My Left Side Of My Tonsils Hurt A Lot

My tonsils hurt? and they look weird?

You probably or do have tonsillitis. And the fact that you ear hurts and itches you also might have an ear infection. The symptoms of tonsillitis are:
Difficulty swallowing
Ear pain
Fever, chills
Sore throat - lasts longer than 48 hours and may be severe
Tenderness of the jaw and throat
Voice changes, loss of voice

If it's that bad

,Call your health care provider if:
A sore throat lasts longer than 48 hours
New symptoms develop
Symptoms get worse
You have other symptoms with the sore throat

Back left side of throat hurts?

This is the 3rd day, and the back, left side of my throat hurts so much. Just to swallow it hurts, and I can't eat or drink because it makes it so much worse. I have been sucking on strepsils, soothers, butter menthols and other "throat soothers". None of it is working and it seems to be getting worse, but better at times.
My Uvula and tonsils seem very red, but not inflamed. The left side of my neck and throat is a little bit swollen. And when I press on the left side of my neck/back of chin it is sore. Please help on what you think this might be and how to help? Nothing seems to be helping. I tried day and night tablets but they didnt help at all, and soothers etc aren't helping to even numb it..

Pain on left side of throat, like behind tonsil..?

I was sick, and still am a bit. But my throat hurts weird, like it feels like if you were to swallow something nd it were to get stuck or scrape you. It hurts when I burp too. Not so much when I swallow spit..but food, and when I burp. I've been taking Ibuprofen for the pain...will this go away on it's own?

Why do I have 3 holes in my left tonsil?

I'm really glad i read this because its good to know i am not alone. My right tonsil is small and i can't even see it really. My left tonsil is triangular shaped and has 2 holes! I do not know if it has always looked like that. I only recently noticed because 3 weeks ago the left side of my throat hurt whenever i swallowed etc and i noticed how my left tonsil is swollen/bigger than my right and has 2 holes. I went to urgent care two weeks ago and they did a strep throat test, which was negative. They did a blood test to test for infection, which was negative. So i am really scared b/c i do not know whats wrong with me. That doctor prescribed me the z pack. I took it for all 5 days and it did nothing. My left tonsil still hurt. I went to a different urgent care last Thursday and got the same results. The doctor prescribed me Amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day.I'm supposed to take it for 7 days.
I have taken it thursday, friday saturday and today (sunday) and my throat still hurts. I'm really scared about whats going on with me.

The left side of my throat hurts after singing. Why could this be?

You really probably should see a doctor, but if it’s hurting only on one side you may have an infection that’s currently only affecting that side. Is the pain muscular in origin or does it feel acidy and infected? If it’s muscular, then the way you’re using your voice may be the culprit (and you may be hyper-functional on one side). Has your voice deteriorated along with this pain, i.e. husky, lower, reduced upper range, cutting in & out? If it has then honestly you’d likely be doing more harm than good to continue on with this performance, despite it being short. If your voice still sounds normal then perhaps you could rest it all day today and see how it is tomorrow.

The left side of my throat hurts and hard to swallow also i have the tonsil stones?

Look on youtube, there are TONS of ways to get rid of a sore throat. (you just need lemon :D )
For mine, I usually gargle with warm water and salt. It isn't that fun, but it works. I also buy emergenC's. They are Great. I mix them with orange juice. I think sore throats are really popular at schools right now!!! I missed two days of school with basically the same thing as you. But I found out what it was: ALLERGIES.
You may have allergies too, it seems like it's in the air where I am, so maybe where you are to. Find some Aller-Tec and drink it down. Hope you feel better. I know sore throats are a Pain in the butt.

White spot on tonsils?

Sarah, that "white spot" on your tonsil is probably one of perhaps several tonsil "stones.," (tonsilloliths).
Your tonsils are filled with nooks and crannies where bacteria and other materials, including dead cells and mucous, can become trapped. When this occurs, the debris can become concentrated in white formations that occur in the pockets.
Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are formed when this trapped debris hardens, or calcifies. This tends to occur most often in people who suffer from chronic inflammation in their tonsils or repeated bouts of tonsillitis.
How are tonsil stones (tonsilloliths) treated? The appropriate treatment for a tonsil stone depends upon the size of the tonsillolith and its potential to cause discomfort or medical harm. Various options include:
No treatment. Many tonsil stones, especially ones that are asymptomatic, require no special treatment. At-home removal. Some people choose to dislodge tonsil stones at home with the use of picks or swabs. Salt water gargles. Gargling with warm, salty water may help alleviate the discomfort of tonsillitis, which often accompanies tonsil stones.

Why does my left side of throat hurt to swallow and yawn?

Too many explanations! anything from infection in the larynx, tonsils, adenoids, jaw, teeth, gums, to candida, cancer, sleeping under an air conditioner.As a chronic sufferer of sore throats, I gargle with betadine (an iodine mixture), or warm salt water, always spit out, don't swallow! and always suck a difflam throat lozenge every night as a ‘maintenance’.Many types of cures, but best to have a doctor check!

The left side of my throat and ear hurts when I swallow?

You can still develop strep throat after you've had your tonsils removed! I'm betting everything that's what it is, don't ever put peroxide in your mouth, it's TERRIBLE for your teeth and your stomach if swallowed. You definitely wouldn't be enjoying your trip to Florida while your hugging the porcelain throne. The pain in your ear is caused by the strep bacteria as well. Continue to gargle with warm salt water and drink lots of cold uncarbonated beverages. Eat ice chips, and go easy on abrasive foods like chips or breadcrumbs. Then get into your doctor as soon as you return home. Be safe and have fun!