My Email Account Seems To Be Jammed

Mail sent on the iPad is stuck in the outbox?

I recommend reading the following Yahoo! Mail Help article "Messages are stuck in the Outbox on my iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch" for the best help resolving this problem. You can find the link to it below.

My emails are in the outbox, why is this?

If the emails you are attempting to send are stuck in the outbox, there's a number of possible explanations for this.The connection to the outbound mail server has failed (this may be just to the server itself, or maybe  you've lost complete connectivity from your system to the internet/network)The email you are trying to send has an attachment and the size of the email including the attachment is too large for the mail server / exceeds the maximum allowed size for the email server  (Note, if your limit is 100MB, you cannot send a 100MB file, you can only send something like a 70MB file due to the BASE64 encoding which will increase the size of the sent file  - BASE64 encoding allows a binary file to be sent as text over the internet to prevent loss)The email address of the email you are sending to is not valid (or the mail server of that address is down).If you're using Outlook and you've opened up the email stuck in outbox, you will have to re-click the send button on the email itself to get Outlook to attempt to resend, if you don't click the send button, the email will just sit in the outbox, even if you click the send/receive button.

Why is my sent email stuck in the outbox in Gmail on an Android phone?

Due to poor internet connection.

Cannot find Outbox in my yahoo email. Where is it located?

The "outbox'' is used to hold emails that are in limbo. Meaning----those neither sent nor deleted----usually due to some fault (like overloading). They're just waiting in line to go.

Yahoo doesn't have an "outbox".
About the closest thing to an outbox would be the Draft folder----not the same at all,---but still the closest.
The "sent" folder only holds emails that have been successfully sent.

My email is stuck in a loop so I can't access it.?

When I log in on Yahoo mail (normal computer, Mavericks OS X), my email messages do not appear. Instead it goes straight to this page -

And then after that flashes between the following two emails.

I've cleared my cache and installed JavaScript 1.1 as directed in the online help page, yet nothing is happening. The same thing happens in Firefox and Safari (both up to date versions).

Please help me fix this problem.

What is the best approach to send an email that's stuck in the drafts folder?

1. Open the Drafts folder. Note: You have it open already because you are saying the email is stuck in there... Otherwise, below is how I find my Drafts folder:2. After you open it, find your stuck email and click on it:3. When you click on it, it'll open, but maybe you won't see the addressee...4. If you don't see the addressee, just click on the blank space at the very top of the email... I have placed a red circle there... After you click on that blank spot, the addressee should appear:5. In my case, no addressee is shown when I clicked on that spot... That's because I had forgotten to include addressee when I first wrote the email... that's why it went to Drafts folder and sat there... You may further verify your situation by clicking anywhere on the body of the email, when you do that, you will see the word 'Recipients' on the addressee/TO box:6. So... Click on 'Recipients' and enter your addressee on that TO box and hit Send button. Your email should go now... Note: You may add many addressees as Cc and/or Bcc, as usual... You may even edit your email before hitting that Send button.For other Emails providers, the process is pretty much similar... Hope that helps.