Master Cleanse And Then Juice Fast

Master Cleanse/Lemonade Diet?

Homeopathic Treatment for Excessive Fat and Weight :-
PHYTOLACCA BERRY's Mother Tincture is perhaps the safest and sure fire way of loosing excessive fat around abdomen. With Phytolacca Berry once you loose the excessive fat and weight you don't get it back because you body takes care of itself after that and keeps you from gathering up excessive fat. It is prescribed after having a baby too, to get the tummy to loose its flab and to make it flatter and tighter. And after loosing weight with this you don't get flabby it tightens up the flab and skin along with helping your body to shed the excessive accumulation of fat around the girth
The dosage is 15 to 20 drops of the tincture in half a cup of hot water thrice a day half hour before or after meals.
Avoid Chocolates, Coffee, Mints, Red Meat and Carbonated and Alcoholic drinks while taking Homeopathic Medicines. You have to take it for at least 30 to 45 days after that you start to feel the results.
To the best of my knowledge its the safest and the most sure fire way of loosing fat and weight and keeping it of for keeps. Excellent remedy for Obese people who cant seem to shed weight despite trying.
Homeopathic Remedies can be found at all Major Herbal Stores or could be bought on line, In most of the world Homeopathic remedies are quite cheap and easy to find and they do not need a prescription.
Take care and God Bless !

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The Master Cleanse vs. Water Fast?

I think water is better. If you stick with it you're certain to lose weight and clean out your system. Just don't overdo it.

But there is a lot of documentation that occassional FASTING is good for you. There is a lot of overreaction because people look at it as STARVING YOURSELF and are so guaraded against anorexia that they all overreact to it.

But Fasting is different it's something our ancestors went through. There wasn't always food available. Sometimes they would go days without eating. And a lot of new science says fasting may actually help metabolism rather than hurt it as most people currently claim.


But starving yourself is different and starving yourself for long periods will in fact slow your metabolism and cause you to gain more weight when you start eating again.

Can phentermine be taken while I'm on the master cleanse diet for 10 days without a mixup. anyone ever tried ?

I wouldn't recommend it. The master cleanse is a form of fasting and you would basically follow the same rules as you would if you were doing a juice or water fast. You wouldn't take anything other than the water, lemonade drink, and senna tea if you want to. If you do the master cleanse properly you wouldn't need to take an appetite suppressant. Beside as you probably already know hunger pains stop after 3 days on a fast. However if you are putting something in that your body has to breakdown then your body is being taken away from being able to fully concentrate on cleansing the body and isn't that the purpose of the master CLEANSE?

How do you fast in a safe way for three days to cleanse your body?

no need to fast, just stop eating crap. drinking a glass of warm water evry hour will flush out your system

Can I do a gallbladder cleanse without fasting?

No its not dangerous to fast for one day. It actually helps your body relax your digestive system and begin the process of cleaning house. But it is highly recommended before any cleanse or fasting to alkalize your body. Consider taking the juice of carrots, beets and celery for at least a week (4 to 8 ounces) before any cleansing or fasting. This helps prevent "cleansing reactions" or that yucky feeling people sometimes people have at the beginning.

When cleansing, your body utilizes essential minerals and electrolytes to bind with toxins and then flush them out of the body. But if you do not have reserves, your body will extract it from your body organs, bones and tissues. That is why some people sometimes feel things like joint pains, nausea, tiredness etc..when initially cleansing. There bodies are too acidic for cleansing and will start to extract these electrolytes. Although not really dangerous, but it can become uncomfortable

For gallbladder detox and especially if you are having pain it is highly recommended to dissolve or break apart stones first before trying to do a flush first. This is especially true if it your first time. It helps avoid pain or discomfort and also having to do so many flushes to get only a few stones out. Many people I know have taken something called the Pulverexx Protocol for just that. It may even help you with the pain in the first few days. I left you a link on the forum where I heard about it. Curezone has much help in this arena


What are Alternative Routes for the Master Cleanse Diet ? AKA Lemonade Diet?

I recently attempted the Master Cleanse Diet AKA the Lemonade Diet. I got through the first part of the day with success. Although... I prepared my first glass of lemonade and tasted it and gagged. I prepared another putting a bit less of Cayenne Pepper. I figured if I watched myself drink the glass in the mirror I would be able to do it... half way through the glass... I was running to the toilet vomiting. I want to still do the diet... but I can NOT handle the Cayenne Pepper, the Rich Maple Syrup, nor Lemons. I will not touch any of them again. Lemonade is not my favorite. I do not even enjoy drinking it in my regular everyday diet. The Maple Syrup is not tasty. And the Cayenne Pepper is not tasty either. I am considering doing the same sort of diet... With all of the same traits. Substituting the Lemon juice with fresh Pomegranate Juice and taking a Cayenne Pepper tablet, and not using the Maple Syrup at all. Drinking 6-12 glasses of the mixture a day, Along with 8-12 glasses of water. Opinions ? Other alternatives? NO NEGATIVE OPINIONS OR SNOBBY. I do not care to hear a nurses perspective or the risks of doing this diet. Just people whom have had experience with this diet.