My Dog Has A Hard Lump On Her Side After Surgery

Lump/bump on a dogs leg after ACL surgery?

My friends dog (mix between german sheperd - smaller, 10 years old) had ACL surgery a few months ago. Everything was going well until she discovered a lump/bump on the same place he had surgery. The lump was getting bigger and bigger so she went back to the vet and he gave him antibyiotics. The bump was getting smaller and yesterday he ate the last antibiotic and the bump is getting bigger and he is limping again. My friend is waiting for the vet to come back (he is in a foreign country) so he can take a look. The bump is "hot" if you feel it and the feeling of touching it is like a "squish" feeling, it's not hard neither is it too soft.
Here is also a link to the pictures: (left is when it was getting smaller, the biggest one as big as an egg).

Thank you very much.


Softball sized lump on my dog?

So I just noticed yesterday that my two year old Sharpei/Shepard mix has a lump on her side. The lump is about softball size, its soft and squishy, feels fluid filled. It literary popped up over night and has only seem to get bigger and slightly hard. I notice while petting her and I thought it was just like extra skin (she is a sharpei after all) but it looked puffy she i touched it and it was a lump. She's going to the vet tomorrow to get it examed..I'm nervous that its cancer. Or if they wanna remove it cause I'm only 17 and don't have the money for surgery or treatment. Really hoping it something that'll go away on its own...any advice?

Strange lump/bulge after spay surgery on cat where stitches are at?

Is the lump hard or soft?

If the lump is hard (mine have been about the size of the tip of my little finger), this is where the internal sutures are knotted. If this is the case, it is alarming to see, but is normal. As those sutures dissolve, the lump will go away.

If the lump is soft, it could be a hernia (tear). When my oldest kitty was spayed (in 1991), she was so active, she actually herniated and she had to be reopened and the hernia fixed. She was an extremely affectionate kitty and wasn't going to let a little spay surgery make her slow down!

Either way, check with the vet that did her spay and let them decide if she needs to be seen for the lump and ease your concerns.

Purrs to you and kitty.

My dog has a hard lump on her side?

it could be a cyst or a tumor, hope its a scyst! my dog has one and i was soo scared for her!

Cyst: A cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division on the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids, or semi-solid material. A collection of pus is called an abscess, not a cyst. Once formed, a cyst could go away on its own or may have to be removed through surgery.(or a lump of fat. we didnt have to get hers removed)

Tumor: A tumor or tumour is commonly used as a synonym for a neoplasm (a solid or fluid-filled (cystic) lesion that may or may not be formed by an abnormal growth of neoplastic cells) that appears enlarged in size. Tumor is not synonymous with cancer. While cancer is by definition malignant, a tumor can be benign, pre-malignant, or malignant, or can represent a lesion with no cancerous potential whatsoever.

hope i helped and hope she feels betterr! :)

My dog has a black lump on his neck. What could this be?

Go to your Vet and have them check it out to be safe, Could be a mole or a skin tag but it also could be a skin growth or tumor (which may be benign, or may be more serious) and common in certain breeds of dogs. I had a rescue mutt who had various skin growths over his healthy 14 year life span. I always had them checked out, and if suspicious, they were biopsied (done with a needle, not surgery) and sent off to the lab. An experienced Vet can do a hands on exam and then suggest how to proceed. I was on the side of wanting it checked out completely. I also had a groomer at a certain chain store tell me a growth on top of my dog’s head was just a “zit” …needless to say, off to the Vet he went. Had a biopsy done and they found evidence of mast cells in the growth, the vet said it had potential to grow, and I had them remove it. Better safe than sorry since cancer of all types is showing up more and more in our dogs. Good luck !

What are the causes of a hard lump under the skin of the jawline?

Depending on the size and location of the lump under the jaw or “"mandible” you could be feeling a salivary gland or lymph node. As far as glands are concerned, the submandibular gland is the likeliest culprit, especially if you have tenderness in the area of the lump.The lymph nodes under the jawline are in the “cervical chain” and can be enlarged or inflamed due to several conditions. Inflammation of the oral cavity or throat can lead to enlarged lumps under the jawline which are most likely lymph nodes responding to a viral infection. This is the most likely cause of your lump.

Dog just got spayed and now has a soft lump near her incision?

for pictures look here.

It is not hard, not discharging, no fever, and they dont hurt her at all. Her stitches are inside, and she had surgery about 5 days ago. She has been very active and I dont know if that has to do with it.

Large golf ball size lump after spay? Normal?

My 6 month old lab just got spayed a little over a week ago, shes pretty big 51lbs... i noticed about 3 days after her surgery she got a large hard lump twice the size of a golf ball... is this normal? I asked the vet and he said it will go away but its pretty big... I wrapped her abdomen with an ace bandage to keep the pressure on but it keeps sliding off..


After surgery for an inguinal hernia repair, what does it mean if a bulge is still present?

It could be something relatively benign - like localized swelling, the formation of scar tissue, or just an incomplete repair… but it may also be something more serious, like an infection, formation of an incisional hernia, or a reaction to the surgical mesh or sutures used in the repair.  The repair may have failed - which might be nothing more than a minor nuisance… but it could also be a dangerous situation where strangulation could occur. Seriously – the only thing it really means for certain, is that you need to consult with your medical professional in person as soon as possible, to have the ‘bulge’ evaluated. There are three different approaches and options for inguinal hernia repair that I can think of just off the top of my head, and your specific circumstances (your personal physical/medical history, and the specific details of how the procedure went for you) are even more important in  attempting to understand the symptom you are now experiencing.   Your medical professional - with the benefit of a physical examination - is your best option to find out what the bulge most likely means.

My 4 year old female pitbull has a lump on her side again?

so about 2 months ago my dog had a surgery to remove a tumor past her ribs on her side. it was about the size of half a baseball and it was hard. the vet stuck a needle in it to test it, and he said he could see infection in there and no tumorous sells. so he gave us 2 wks of antibiotics. after 2 wks, it was still there. so they decided to operate. they never recommended that we buy a cone for my dog, and the last surgery she got spayed we never used one and she was fine. but she ripped out the stitches, and we had to get her restitched how many times, but that's besides the point. her side just finally healed up. and scabbed over and is fine now and my dog is happy again and not lethargic. but there is a little hard bump in the exact same spot again, maybe like 1/3 of the size of before. and it must be the same thing. i'm not sure. but she's been on antibiotics for 5 wks. she's done with that now. but im pretty frustrated with my vet because he's not informative and he's very dry and not very caring and sometimes i wonder if he knows what he's talking about. because dont you give antibiotics for an infection not cut it out? but it looks as if it just grew right back. should i go to a different vet or take her back into the same vet because he knows her history? and are there any other procedures to get rid of an infection like that?