Mfs What Is The Most Heart Breaking Loss You

What is the most heart-breaking, bawl-your-eyes-out, saddest movie you can possibly think of?

I watched this one time only, when it came out and I cried from beginning to end!


It was made in 1981 and starred Mickey Rooney.

'Bill a retarded man ventures out into the world for the first time. Having spent most of his life in a dreary inner city Institution. He is taken in by a kind family and learns what it means to love for the first time in his life.'

What is the science of a heartbreak?

From movies, plays and literature throughout the world, Humanity’s fascination with love is just as strong as our obsession with heartbreak!Big question is, Is a broken heart simply an abstract concept or Are there real physical effect on the body and the brain???Whenever we endure physical pain such as cut, bleeding or major injury, the anterior cortex is stimulated.Feelings developed in loss of relationship or feeling of being excluded is generated in the same portion of brain as in case of physical pain.Perhaps physical pain and emotional pain aren’t as different as we think.Why these two different experiences elicit the same feelings in the body?Our body use physical pain to prevent the risk of eminent danger. But from evolutionary concept, anything that increases the overall survival as a species is likely to persist. Rise of relationship and friendship is an important part of life for survival of species. And just like our desire to not to be injured by physical pain, we desire not to be social alone in order to increases the chance of survival.This can be see in studies of primates who once separated from loved ones experienced an increase in the hormonal cortisol and decrease in hormone nor-epinephrine causing major stress response. ultimately this contributes to depression, anxiety etc. In humans, a break up, loss of a loved one, or isolation can trigger a similar reaction creating the perception of physical pain.So how can we soothe or alleviate this pain?Studies have shown, The higher level of social support are related to lower levels of pain whereas socially alienated individuals show poor adjustments. So if anyone feeling broken hearted get him surround with friend and family and be there for social support.Because scientifically us humans - we all want to fit in somewhere :-)

What is the most heart breaking story or experience about getting dumped by someone you love the most?

I have never been in a relationship but yes i have suffered a heart break. I was in 1st year of college and there was a girl whom i liked a lot and was close to me. She was healthy and not physically attractive but there was something in that girl which i was fascinated about. The liking changed to love in no time and although i didnt confess but i think she knew.We used to chat everyday and i used to call her and talk and she was kinda first girl in my life with whom i shared everything and i trusted her blindfaith. At that time i used to think that nature and character of girl is important and pretty face should not be the criteriaNow here comes the heart break part.One day i went to provogue showroom with my classmate he had to buy sweaters and after shopping he said that i am feeling hungry lets go somewhere i said ok and we planned to go to kfc. I called her just to ask if she is well and jus for small chit chat and she didnt pick the call i tried again but still the same no answer. I thought lets try for last time and she picked and said i am in beauty parlor and will talk to you later i said ok. When i reached kfc and entered inside she was sitting inside as there was bday of some boy to celebrate i was shocked totally as i caught her lying in front of my eyes. That day changed my thinking and my life http://completely. That was the last time i loved somebody with 100% trust.I still believe true love happens only one time and it has happened to it will not happen again.

Movies about lost love/war love/anything thats heart breaking PLEASE?

Titanic, Pearl Harbor, Fly Boys, I know there are more but I can't think of them right now. Oh yeah and Stop-Loss is a really good one.

What's the most heart-breaking movie moment for you?

SPOILERS - If you've never seen star wars ever, please look away.

Ever since I was a little kid, I loved movies. They made me laugh, smile and cry. But there's one movie that broke my heart forever. Into a million pieces.

And that's Star wars: Revenge Of The Sith.

You see, I watched the prequels before the original Star wars trilogy. And Thus I did not know that Anakin would turn to the Dark side.

I GENUINELY loved Anakin. I probably loved him more than Obi-Wan did when he was his padawan. He was the ultimate hero in my eyes. And when he turned to the dark side and succumbed to palpatine's teachings I lost it. And that heartache was compounded by the fact that Anakin later killed Padme, they were in love and he killed her. I loved her, too.

Such a tragic love story, such a tragic story in general. When Obi-Wan said "You were my brother Anakin, I loved you." I cried uncontrollably.

