate any advice.

Life is stupid and pointless?

Life is stupid and pointless? I sometimes wonder if life is even real because of how stupid it seems. The smartest quantum physicists think that electrons can just appear and reappear randomly and be in 2 places at once, and it all seems so far fetched why would anyone believe this? Our universe almost seems fake. We work our whole life and whats the point. I smoke weed occasionally and I'm 15. I get stressed with school all the time and for what. I'm not really depressed but I wish I could just kill myself because life is stupid and pointless. There is no god and its impossible to prove so don't even go there. Right now I'm thinking I get good grades I'll go to a good college get a good job and have a family but its all for what? To die. I don't really know what I'm doing right now so I'll just smoke my weed, relax, and continue on because the only other option is suicide. So yeah. I'm not saying that I'm emo and depressed and bullshit like that, I'm saying there really is no point to life. If anything high school is better than having an adult job and paying bills and such. You work so hard your whole life just to die, and experience some pretty horrible things along the way. Any organism's main purpose in its life span is to reproduce and die. Most of a persons life is just work, and if you try to have fun all of the time you're looked down on. People say to get their priorities straight, which is bullshit. Who is to say whats good or bad for a person in the long run. It doesn't really matter what you do so if everyone is just going to end in a cosmic blink of an eye. Every single day is the same thing over and over again. People should enjoy life before you die, but in this ****** up world that's impossible. I'm looking at life in a life scale. You live then die. We are all so insignificant to the universe. Childhood is the only time to enjoy life, adulthood is nothing but hard work unless you want to be a bum. I'm asking for opinions and help, not for people to tell me I'm stupid for expressing how I feel.