Multiplying Time By Integer What Is The Datatype Of The Result

Java programming multiply double by int?

this is the answer to any question that may arise in your mind regarding this topic

in any expression the data type of the result will be the highest data type of the constituent operands.
eg when you multiply double with int - since double is higher than int the result will be int

so the expression 7 % x + 3.0 * y - 2 % y contains a double type literal, so it will produce a double as a result. it cannot be converted to into automatically so the first line int z=.... will produce a compile time error. you will need to cast it int like this t convert it to int
int z = (int)(7 % x + 3.0 * y - 2 % y); // any decimal values will be dropped and not rounded of!!!
// so if the result is 2.5 it will be converted to 2 and not 3!!!

double z = 7 % x + 3.0 * y - 2 % y; will not produce any error

Also remember that any number written without a decimal is int by default (eg 56 is int type)
it can be converted to long by adding a trailing L(case does not matter) (eg 56l is long type)
if you put a decimal point the number becomes a double type number (eg 56.0 id double type)
to make it float type add a trailing F (case does not matter) (56.0f is a flot type number)
so when you define double d=56;
56 is first created as an int type then automatically converted to double type
but in this case double d=56.90
56.90 is created of double type directly


How do I multiply a string with an interger in python?

Do you want to multiply the integer value from the string or the multiply the string value the integer value times?I’ll give you an example. Let’s assume we have these values:your_string = ‘22’
your_int = 4
Case 1: Cast string to integer and multiplyresult = int(your_string) * your_int
In this case:result = 88
Case 2: Multiply the string n times (where n is your integer)result = your_string * your_int
In this case:result = ‘22222222’

How do I properly use the multiplication feature in python?

This is a simple bug, but I'm sure it's driving you crazy.Using input in Python returns a string.So, when you do this j = input("Input dollars") and you input 5, for example, you have j="5".So when you multiply a string by a number (j * 5), Python returns that string, duplicated 5 times.What you wanna do is cast the input into an integer, such that when you multiply the input by another integer, you get what you expected.So this is what you should have:j = input("Input dollars")

j = int(j) # Super important. You could've also done : j = int(input("Input dollars"))

b = 5

print(j * b)
Hope this helps.

Using data types in c++ ?

If there going to be whole numbers than use:
int length;
int width;
if you plan on using decimals in the numbers than use doubles:
double length;
double width;

ERR: DATA TYPE on Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition w/imaginary numbers?

ok well i'm trying to divide 2 binomials that consist of imaginary numbers but my calculator says ERR:DATA TYPE every time. It's able to multiply them but i just can't divide.
For example i have: 2-3i / 4+2i (i know the answer is 1-8i / 10 but i like to check if i'm right)
so i press ALPHA [F1] 2 - 3 2ND [i] then i go to the next line and do the same thing. When i hit enter it says that err msg. I've also tried one like this: 9 / 1-2i but that doesnt work either (answer is -3-6i)

My question is, is it possible to divide when you have imaginary numbers on the Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition? I've tried multiple ways but it haven't been successful so my conclusion is it's not possible.
Btw, I do know how to solve these but as i said before i just want to check my answer again. i understand that i wont have a calculator all the time and i understand that some of you older folks never even had calculators and were able to do this. All i wont is an answer lol.

Thanks! :)

How do I write a C program to calculate the multiplication of two numbers?

Program to multiply two numbers in C:#include
void main()
int one, two, multiply;
printf("Enter first number - ");
printf("Enter second number - ");
multiply = one * two;
printf("The multiplication of numbers %d and %d is %d",one,two,multiply);
Output:Enter first number – 20Enter second number – 4The multiplication of numbers 20 and 4 is 80So this was, the program to multiply two numbers in C.

What's the difference between real number, integer, & floating point number?

An Integer is a number with no decimal component, i.e. -1, 2, 3, 50, 100. In VBA Integer defines a 2 byte data type which can store the range -32,768 to 32,767. VBA also supports the Long data type which is a 4 byte integer.
Real and floating point are synonymous. A floating point number is one where a floating point is where a decimal component should be expected i..e -12.5, 33.001. VBA supports single precision (4 byte), double precision (8 byte) and the Decimal (14 byte) floating point formats.

Why can I not multiply fractions in Python?

This is a common logical leap for new programmers in a number of languages, especially ones who are most-familiar with higher-level languages like Javascript, PHP, etc.Short version: the (9/5) portion of your statement is evaluating to 1, not to 1.8 as you might expect.Your statement contains two integers, so Python assumes the result should also be cast into an integer. 9/5 is 1.8, and if you cast that into an integer, you just throw away the fractional part (.8), leaving just 1. This behavior occurs quite a bit in various languages, like Python and Java.Following this logic, your 2nd statement actually evaluates to:new_base = 1 * num_base
The typical solution is to indicate to the parser that you’re not expecting an integer result, but a floating-point type. There are two common ways to do this - by either casting the value using float(), or if you’re typing in a constant literal value like 5, just add a “.0” to the end of it. See an example here:print (9 / 5) # 1
print (float(9) / 5) # 1.8
print 9.0 / 5 # 1.8

How do I divide and multiply in Java?

There is a bit of an issue in your logic. If you multiply an integer with a decimal/float number the result is float so you can't store it in an int type variableWhat can be done :Change variable type to float :int sp= 11; //inserted a random value for showing
float np = 0.2*sp; //take np as float or double instead of int.
np = 0.15*sp;
np = 0.1*sp;
OrTypecast the float value to integer, so it can be stored in int type sp= 11; //inserted a random value for showing
int np =(int)0.2*sp; //typecast result into integer to store the value in int type np instead of float type
np =(int) 0.15*sp;
np =(int) 0.1*sp;
//It's an explicit type conversation, you will loose all data after the . (Decimal)
Hope it helps , you may ask your​ doubts in comments section.