Does getting your heart broken really make you lose weight?

It actually depends on each individual.A broken heart can lead to two extremes:Either a massive gain in weightorA sudden loss in weight.Massive weight gainMassive weight gain can occur due to the fact that when someone is heart broken, he/she will relieve that stress through binge or eating “comfort food” (which are usually fattening). He/she will have not motivation to exercise at all and feels no restless throughout the day. This occurrence is rather common for people whom experience heart breaks.Sudden weight lossThe will be another group of individuals that will be highly motivated to lose weight and make a change in their lifestyle if they experience a heart break. This is due to the fact that they think positively, and that through the journey they have went through, they realize they there is a need to improve and change himself/herself for the better - starting from the physical aspect. However, this group of individuals are rather rare, but still, they still exists out there.Conclusion: It ultimately boils down to each individual’s perspective towards life. If he/she is constantly pessimistic about life, most likely, he/she will result in a massive weight gain after a heart break. Conversely, If he/she is constantly optimistic about life, most likely, he/she will undergo a massive transformation (weight loss) after a heart breakFor weight loss workout examples, read more at SevenFitness, a Diet and Exercise Tips Blog.

What is your breaking point? Why?

Breaking point is when someone get hurt deeply and loose all his enthusiasm.MY BREAKING POINTthe point where I break totally is “MY EXPECTATIONS”. As you know expectations always hurts. You expect something to someone and not getting that then you will automatically hurt. But we are human expecting from others is our nature.Students expect for good marks.Employees expect for good salaries.Jobless person expect for good job.Boss expect the good as well as reliable workers.Parents expect good academic for there children.Wife expect time from there husband.One friend expect help & some respect from another friend.Quoraians expect for upvotes.But all of them , if they are not get what they expected then person break by heart and lose himself from certain point.So , be your self never expect to something to someone. That's how you will never get hurt or disappointment. So that no one will break you

What is a broken heart?

lol, it's like asking to describe how the strawberry tastes ,so difficult to describe such a deep feeling of upset , sadness , sorrow , and many many bad feelings all in one time , but you can know how it means if you were deeply in love with someone and then oneday while you were out you saw him with another girl , or someone who you love dies , that will be awful , breaking the heart to the most ! ...another thing to illustrate , bring a paper and a pen , draw a heart , then stretch a line in the middle of it , that will be a broken heart , lol :p ...

How long does it take for shock to set in when you break a bone?

Okay, there is this huge matter of semantics with this word “shock” that happens to “pull my chain” so I must jump in with my two cents. Or ten. Most laypeople think “shock” is some kind of emotional paralysis that happens with pain, fear, seeing blood. I like to call that “a psychological or emotional shock.” Most laypeople have no clue that “shock” in medical terms means inadequate perfusion of vital organs including brain, liver, heart, skin. The cause is most often hypovolemic (not enough volume ie blood) to fill the circulatory system, but it can be cardiogenic (the heart is pumping ineffectively), or vasodilatory (the arteries are inappropriately dilated when they should be constricted like in sepsis or certain drug or medication overdoses). Now, there is certainly a “mind-freeze”, “ heart-stopping” kind of “shock” that drops blood pressure and makes you pass out, that is psychological. It's called vaso-vagal syncope. I have it and I faint at the drop of a hat. It's when a strong emotional trigger (fear, disgust, pain) makes the tenth cranial nerve (the vagus nerve) go into overdrive. The vagus makes the heart slow way down (20–30 beats per minute sometimes) and not enough oxygen-carrying blood gets to your brain. Lights out. So it really is emotional “shock” with a circulatory component that leads to a sort of two-fold mechanism for impaired thinking: emotional and hemodynamic. Now then, the question at hand. What kind of shock do you mean? If you mean this emotional, vagus-mediated emotional “shock” it can be immediate. If you mean hypovolemic shock that requires blood loss, you will have to be losing blood from torn vessels somewhere. It you mean septic shock, you're dealing with an open (compound) fracture with bone sticking through skin and getting filled with germs-- hours at minimum. Too much information? Sorry. You pushed my button.