My Coworker Is Dragging Me Down. What Should I Do

Why do you hate your coworker?

Original question was: “Do you dislike your coworkers?”As a general rule I don’t dislike anyone. I might be indifferent toward them; but, I’m not going to dislike them. Why should I waste my time on such negative emotions anyway? I see no point in it. All it does is drag you down. And, at age 65 I want to enjoy life, not wallow in misery I can avoid with an attitude adjustment.My co-workers respect me; and as is the norm for all such relationships, it is mutual.

Does my female coworker like me?

Ill try not to drag this on too much. So ive been working with this girl for a month or so now, and I like her, we have more in common than I knew, especially in the way we think and act, but idk if she likes. I need opinions on what you think, because I want to ask her out but don't want to make things too akward. We can talk about basically anything and I enjoy her company, but we work in fast food so there's not always time to have long conversations, but the ones we do are always fun and enjoyable. Here's things she does and you tell me your opinions: she teases me more than anyone else (though I tease her too), we smile at each other every time we see or talk to each other, she helps me even when I dont need it and idk if she realizes but she has a habit of moving to my area even if she isnt supposed to, and she also asks me for help too if I know something she doesn't ( assuming we are working working together that day) . Plus we always compliment eachother ( when we arent criticizing each others work in a joking way. The only reason I doubt she likes me is because we never flirt ( maybe because people are around idk) and because my boss (who actually teases us both about "liking" each other) said he asked her about what she thought of me and she replied with good words but said I was too shy ( which honestly I am and always have been). So can anyone help me figure out what to do? Does she like me? Not? Do I need to not be shy? Forget about her? Help...

Horrible coworker

Option 1: Yes, tell your boss. Don't get emotional, just factual; don't EVER say that the coworker hates you or is trying to get you in trouble. Seriously don't literally accuse her of anything. Just explain, and let the coworker's actions speak for themselves. "I'm not trying to get her written up or anything. But my coworker sometimes makes me do her work and she's always talking down to me, and she keeps giving me orders then complaining about how I do my job. I can't help but feel like she's trying to make me look bad, because I literally can't do anything right. I know she's not my manager, but I'm afraid she's going to end up complaining about me to you and I really just want to be able to do my job without having to worry about this." Let the manager handle it from there.

Option 2: Bark back at your coworker yourself. She's just trying to intimidate you because she's older and she's jealous; if you stick up for yourself a couple of times she'll back off on her own. Next time she starts complaining about your work you look her straight in the eyes and say "You have a problem with Every. Move. I. Make. Here. Yet the manager never seems to have any complaints and you can't stop giving me your work to do so BACK OFF. You are NOT my boss and I'm gonna need you to stop acting like you are."

It sounds scary but what can she do? Whine? Complain to the manager, who probably already knows she sucks?

My husband talks bad about me to his coworkers.?

What your husband is doing is not right. He is breaking a few codes of marriage. A husband and a wife should always keep their personal business to themselves unless they are in physical or emotional danger. Fights and disagreements should never be brought up to other friends/coworkers or anything along those lines. Another thing, why is your husband looking for answers in other woman? Why is he informing these woman about his relationship. This would be an early sign of cheating (he may not be but statistics will tell you that is a warning sign) as for them making comments about you being the cause of your child passing is far past inappropriate. There is no excuse to use that as a punch line to hurt someone. If I was you I would lay down the law with your husband. Tell him that what he is doing is hurting your feelings and you have had enough either he stops and respects your privacy or you will think about another option of privacy and that's living alone. Respect, trust, and communication are the basic needs of a relationship and you have none of those with him right now. Being pregnant is hard enough, now adding high risk to that fact and a unreliable husband doesn't help take the weight off. Even if you did need WIC that's none of their business it is yours and your husbands no one Else's. You need to tell those woman what goes on in yours and your husbands life is not their concern and they need to stay out of it or you will no longer talk to them if they can not be adults. Deal with your husband if he can not grow up and take responsibility for his faulty actions than you don't need to be with him. Also consult a marriage councilor would benefit as well.

What do you do with a constantly complaining co-worker?

I agree with talking to the manager. If you do, say something that conveys how she's hindering you from helping the success of the company. Being too busy is a good idea too, but there's something else that always works for me:

Turn it around. Whenever she starts bitching, say something good about what she's complaining about. For example, she complains about not getting paid enough. Say "yeah, the pay might not be the best, but I'm really thankful I have a job. So many people are unemployed right now" Or about the truck that almost hit her: "they have a really nice logo on the truck, though, don't they", or if she grips about politics, something like "but it's sure nice to live in a country where you can criticize your leaders."

You have to do this in a nice, polite way, or it won't work, because we are playing on the idea that misery loves company. Whenever someone is unhappy, he or she wants to find someone who will reinforce their crappy attitude, or at least someone they can drag down to their level. Responding to complaints with a positive comment shows that not everyone has a crappy attitude (removing the "safety-in-numbers" reinforcement), and because you're not correcting her or being unpleasant, she can't get defensive.

I had a lot of negative coworkers at my old job, but I didn't get "dumped on" much because I made a point of not feeding it. They just went and found someone else.

Music in the office - How to tell a coworker to turn it off!?

first let me say, she is rude. ignoring someone that way is unprofessional. but since you don't seem to want to rock the boat, try this before involving management:

to start, is listening to music aloud against company policy? if not expressly disallowed, try to find a middle ground...especially because there may be others who enjoy music who would not appreciate your problem becoming theirs, you know? so, talk to her. i think that you are in the right to point out you've already asked her politely to use headphones. say something like this:

"Can we talk about the music for a minute? i'm still having a hard time concentrating, even tho you turned the volume down when i asked you to please use headphones. to be honest, that seems like the fair thing to do, but i'm willing to compromise. if you will use headphones for half the day, i will use earplugs the other half, or just learn to deal with the noise."

if she can't agree to THAT, drag the manager in asap. she's being a brat. it's unfair to force something on someone that they have no choice to endure. it reminds me of smokers smoking in public places. just like you can't choose NOT to breath, you can't choose NOT to hear, so you should have the upper hand here. and don't sweat it, it's what managers are for.

good luck!

Sick co-worker won't cover up her cough?

when she coughs, cover your nose and mouth so as to not inhale her germs traveling through the air as she coughs. most times when you pick at your eye or lick your teeth people get conscious and think that there is something stuck or showing and take action. she might get the same message and cover up.

if not just tell her, "Could you please cover up, I don't want to catch your cold..."