My Friend Unfollowed Me Should I Unfollow Her Back

If I unfollow a friend on Facebook, will they get notified if I follow them again?

No, they will not get a notification that you have either unfollowed or began following them again. But they perhaps can see a list of friends and non-friends who follow them, and may notice your name isn't there.I have unfollowed and then re-followed many, and to my knowledge there's no notification. Friends have unfollowed me, and I received no notification. But there was a time when I looked to see who followed me.Anymore, I simply don't care who follows or unfollows or refollows me. And I prefer to choose who I follow and what I want to see on my daily feed. I'm not going to tell a friend or acquaintance to stop posting so many pics of their pet, or political statements, or whatever. One shouldn't let Facebook or any social media platform, mess with your emotions, confidence, self worth, etc.In any case, Facebook has added “features” of late where, if you're not interacting with individual friends, you'll see fewer of their posts, and they'll see fewer of yours if they're not interacting with your posts. It's all more and less than you bargained for. But, rest assured, you can be sure to see more advertisements, recommended pages, and friend recommendations - which you can't actually turn off.

Is it rude that I unfollowed my friend from Instagram?

Trust me people do take it personally if you unfollow them. I mean if I had a friend unfollow me, that pretty much makes things awkward. It always happens. But anyways I recently unfollowed a friend of mines and she unfollowed me back. My bday was two months ago (21st birthday) and she threw me a party at her apartment. I appreciated it so much. After that she stopped talking to me much. I mean I did get drunk and pee on her floor on my bday but everyone told me that's no reason for her to be mad and she even said she wasn't mad about it. Anyways she didn't talk to me much after that, stopped asking me to hang out anymore and will like everyone else's pics on Instagram but minces but she would watch all my snap stories. So I decided to unfollow her. My sister said that'll cause drama....

My friend unfollowed me on Twitter!?

One of my friends unfollowed my on Twitter today. Yesterday, she followed me and my sister, and today she unfollowed us both! Neither of us tweeted anything bad, and we didn't tweet to often either. I just can't imagine why she would do that! I feel hurt and angry! Should I unfollow her?

Should you still talk to a friend who unfollowed you on Instagram for no obvious reason?

Why not? I may be alone in thinking this way… STOP paying attention to memes and others who tell you to drop friends and others from your life. Stand up as an individual and think for yourself.One day when time allows, ask the tough question you have on your mind, “Why did you unfollow me on Instagram?” As Isra Al Qaisi wrote, it may simply be due to the content you share. Haven’t you unfollowed someone for the same reason? It is okay to do so yet there is one important thing to remember… never burn a bridge between yourself and others as you have no idea what the next moment or day will bring. So cheer up and move on!

Should I unfollow people who didn't follow me back on Instagram?

Yes, unless it's a major star or company. Granting a request and not interacting with the person at all gives off a “very well, you may look, peasant” vibe. Not so offensive coming from The Rock or Britney Spears(do you really expect them to follow back?), but from a random person you've taken a mild interest in you shouldn't accept it.

Friend unfollows me off Instagram?

Ok so I recently got those apps where it tells you who follows/unfollows you and recently a close friend of mine unfollowed me so I texted her asking why she did. She was very rude and saying how I'm annoying as **** on Instagram and that I post too much and it bothers her and that if I wasn't her friend, she would of unfollowed me earlier. She kept sending me messages and I responded with a dry "ok" so she asked if I was mad and I never responded. So she messages me 2 minutes later bitching at me saying "so u unfollow me? Why would unfollow me I don't post everyday." So I ignored her. How should I act? Should I respond saying "why would I follow u right after u unfollow me?"

Why wont my friend follow me back on instagram?

Well we are sort of friends. she has more followers than me (because I got my account 2 days ago), but she is following wayyy more people than she has followers. I requested to follow her, and she accepted, but she's not following me back. idk why!!? so then I unfollowed her and then requested her again so that maybe she would notice that its me, but she accepted and didn't request to follow me back... again. I think its kind of dumb. and I don't really care about her photos.
Is it really rude to just unfollow people? (life if you are unfollowed, do you get upset?)
And also, should I try talking to her about following me back (and if so, what should I say), or should I just unfollow her? I really do want more followers...

A girl I know unfollowed me?

One of the ' popular ' girls unfollowed me on Instagram so I unfollowed he back. Then she requested to follow me back? What should I do? This has happened before and I followed he back again and she unfollowed me??? I'm a regular girl neither popular or unpopular, so why do the popular a generally do this? It happens to my friends too. What do you think I should do? On Instagram btw