My Girlfriend Is Sending Bad Texts To Another Guy

How do I handle my girlfriend texting a another guy?

Well I would get rid of her. Its obvious shes not 100% into you if she texting another guy. Eventually the lack of trust will come into play making you question her where abouts, cyber stalking her social media pages looking for hints and clues.This is not the way a relationship that has true meaning works. When two people are together they don't have friends of the opposite sex that are not friends with both of you.My ex boyfriend would always talk to a girl that was friends with him before we met. It angered me, he cherished her more than he did me. One day she complained to my boy friend about how her boyfriend was not happy about her talking to my boyfriend on a daily basis. I felt the same way as her boyfriend did but neither her or my boyfriend saw any problems with it. I'm sure if the tables were turned they would.I eventually told him to tell her “Im all yours now my girlfriend left me” her relashionship had headed south and her boyfriend left her, not sure if my ex got together with her after I was out of the picture or not and I really didn't care. I'm sure the fun was taken out after they both got dumbed.None the less I was reading what they were doing as “having their cake and eating it to”. In the end myself and her ex boyfriend walked away being the more mature ones.So you see nothing good comes out of staying with someone who has no respect for you and has the audasity to sit and text another guy pretty much right under your nose. If she hasn't cheated on you already I'm pretty sure she will eventually. Get rid of her before she does and while your dignity is still intact.

Girlfriend text other guys?

It's not bad for her to text other guys as long as they are just friends. But the fact that she clearly lied to you about you being the only guy she texts, that's something to worry about. If she would lie about you being the only guy she texts, she may lie about what she talks to them about, too. You should confront her about it, tell her that she lied to you when she said that you were the only guy she texts.

But you should let her know you aren't going to control her, like, you're not going to choose her friends, but you won't tolerate her talking dirty or anything to other guys. She may or she may not be, you can't be sure unless you find evidence. I'd find it a little hard to trust her if she lied to you about you being the only guy she texts...

My girlfriend is sending dirty texts to other men, what should I do?

Don't get mad at her. Just talk to her. Give her one of those sad puppy-dog eyes looks and tell her:
"I'm sorry (insert name here). I understand what you've been through and it's not that I think you are cheating on me, but I know what you've been doing. It may be just harmless fun but whenever you tell me what sort of stuff you are saying in the dirty texts, you leave out the worst bits. It was okay at first but now I just don't know why you do it. I'm always understanding about everything you've been through, but now... I just don't think I can take this. I wasn't trying to pry about it, but I can't be with you if you can't be honest with me."

"I've always been good to you and you repay me by lying and texting dirty things to other men from your past. Can you please just tell me, why? I love you and I trust you but I have a feeling that I shouldn't trust you. I understand most of it, I really do. I know about how it was and how lying is a habit but I just don't know what to think now. What is it? Does it give you a thrill? Do you want to be with someone else? I'm gonna have to know the whole truth or one day everything will come out and everything will fall apart. If you can't tell me, then we can't be together, no matter how much I love you. I am so so sorry for putting you through this, but you can't keep putting me through this."

Tell her to not say anything until you are finished. Give her time to explain. You may not want to end it with her, but you might find out that it's best. Try to understand, but if you can't, keep asking her why. If it 's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. Tell her you are sorry and you will always love her, but you are struggling to understand and it is probably best to go your separate ways

How do I handle other guys texting my girlfriend?

Pay no attention. It’s none of your business.In healthy relationships there are life segments that don’t overlap, are private and not shared. Texts are definitely in that category, an area that she be out of bounds for you.If you feel compelled to read your mate’s texts it reveals your insecurity. Get past it. Depending on another person for feelings of self worth is the equivalent of trying to walk with broken crutches.If she is intentionally sharing these texts it means she is hungry for affirmation. Sometimes no matter how much you give it is never enough.

Girlfriend texting another guy late at night?

