Minecraft Piston Help

Minecraft: FTB: Sticky pistons?

Is it possible to have all the pistons be activated/deactivated by one switch. I have them all in a roe, and don't want to have to close/open each one individual. (Minecraft- Feed The Beast)

Piston gate in minecraft?

I don't know how big you wanted the gate to be, but if it's only two blocks high it's pretty simple: embed sticky pistons in the ground and in the cieling with four blocks of clearance in between them. Then place your gate blocks right in front of the piston heads. There should now be two blocks of space in between the assemblies.

Using restone, wire all the pistons up to be triggered using a single source, let's say a lever. when you flip the lever, all the pistons will engage, pushing the gate blocks together, and thus closing the empty space.

In Minecraft; how can i make pistons open fast, and close slow?

I am making a super door, it is completely hidden. Until you place a lever in a spot and flick it, which make two sticky pistons pull dirt blocks off of two stair blocks that rise out of the ground. The opening part works well. When it closes, the stairs do not retract fast enough, or the dirt block pistons do not give it enough time to retract. Want to know if there is a way to make pistons open fast then close slow, and open slow and close fast

Minecraft Piston/Gravel question?

I'm playing Minecraft and was making an automatic Flint generator, but it's not seeming to work. I made it with 10 Pistons right next to each other and placed redstone behind it so they would all push at the same time while I pull a lever. In front of the pistons I place Gravel so that the Pistons would push the Gravel off a certain height onto Torches so that would destroy the Gravel. So far, it has been destroying the Gravel, but I haven't been obtaining any flint. Every time I do this I just keep on getting the same Gravel back. So, my question is: Is it possible to obtain Flint from it being automatically broken by torches or other objects? Thanks in advance.

Minecraft Flipping Pistons in world edit?

Sorry I must not have explained myself enough. I am trying to place a large ammount of pistons with world edit while making the part the pushes in/out face a certain direction instead of some random direction that it keeps facing when I place with World edit