Marry Sue Qualities Advice

What's a Mary Sue OC?

"The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment. She's exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She's exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess skills that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting. She also lacks any realistic, or at least story-relevant, character flaws — either that or her "flaws" are obviously meant to be endearing.

"She has an unusual and dramatic Back Story. The canon protagonists are all overwhelmed with admiration for her beauty, wit, courage and other virtues, and are quick to adopt her into their nakama, even characters who are usually antisocial and untrusting; if any character doesn't love her, that character gets an extremely unsympathetic portrayal. She has some sort of especially close relationship to the author's favorite canon character — their love interest, illegitimate child, never-before-mentioned sister, etc. Other than that, the canon characters are quickly reduced to awestruck cheerleaders, watching from the sidelines as Mary Sue outstrips them in their areas of expertise and solves problems that have stymied them for the entire series.

"In other words, the term "Mary Sue" is generally slapped on a character who is important in the story, possesses unusual physical traits, and has an irrelevantly over-skilled or over-idealized nature. "

The phrase was originally about Star Trek fanfiction and was always an author's self-insert character. In recent times, it's obviously expanded beyond ST alone and is commonly used for any female character that is too good to be true.

Is my Naruto OC a Mary Sue?

She doesn't really have any flaws does she? Being a ***** when you piss her off doesn't count as one. The claustrophobia and hemophobia are fairly decent problems, but they're not flaws themselves. From how it sounds no one has reason to dislike her, and that's a problem. She needs a problem with her character that's both mild and constantly present. For example if she's a little selfish in that she doesn't show much sympathy for others or tries to be stronger than she is. You don't need to go over the top, just give her likes and dislikes as well as reason to BE liked AND disliked.

You're friend is wrong to think that parentage alone is enough to make a character a Mary-Sue. Rather, it's more to do with the probability of said character existing in that circumstance. An OC with a Hyuga mother and Uchiha father? Very unlikely. The child of Orochimaru and Tsunade however is possible. Tsunade didn't hear about Orochimaru's experiments, and he showed up to talk about old times, that sort of thing could work. You're not asking them to fall in love and get married, you're talking about a one night stand between old friends connected by tragedy. So I think your character can work, so long as you give her intentionally negative qualities.

Is my character a Mary-Sue?


First I need to say that I think that this fear of creating a Mary-Sue character has gone too far!

If your character is smart, that doesn't make her Mary-Sue. One trait doesn't make a character a Mary-Sue.

However, the following things suggest that your character might be underdeveloped:
- if your character doesn't have reasons for her actions
- if s/he lacks any noteworthy flaws (blushing doesn't count as one)
- if other characters like/hate her without a reason (just because she is the MC)
- if the character has no personality and s/he's just a wish-fulfillment fantasy for the author or readers (kind of like an empty canvas, so that it is easy for everyone to picture themselves in her shoes)
- if your character behaves unrealistically based on what readers know about her

I think that people should try to get over the fear of creating Mary-Sues/Gary Stus. If you spend some time creating a character, giving her humane flaws and strengths and writing her a background, it's unlikely that she will be a Mary-Sue.
If people just make up their characters in five minutes by giving them a golden blonde hair and emerald eyes, the outcome is most likely very one dimensional.

And to your question, your character seems like nicely fleshed out. If she stays consistent and grows throughout the story, I don't see a reason why she'd be Mary-Sue.