Marijuana Should Be Legal For Medical And Recreational Use

What is the difference between Medical and Recreational Marijuana legalization ?

Well medical marijuana is much stronger and better. It is most likely clean and not soaked in deadly pesticides. However, it is taxed and very expensive, and you have to have a serious disease to get it prescribed to you, so if your dying, or losing your sight, you can get the really good stuff. However, if you don't have a prescription or use it outside your home, you will be arrested and jailed in most States in the United States. The legalization part, well that makes really no sense, because not all of the states will legalize it, which is not fair, because according to statistics , Marijuana, is far less addictive and dangerous , than Alcohol , which by the way kills a lot more people and cost the government for more cost and rehab and otherwise. Also, Gambling, has been known to cause many to end their lives, and ruin their lives. I doubt Marijuana has been the downfall of that many. Is Marijuana good for everyone , NO , why because it will and can make you lethargic lazy and careless , or carefree, and alter your sense of reality, which in the long term can cause, you to forget to plant and water your crops, and then lead to a zero harvest. In other words, you become so caught up in being stoned all the time you never get nothing done. The government should make alcohol illegal, wait a minute , they already did, and many of the Politicians, got richer off of boot legging I guess when they make Marijuana legal, they will get richer off of that too. They make all these pharmaceuticals legal and they kill people, and do all kinds of bad things. Wait a minute that is because of the Lobbyist bribing the our law makers on Capitol Hill. Oh that is because the drug companies are making 100 of billions of dollars of one drug, for a 10 year period, before it can go generic and be sold for a 400 percent discount to those people who really need the drugs, but can't afford the 500 dollars for 30 pills, or more. Just a bunch of crap. Plants should be legal, natural remedies should be legal. Take out the middle man, the drug dealer, and tax it, not make it illegal.

Will recreational marijuana use ever be federally legalized?

Yes.For me, anything should be legal and anyone should be able to do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't trespasses someone else's rights.If I want to hear music, it's my right and it should be legal.If, however, I want to blast heavy metal through my 10 speakers with windows open in the middle of the night, I'm trespassing my neighbour's right to sleep, and it should thus be illegal.Same with tobacco (even though I absolutely hate it and, to sound a bit hypocritical, I wouldn't mind seeing it prohibited). If you want to smoke 10 packs a day in your house with your friends, by all means, it should be your right to do so. If though, you want to smoke next to me while I'm eating lunch at a restaurant, then you're trespassing my right and it should therefore be illegal.Note: Don't take the word "right" in a very literal manner. I'm aware that there isn't somewhere written in the constitution "Citizens must have the right to eat lunch without the person next to them smoking".Now to go to cannabis.If I smoke, or even grow cannabis, a plant of nature, in my house, how exactly am I trespassing anyone's rights? In what way am I being a threat to those around me? Out in public? Sure, people might not be comfortable with it, especially around kids, so it should be restricted, the same way tobacco is.I can go into much depth about all it's benefits (as I have in previous answers), but the mere fact that it's not harmful should suffice to make it legal. Instead of asking for reasons to make it legal, ask for reasons why it should remain illegal.Besides an advocate for recreational and medicinal use, I'm an enviromentalist, and cannabis can pretty much save our planet (can be used to make rope and paper instead of cutting forests, can be used for biofuel instead of petrol and can be used for plastic - even Henry Ford used to make plastic for his cars, paint and more) so I'm 110% in favour of legalization.

Three reasons why marijuana should be legalized for medical use?

because its cheap (you can grow it yourself), effective, and non-addictive.

Medical marijuana - what is your opinion?

That's an example of how absurd society rules might be. So, you can smoke pot here but doing exactly the same at 2 miles would get you in jail ???? I live in Colombia were it'a also illegal, all over the country, but still, lots of people use it, terapeutical or not, it's benefits are proved by the scientist community all over the world, sure you know that.

So, my opinion??? Those puppets in the government called politicians protect the drug mafia and it's profitability by keeping MJ illegal along with it's high price. Sure, move to Maine, or move to Colombia, or get a boat and live in the ocean. But you shouldn't. Are you a criminal???

Have your ******* pot. I bet a judge won't think your a punk rebel kid.

Medical Marijuana?

The synthatic THC pill, Marinol, is absolutely a lifesaver. I take it for nausea associated with my medications. I was put on it during a miscarriage. The pregnancy made me so nauseous I couldn't be awake for more than baout 2 minutes without vomitting. I couldn't eat, couldn't keep down my pain medicine, and Phenergan and Zofran suppositories were doing absolutely NOTHING ( and were unbearably unpleasant to use!). My pain doctor gave me the Marinol, and within 2 hours I was eating and pain-free from being able to keep down my meds. I can only imagine how it must help chemo patients.

As far as legalizing marijuana, I think we ought to figure out a way to tax it like cigarettes and go for it. It's pretty ridiculous (to me at least) when I watch those "To Catch a Predator" shows on Dateline and see those child molesters get probation because there's no room for them since our jails and prisons in the US are overcrowded from non-violent marijuana offenders being put away. It's no more addictive or dangerous than alcohol; I've hung around potheads my entire life and I've never seen one wrap a car around a tree while high on pot... they don't have enough motivation to get off of the couch.

Do you think medical marijuana should be legalized?

For the medical purposes, I'm not entirely against it, provided some things are taken into consideration. For instance, making sure it's the government or a medicinal drug company that produces, regulates, and distributes it. Making sure that the marijuana cannot be sold to others (ie, strictly regulating the prescription like they do with pain killers.) And that precautions are taken to avoid things like driving while high, use of heavy machinery while high, and addiction. If possible, some other method for distribution than smoking it because of the damage that the smoking does.

But I was under the impression that they had put the active drug in marijuana in a pill for that purpose...