Likelihood Of Dimples In Child

What are the chances that my future child will have dimples?

its almost impossible to say because your boyfriend has dimples but he also can give your baby the no dimples trait and you might have the trait but you may also give him the no dimple trait its like a 50 chance the baby will be born with it or it might skip a generation and your grandchild might have it so its hard to say but you have a bigger chance since both you and him have dimples in the family, it can even have 2 dimples on each cheek witch is sooo cute, i have allot of cousins and aunts with dimples and no one else from my siblings or parents have dimples except for me i have one, i wish i had two! any way no one in my husbands fam has dimples and still my son has a little one in one cheek close to his lips and its noticeable when he smiles so you never know unless you try right!!

Chances of children having dimples?

Dimples are genetic and they are a dominant trait, so your child will more than likely end up with them. Or it could be like me... my entire family all have dimples, and I only have one. :D

Can a child have dimples when neither of his/her parents have dimples? How is this possible?

Some possibilities:the assertion that having dimples is inherited through one dominant gene is quoted over and over again, but nobody could come up with a scientific underpinning for this assertion.  So might be false!variation in penetrance:  some  individuals may carry a  particular gene, but they do not manifest the traits  associated with  it.  Nonetheless, they  pass the traits to their successive generations.  dimples may also be caused  from spontaneous  mutations that result in a dent in the cheek  that leads  to dimples. reduced penetrance occurs when one person inherits certain  genetic  trait along with another trait that suppresses it. For example, a   person may inherit genes for dimples and also other genes for small  face. In  this case the small face will not allow the gene for dimples  to function. Such  people are called passive carriers of dimple genes.Wiedemann in OMIM Entry - 126100 - DIMPLES, FACIAL described people who lost their dimple(s) after becoming an adult, so you wouldn't that they had had a dimple when young.

Can cheek dimples appear later in life?

Of course they could. When your muscle contours change during or after mood change , ones cheek muscles typically have a more muscled up set of countours compared to during a more depressed phase !;)

Why do I have dimples but my parents don’t?

Dimples are a dominant trait, which means that if neither of your parents have dimples, it would take a rare spontaneous mutation for YOU to have dimples. Although dimples are dominant, they have variable expression, which means that one of your parents may have very faint dimples, or ones that are difficult to see because they are thin, but you could still inherit obvious dimples from one of them, because that one has what amounts to ‘invisible dimples’!

What are the chance's of my baby having his father's dimples?

i was told that dimples are the dominant gene .. but i have them and my parents dont , but my maternial grand mother does ( mothers mum ) .
and none of my other 3 siblings have them .
No one on my partners side has dimples but my son does . it is super cute in babies , lol
Im really hoping that my next child has them too ..
growing up everyone always commented on mine and now my 2 yr gets them best comments about his . lol

good luck too

okay so this site says its dominant , so there is a higher chance of getting dimples .
ur partner may have one dominant and one ressive gene apposed to 2 domintant ( the dimple gene ) so there is a 50% chance ur baby will have dimples
but if ur partners parents have dimples then the chance is higher

If one parent does not have dimples (dd) and one parent is heterozygous for dimples (Dd)?

50%. possible out comes from cross = Dd, Dd, dd, dd

Why do some people only have one dimple?

A single dimple on one cheek is a rare phenomenon.Transfer of dimples from parents to children occurs due to just one gene. The dimple creating genes are present in the sex cells prior to the process of reproduction. Each parent provides one of these genes to the child. So, if both the parents have dimples, the children have 50-100% chances of inheriting dimple genes.If, however, only one parent has dimple genes, the chances of the children inheriting the genes are 50%. If neither of the parents has the dimple genes, their children will not have dimples.