My Hair Grows Out Instead Of Down

My hair grows out instead of down?

I'm a boy and my hair is very thick and wavy. I've been growing it out and I want it to look like this

I've been growing it out for like 4 months and it's growing outward. Will it start to ever grow down, or will it grow out forever? What can I do

How can I make my hair grow down instead of up?

You see my hair grows up and is just laying there like a big poof, but I want it to come down flat down how can I do it??????? After I take a shower it'll come down but never will stay down! Please help me!
B.T.W. My hair is straight and poofs up XD

My hair grows up instead of down (males)?

My hair always used to grow downwards and fall on my forehead nicely. I let my girlfriend cut it with scissors very short, almost bold. She did a great job but now my hair grows UPWARDS instead of falling down on my face. It looks funny and I don't like it. What do I do? I'm fed up of always shaving it off now..

How to get your hair to grow down instead of up?

You can train it to grow downwards. All you have to do is get a bristle brush and a blow dryer. Every time you shower, blow dry it while brushing it in the way you want it to grow. Within a year it will automatically grow that way.

If your hair is more than 3 inches long and you use a blow dryer, you MUST use contidioner. And if it's curly, you have to use gel in it.

Why does my hair grow up instead of down?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

its because your hair is super strait, you can pretty much use gel or guy hair cream.
i have two young cousins who's hair grows up not down, even when its long it doesn't get a shaggy look to it, so they have short hair as you said you do. but i recommend some type of gel for it to stay down.

How do I make my hair grow down instead of up and out like an afro?

I'm an African American woman and when my hair grows it grows out like an afro instead of down. I want to grow my hair at least to shoulder length but my hair won't even touch my shoulders if it keeps growing up the way it is. I don't want to get a relaxer because I heard they are toxic to your hair. So how do I make my hair grow down instead of out like an afro?

Hair grows "out" instead of down on the sides?

ok i have had this problem forever... the sides of my hair grow "out" instead of down like most other males. i usually will put jell in my hair so that the sides will fold down, but latley i have been getting soo tired of doing this, beacuse usually i have to put ALOT of jell in the hair to maintain the sides. latley instead of putting in jell in my hair i have been just wearing a baseball cap which keeps the sides folded down, and then when i take the hat off the hair stays folded down beacuse of the hat, but it gives me hat hair, haha... my question is this... is there anything i can do haircut wise to prevent this from happening? last time i cut the sides with a number 2 clipper, but to my surprise the sides REALLY stuck out, big mistake, haha. one other thing... i enlisted in the U.S. Navy and i ship out feb. 6th 2008, obviously i am going to have SHORT hair, so should i just a get a "high and tight" haircut?

How to get my hair to grow down instead out outwards?

I'm a guy, and my hair is wavy, but it grows outwards (like an Afro) but i hate the way my hair looks when it gets too long. So do you know how to make it grow downwards instead of outwards?

My hair grows really fast (if that matters)