My Dog Has Been Acting Weird Since The Groomers Any Ideas Why

Why is my dog scooting after grooming?

Most likely the groomer also checked your dogs anal glands, and emptied them. Dogs have two anal glands and when they have a solid stool they release a small amount of fluid. If a dog has a stool that is soft there anal glands won’t feel pressure and release. Fluid builds up and an anal gland will become blocked. This is very painful for the dog and requires vet care. Most groomers will check and release the anal glands before grooming. I would definitely ask the groomer if they do this. It’s not harmful but ask your groomer how the anal sacks looked because depending on how much you groom your dog they might know something you don’t. If they do it as part of the grooming then that’s why your dog is scooting. The glands just being emptied may irritate the dog a little. It’s not harmful to the dog. On another note if they state they do not, then you might want to ask what chemicals they use, if any, that could irritate the anal region. If your dog keeps scooting take them to the vet. Best of luck.

Dog acting weird after grooming??

The groomer is probably cleaning the anal glands (check with them to be sure). A lot of groomers do this. The last time that I took my dog to the vet, they cleaned them and informed me that my dog may "scoot" for a while afterwards. If your groomer did not do this, then the dog probably needs to have it done. They will normally "scoot" when they get clogged. It's uncomfortable to them.

Gross I know. :-(

My dog is acting weird after being groomed. What might it be?

It could be a few things:

- new shampoo or cologne used and he is irritated from it.

- anal glands weren't completely expressed. Groomers generally express the anal glands from the outside. This usually doesn't get everything out. At the vets, we use gloves and do it from the inside, milking the gland out. It can also irritate them just by having this done.

Clean his bottom with warm water and a paper towel. Dry well.

I'd also try taking him out for a walk, see if that takes his mind off it.

If this doesn't resolve by tomorrow, I'd take him to the vet.

Why is my dog acting strange after grooming?

Personally, I think taking a labrador to the groomers is a waste of money, all they require is a bath&brush, and maybe a nail trim...which is very easily done at home. But it does sound like something happened at the groomers which upset your dog. Besides the conclusion that the groomer physically did something, your dog could have been stressed from the force dryers used, or another dog could have been snarky at your dog and stressed her out.

My Dog Humped By Other Dog After Grooming?

Hi guys. I have two dogs. Mister and Zach. They're both 1 year old boys. Both just got back from grooming and things are getting weird.

Zach is OBSESSING over Mister. He's constantly following him. Sniffing him. Sticking his head into Mister's privates. Literally attaching himself to him where ever Mister goes. Mister has snapped at him, but Zach was undeterred. He tried humping Mister several times. He is stalking the poor thing!

While Mister was being groomed, Zach stalked the door. Stood on his hind legs in a poor attempt to peer through the glass window to see if he could see him. I found this all cute at first, assuming how attached the two dogs were. But then the "cuteness" became obsessive and now I'm worried.

I have been trying my best to keep them apart but when ever I do, Zach just wails! Cries like I've never heard him cry before and then bark. Zach isn't interested in anything but Mister. Not even going potty, unless he really has to, then he'll do it quickly and get back to harassing Mister.

Is this normal after grooming? What happened? They were always close but it was never obsessive.

Also, I think Mister's "private area" was cut too short because he's constantly licking it and he prefers to sit than stand or walk like he wants that area protected. Every time he has to get up to walk somewhere, he sits every second between walking. What could this be?

Dog acting wierd after haircut?

I have a white Pomerianan(sp?) and shes two years old.since she was born,we havent cut her hair,and yesterday we did for the first time.My dad apparently asked for "the lion cut" which is where she still has all of her hair in the front,but then its trimmed really short after that.her tail is like a little puff ball now.Shes been acting EXTREMELY wierd though after the hair cut and today,she keeps rolling around and on her bone,and shes not acting the same.=/ whats wrong with her?

Is it okay to put dog to sleep for grooming?

Is your dog mean? if not your dog should not be put to sleep to groom the only time we put dogs to sleep to groom is when they are mean and try to bite us it is common practice for some groomers they just want to charger more i would go to another groomer or ask the one you go to now why they what to do it and befor you but your dog to sleep it would be a good idea to chech with your vet to make sure your dog is heathly .