List Some Of The Crash Costs Of Driving

What is non crash costs of driving?

1. depreciation
2. gasoline and maintenance.
3. Insurance
4. care and parking.
5. parking fines
6. washing and cleaning.
7. Replacement of worn parts and tires.
8. tags, title and annual registration.

Explain the noncrash costs of driving?

Well, cost of ownership would be:

Cost of the purchase, amortized over the years you own the car. (Less whatever you might sell it for)
Cost of the insurance each year.
Cost of the maintenance and repairs each year.
Cost of fuel based on the miles you travel each year.

Add it all up and it can be LOT of money. The average monthly car ownership in the US is about $600 per month. Remember this is an AVERAGE - you could be lower than this if you buy a cheaper than average car, drive fewer that the average miles, etc.


You can't be serious look up your own answers.

Alcohol related crashes cost the public ?


How much? It is in the hundreds of millions, probably billions. It is hard to get a total figure, because it includes public losses, and losses incurred by every insurance company, all of which come out of policy holders pockets, not to mention lost job time and salary costs to employers.

Should I hire a driving instructor or ask someone to teach me how to drive for free?

I am a 25 year old who has his/her permit but has never gotten my license before (I know, embarrassing). I got into a car crash while on my permit and that scarred me. I really want to get back on trying to get my driver's license because I miss driving and I NEED IT to survive.

My parents suggested for me to hire a driver instructor but it costs so expensive. $200 for two hours and 6 hrs for $480. I can ask someone to help teach me for free (like family members and friends who have offered to help) but I dont know.

What do you guys think?