My Daughter Gasps In Between Words While Speaking .

Is it wise to have the last word?

Only if the last word is ," thank you."

My daughter gasps in between words while speaking...?

She is 5 years old and when she talks, just every day talking, she takes short breathes between words that sounds like gasping. It sounds like she is just really excited and talking so fast, she has to gasp to keep up. But a few people have commented on it and it makes me wonder if it's something like stuttering? Like maybe a speech problem? She visits the doctor regularly and doesn't have asthma or breathing problems. I am just wondering if other moms have dealt with this and should I be doing something about it or will she grow out of it? Thanks.

Why dp people keep saying 37 weeks is 'full term'?

You know what a full term pregnancy is? *gasp* 40 weeks!

Seriously though, when I was pregnant with my first they said 38 weeks was full term. A few years before that, 39 weeks was considered full term.

Why do they keep changing this? And why do pregnant women continue to listen? Downing caster oil as soon as they hit 37 weeks ... "well im 37 weeks, im full term!".

Are doctors just trying to keep their patients on a tight schedule? 39 weeks is understandable, but 37? thats risking pre-mature lung development!

How do I get my bird to stop swearing?

Uhh..don't invite your grandmother over anymore..or get rid of the bird.

While Sleeping my infant stops breathing and gasps for air.?

I applaud that you are not satisfied with your physician. Go to any website that gives a description of drugs and their side effects and you'll find that Zantac has a less common but severe side effect: difficulty breathing, which requires immediate medical attention. Periodic breathing is more like a cycle of slower breathing and then increased breathing with some pauses, some for five seconds or more but no gasping. Sleep apnea is most common in premature babies and "reflex apnea" occurs in about 1 in 300 infants with reflux. SIDS is what is diagnosed as the cause of death to an infant when no other explanation is known. Many people however argue that SIDS are linked to vaccines but I will leave that up to you to research but I encourage every parent to do so. I urge you to grill your physician in the future about drug side effects and the side effect of any treatment before leaving the office. Even after speaking with your physician, go home and research the situation on the WWW as you are now or visit the library. I also encourage you to research alternative (natural) methods for everyone in your family with any health related issues. You'd be amazed at you find in many books and websites. Below is a link to Dr. Sears website which lists many ways to deal with reflux (scroll down to '17 Ways To Treat Reflux'). I pray that your infant is not experiencing any negative side effects and that he grows happy and healthy.