Mii Plaza Puzzle Pieces

Any Nintendo 3DS streetpass experts?

I just got my nintendo 3ds xl a couple days ago and noticed the first day I brought it to campus I received 3 streetpass tags within 1 hour just sitting in class. However I never got any more the next days, I know it could be that they're playing with it, no one has a 3ds in the area, or they turn the wifi off but I couldn't even get 1 tag within 6 hours of being on campus.

Even on those times where most of the classes end and everyone ends up walking through the hallways I can't manage to tag 1 person.

My question is how far away can you be from the person to tag them and how long does it take to connect to another 3ds. Also if I reached my max 10 miis in the plaza, can I just clear them and keep collecting? Or do I have to use them in the streetpass plaza games first before I clear them. So like I get 10/10 tags, I don't use them but clear it and get another 10. I haven't used any until the end of the day, will I get 20 chances for puzzle pieces and find mii. or will it only give me 10 because I didn't use the first 10 before deleting them?

Nintendo 3DS StreetPass is a failed feature, agree?

The Puzzle Swap at first look is very boring in comparison to Find Mii/ Street Pass Quest But the result is a 3D tech preview its really cool, as for getting the same pieces, the entire StreetPass Mii plaza is designed to annoy anyone who doesn't use StreetPass Ex. The Wandering Hero is tired, or it does no damage, or it makes it worse, ect. Puzzle Swap does this by not letting you choose which piece you want, sometimes it will give you a new one, but usually it just wastes Play Coins. The music also changes when you get about 50 Mii's but that's not easy to reach.

Result of Puzzle Swap: It's like this except it involes the characters in the picture, and it's in 3D.

Anyways, i'm guessing that when more people get 3DS systems, StreetPass will work much better.

What can I do with 2 Nintendo 3DS?

take 3d videos of your games while you play them, register each of them on friends list, record sounds from games, visit streetpass on them to earn puzzle pieces and finish find mii faster, and let yourself win on some online multiplayer games