**Sorry to ask this again, I'm just hoping to get more than a few answers if possible. I appreciate the last replies greatly though**

Should I be mad? This guys had texted my girl late into the night ( 1 - 2 am ) before on multiple occasions. I calmly spoke to her and asked her not to text him back when its late, as in my honest opinion its not respectful to a relationship. She agreed and said she wouldn't. A week ago I find out that he was texting her again, they texted from around 10 pm to 1 am. I found out when she asked me to check something on her phone. When I brought it up, she lied about some things. Saying she hasn't spoken to him since I told her not to ( when in actuality they talk on facebook, and the day prior over text ). She said she wasn't texting very long into the night ( when it was for 3 hours straight, and until about 1 am). I feel a little betrayed, as I trusted she wouldn't, and now find out she has, behind my back, as she wouldn't have said anything I'm sure if I didin't see anything. I dont trust her now, and I am unsure how to approach this.

I dont want to be a controlling guy, but I feel she was putting our relationship aside by allowing and entertaining this guy for hours into the night, when he knows she's with me. I mean, late night texting to the opposite sex, even if non sexual in nature usually means feelings at least by one side no? Or am I totally off. This is just me being a guy, and thinking about myself in the past. I wouldn't waste time texting a girl for hours straight, let alone into the wee hours of the morning if I didn't have something for her.

How do I handle this lack of trust, can I ever have it back for her. I mean, we already talked about this, and she decided to do what she does. Its kind of driving me a little crazy that I cant trust her. She even car pools with this one guy from work, and because now that I dont really trust her, even that has bothered me ( keep that all to myself though ). Any advice is helpful, thanks

My girlfriend texts hearts to other guys?

she sends them emoji hearts. i find it uncomfortable and i don't like it. i don't even like the fact she talks with other guys but i know i can't change that....but emoji hearts, like really, that should be kept between me and her, and her and her girlfriends. right?

we are 19, long distance relationship, dating for 3 months.

What should I do if my girlfriend texts other guys who like her/flirts with her?

Good question.If you've been through this situation and you've been hurt because you've read her flirtatious chats with other guy/ guys, let's add, at the middle of the night, and let's also add, she's lied to you that she's slept at the time, and let's also add, the chats go on for hours, well it's very much legit being hurt. And you might as well know, if you've been through this situation, that the first thought that comes to your mind after such a scenario, is about yourself. You think you were wrong, not enough, you blame yourself and think about what had you done that went wrong and what couldn't you give that she's getting from others. This scene naturally seems to u as a reflection of your own self rather than knowing what your partner is. But the truth is it tells so much of what they are and nothing about you.Cheating has always been claimed to be something like meeting, kissing or getting physical with someone else without letting your partner know. But let me tell you, the day you see yourself talking to/ texting other people and thinking of or actually deleting the chats so that your partner couldn't see them, you've already started scratching the surface of your relationship and you'll tend to hammer it soon.Know that the word ‘commitment' in itself is a fairly heavy word with a deeper meaning than what it sounds to have. Superset of majorly honesty, loyalty, respect, feelings, trust, love. And if you think you're disregarding even one aspect then you'll soon see yourself making your partner suffer without knowing. Given that he/she's stayed ideal in the relationship.So getting back to what you should do, stay calm, and tell her clearly what she's doing doesn't seem right to you. Tell her not to flirt with other guys and if she does that then the foundation of all the trust you've had for her will tend to slip the edge. You both are in your relationship equally and being on the same page is required. Ask her how she'd feel if you talked to other girls who are trying to get you laid (hypothetically). If she's sensible enough, she'll understand.

Girlfriend texted pic of her boobs to another guy. What should I do?

So awhile back in our relationship I had went through my girlfriends text messages via iCloud and seen lots of bad things. Long story short I told her on our relationship I will never peep like that and go through her texts. So today one day before our One year I woke up from a bad dream of her cheating on me. I thought to myself I have to look like its one day before our one year I have to. So I look and the first thing I see is a picture(not just any picture the same picture she sent me) of he new piercings in a text message to this n****! Now at this time it all hit me at once like I couldn't control my self I took her name our my bios told her not to comeover today said I didn't want to talk to her or see her. Now I really don't know what to do and some criticism is always good so please tell me what I should do. I've hit rock bottom and don't know if I should end it one day before our one year. I was seriously so happy