My Cousins Called Me A White Girl

Im a black girl and i like white boys??

ok im a 15 yr. old black girl and i like white boys and i dont really find black boys attractive(been like that every since i was little/a child) and some of my friends called me a sell out and some of my cousins just found out that i did and called me prejudice which i think is rediculous..any suggestions??????...oh yeah i live in the south-north carolina-and i dont really know if white boys wanna date black girls in the south...any suggestions on that to???
and i kinda get along better with people outside of my race also
and i dont want a white boy that acts black...i just want him to be him and not act like the so called thing "acting black"

How do I get my cousin to stop calling me emo...?

Just ignore him. You know your not emo so don't worry about it. I shop at Hot Topic all the time and wear skinny jeans. And i wear my hair in front of my face. But i'm not emo!!! My brother calls me scene all the time because i dress like it and listen to that kind of music, but who cares! I like what i like, and i don't really care what people say! I used to get so mad when he called me that but now i just go along with it. Even the peeps he works with think i'm scene. But oh well. It's all good in da hood!

Why does my mom call me bougie?

I'm black & I've always been called white girl/bougie, mainly by my family. I don't understand why I'm called this? Im just different from my family but not stuck up. I go for whatever I want & usually never back down when people tell me NO. When I was 10 I said that I'll move to Boston for college & they always said its impossible. Well I did that & when my mom found out she said "you are so bougie, don't let those white people get in your head" wtf does that mean?! The day I left she cried & said that she's worried I'll forget where I came from. I'm proud of where I came from but I don't want to live there for the rest of my life which is what everyone does. It's a small TX town where everyone gets pregnant in HS/date their cousins. We just got a Walmart last year & had a parade for that. It's a dead town & I can't stand it there. I left as soon as I graduated from HS & my family hates me for it. When I visit now it's so awkward & everything I say or do results in "Did you learn that in Bougie Boston?" I'm losing my mind here. My family doesn't care that what they say actually hurts my feelings.

Why do white girls act superior ?

I'm puerto rican (mestizo) and a lot of white females I meet seem to have the superior attitude just because their white ? My cousins girlfriend is white and snubs all of the females in our family mostly because were Latino , and alot of the white girls in public seem to be surprised when they see a black/Latina female dating a white guy (just something I picked up on and my experience w my white ex) I'm not saying all white females are like this , just a lot of the ones around here

Is it wrong for a White girl to be obsessed with Mexican culture?

There is nothing wrong with that. Believe me if you ever go to Mexico you'll realize that skin color is not an issue in this country. Mexican food and culture is extremely interesting, profound and varied, and you should feel very proud to know other cultures so well. And by the way, "güera" means blonde, and it is not supposed to be an insult, of course depending on how they treat you prior to calling you güera, but in principle it is not an insult.

I have a friend, for example, that is very brown, so he calls himself "El *****", which means, as you know "The black", and everybody calls him "*****" without any bad spirit. So all this color issues in Mexico are treated very lightly, no one really cares what is the color of your skin, or will ever classify you negatively because of it.

I hate when i go to Mexico wit my family,some guys call me gringa:(?

Well, gringa is better than being called guera...