Moss Grow Over Time In Terrarium

How often should I mist moss in my terrarium?

I have a 5 gallon terrarium with 3 clumps of moss I collected from outside and 3 other terrarium plants. The terrarium is also home to a colony of woodlouse, some crickets, and a wolf spider. Since I placed the moss in, it seems to be drying out unless I mist it multiple times a day. The soil in the terrarium is getting far to wet. Humidity in it ranges from about 50-80%. Do I have to worry so much about my moss drying out? How often should I be misting the moss? Thanks for all your help!

How can I get rid of fungus growing in my moss terrarium?

round flask green terrariumRemove the cap off the top for a few days to reduce the water and promote some air circulation.Also if there is limited mold you can use some tools to prune away the affected area. Still, keep the cap off to reduce the humidity and water inside.If one or two plants are affected remove it from the terrarium.While you are removing or pruning plants you should remove any buds of mold that is on the soil.And irrigate the soil a bit by stirring the surface around. Scratch it to get air to it.You should use water-soluble organic fertilizer in little quantity. Don't apply in large quantity; it will promote more vegetative growth.We maintain the small plant size in the terrarium. That's the way we should control the vegetative growth.

Why do I have moss/mold growing at the bottom of my terrarium when I have good drainage? Is this bad?

Its fine as long as your plants are not dying. The moss grows because the water -- which contains nutrients and sediment -- drains under the soil and then is exposed to light.

Can I grow aquarium moss in a terrarium?

Yes. Just remember that moss belongs to a different life kingdom than plants. It needs dead material to feed on like composted leaves on the soil or tree bark crunched up. And when you water it, you'll have to keep a gallon of cheap drinking water. Moss can't tolerate chlorine or flouride from tap water. And unlike chlorine, flouride will not evaporate out of tap water. Lighting can be medium to bright, just no direct sun.

Can I digg up moss from my backyard for terrarium use?

Hello there,You defiently can, just make sure you rake it off carefully and also that the moss is in a decent condition and not dying/dead, there are some anti moss chemecials that could’ve affect the condition so check it out.

I have terrarium moss in a tank in water?

it will live for awhile, it will most likely drown in the long run because it is not adapted to that environment. if you want successful moss try one of the many aquatic varieties of moss.
check them out here:

How do I transfer my venus fly trap from a one of those dinky terrarium cups they come in into a terrarium?

The Venus Fly Trap is a bit fragile, so I'd be careful when moving it. To be on the safe side, acclimate the Venus Fly Trap to the terrarium. Let it sit in the terrarium, in its present container, for about five days so it gets used to the temperature and mositure difference. If you start to notice any unhealthy change in the Venus Fly Trap, take it out and let it sit for a day. Then start to acclimate it to the terrarium a few hours at a time. Once the Venus Fly Trap is able to stay in the terrarium for 24 hours or longer with no signs of distress, it's time to transplant.

To transplant, first dig a hole in the terrarium a bit bigger than you need. Then, using scissors or pruning shears, cut the plastic base of the Venus Fly Trap's current pot, being careful to go straight down to minimize root damage. Peel the case off.

Place the Venus Fly Trap inside the hole, then place soil around it. Monitor the plant over the next few days to make sure it is still doing okay in the terrarium.

Can i use "carbon ammonia" for a moss terrarium in place of activated charcoal?

I asked my dad if we had any activated charcoal because i wanted to make a moss terrarium, and he said yeah. But he gave me a Marineland brand "premium carbon ammonia neutralizing blend" and im not quite sure if its the right thing i need..