Looking For Matlab Vs. Python Main Differences In Coding

What are the differences between scripting languages and programming languages?

Scripting languages are languages that allow you to send commands directly to a system that executes these commands. These commands are read line by line and executed. An error is issued when a line cannot be executed for any reasn (wrong syntax, illegal operation,...). e.g. Python, shell-script, Matlab

Programming languages are languages that allow you to create a program by writing structured code that is read all at once by the system, checked for errors, and translated into an unreadable format that the machine can then execute. e.g. Java, C/C++, Visual Basic...

Programming languages are generally faster in execution than scripting languages but are often more difficult to use and have more rigid syntax. You can generally use either of them to do pretty much anything, though each is more suited for specific applications.

How do I compare R, MATLAB and Python? What are their differences and relationships?

It's very difficult to compare programming languages without knowing what you plan to do with them. Python is a general purpose language, it's great for data structures and programming in general, it has a vast collection of libraries that you can use. Installing them sometimes is not very easy. R is oriented to statistical analysis and data processing in small scale. It has a very huge collection of packages to do almost anything you might imagine with data and they are easy to install. As a general programming language it is much slower than python and the syntax is very confusing.Matlab is commercial (fist huge difference) and oriented to mathematical processes, doing stuff with matrices and related things. It's very easy to program very complex things using Matlab as you have all the tools you need at your fingertips. Octave is a free version of Matlab and should be considered in the mix. In terms of speed Matlab is slower than  R and R is slower than Python.In terms of abstraction Matlab > R > Python. So speed of code is the exact inverse of speed of coding :)I'll resume my humble experience with these 3 languages:- If I need to test several different algorithms on some data I use R as it has packages for probably all of them and they are very easy to use.- If I need to use some data structures, specially hash tables or program things dealing with text and strings I use Python.- If I need to prototype a new algorithm I usually use Matlab.Luis

What is best for image processing - Matlab, R or python?

MATLAB - If you're short of time and just need the work to get done. Alternatively, if you know exactly what you're doing, MATLAB is also extremely powerful. However, it does require one to expend some effort in order to capture its full potential.Python - If you're short on experience, but want to know how the "nuts and bolts" of IP operates. Python now has a rather good IP library scikit-image [1]. However, its still a far cry from catching up with MATLAB's IP toolbox. Python appeals to me because I'm the kind of guy who can't resist popping the hatch and looking inside. Also, I've found that the best way to gain competency in any post-processing technique is to learn to hard code it yourself. Be warned though, it takes time to master, and for more complex projects it is often not worth the effort. MATLAB, does it faster and better.R - If you want something sexy for your resume. End of Story.[1] Image processing in Python

What is the basic difference between image processing using MATLAB or Python and image editing in Photoshop?

Image editing is frequently thought of as image manipulation. Image editing is about altering the image by things such as cropping, changing the resolution or contrast. Image Processing is the discipline of image improvement plus photo editing; modifying exposures, enhancing or removing elements and similar functions added to the editing features. Both are ways to improve the image.Programming languages/environments such as Python and MATLAB can perform image manipulation but that is not their primary function. Image editing would be part of a larger development effort, such as creating a site registration program that includes uploading an image and then resizing the image to a standard size. This type of editing can be performed in many coding languages; Python, jQuery, and Javascript for example.On the other hand, Adobe Photoshop is an application dedicated to image manipulation. It can perform both simple editing functions as well as processing functions. The product is packed with powerful features allowing users to change images. Photoshop is used by professional photographers to perfect their photos; as well as casual users.In terms of application, I would use Photoshop to do any heavy image processing/editing, for example modifying resolution or complex editing such as merging images. Python and MATLAB, if they were part of the development environment, would be used to create the application/code and only perform image manipulations required by the application itself.

How similar is MATLAB code when compared with Python?

For beginner and intermediate levels, MATLAB and Python are very similar. Although I would say Python is a better “maker” language if you're doing that kind of thing. You can review MATLAB Documentation and Python Documentation for lots of examples of code to compare.Some relevant specifics I can think of:Python does require the use of libraries, but that is not hard.Neither language requires an explicit definition of data type (e.g., int a=1 or char b='text’), which makes both languages more straightforward for a beginning programmer.There are small syntax differences for major programming functionalities like loops, conditional statements, etc. but these are trivial.In short, they the code/syntax is very similar in my experience, and I've watched several undergrad students pick up Python quickly who only had experience in MATLAB.

Matlab vs Python - Which do you like better and why?

I would choose Python, as I was using it during my university times.
Python is inbetween scripting and language.

What's the difference between different programming languages?

I'm just starting to learn about computer science, and I want to know what's the difference between different programming languages? Specifically Python, JavaScript, MatLab, Ruby on Rails, HTML5.(and other common ones perhaps you know of).
And why are there so many? Do they serve different purposes? Also what would you use each one for?

Thanks :D

Is Python better than MATLAB?

Without providing the right metrics, the question is similar to asking:Is an orange better than an apple?Python and MATLAB are two programming languages that come with their own pros and cons serving the research, industrial, and scientific community in their own respective ways.MATLAB (Matrix labrotatory)ProsKing of linear algebra - Incredibly simple & capable of computing large matrices - inverses, multiplication, rank etc.Simpler language - Much easier to write certain operations and behaviors on MATLAB. Symbolically closer to maths.# MATLAB
row = [ 1 2 3 ] % creating a row
mat = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] % creating a matrix
col = row'; % transposing the row
inner = row*col % computing inner product
Picture worth a 1000 words - Visualizing in MATLAB is easy. With its integrated IDE, you can edit code, display output, plot figures, manipulate data etc.ConsCostly - Unless you are provided with a license or your bank balance has more than 5 digits to the left of the decimal, the budget is not for the faint of the heart.Limited versatility - Compared to Python, its applications’ range and versatility is lesser.PythonProsFast development & Free - The language is open-source. You simply just download and install it for free! Easy to code and start debugging. MATLAB is heavier in this aspect.Extensive libraries - From internet services to machine learning, computer vision to operating system interfaces, it has a large family of developers. Your back is taken care of.Portability - Amazing object-oriented capabilities, it is simpler to code in Python and modularize your code for reusability.ConsChallenging for beginners - With concepts such as generators, constructors, lists, tuples, dictionaries, object-oriented programming, Python can be more challenging and overwhelming than MATLAB.Graphical Display - Harder to visualize and display data from Python compared to MATLAB.

How to make a Matlab program recognize different poker hands?

If may be easier or more efficient to split the cards suit and values, you can do that using a struct. At the end of this code count will output and if any value of count is 2 or greater a pair or greater is present.

card = struct('suit',{},'value',{});

for ii = 1:5
card(ii).suit = round(3*rand)+1; % Or try card(1).suit = randi(3)+1;
card(ii).value = round(12*rand)+1; % Or try card(1).suit = randi(12)+1;

count = zeros(1,13);
for ii = 1:5
for jj = 1:13
if card(ii).value == jj
count(jj) += 1;
