My Parents Are So Annoying

Why are my parents so annoying?

My mom stalks my Facebook and asks me what my status' mean (she says "If the rest of the world can know why can't I?) and she always yells at me for the littlest things. Like we were about to leave for a horseback riding lesson and there's a McDonald's on the way so I asked if we could eat there because we were having waffles and I don't like waffles. She started screaming "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO EAT OUT? EAT THE DAMN WAFFLES!" Then she slammed the door in my face. My dad always agrees with her and yells at me more after she's done yelling at me. And today my dad asked what kind of cheese I wanted on my burger and I said that I didn't care and so my dad thought I was being rude so he screamed "CHOOSE ONE OR YOU GET NOTHING" Why do they act like this? Why are they so mean to me and not my siblings??

Why are my parents so ANNOYING?

ok so here's the story, im a 17 years old, a-b student, but my parents swear that im the worst kid on earth. They dont let me go out with my friends for fear of "hooking-up" with boys, they always make me come straight home after school, unless i have a club meeting of after-school help and THEN they have the nerve to call me stupid and worthless in the house, but then when we go out they say things like " oh my daughter is an honor student" my daughter is taking courses is UMCP" which is all true, but why dont they say that to me !! THEY NEVER PRAISE me for anything i do, they say i can't do anything right, i feel like i'll never be good enough for them,

Why are parents so annoying?

i'm a teenager now, (14) and my parents are so getting on my nerves! they won't let me wear any dark colour nail-varnish, hated it when i started to wear mascara saying i was too young, hate that my nails are too long, won't let me wear any high heels more than 2 cm high, won't let me go to any parties or festival things past 9 o'clock, think all my shorts are too short, if the top of my bra shows by accident they make such a big deal of it, won't let me have more than an hour of computer time a day, but all this security stuff on the computer to make sure i don't go on porno, drug e.T.c.... stuff. Mum won't let me wear thongs (even though i have a pair of trousers where i kinda need to)... they won't let me invite more than 8 people to parties, and i who loves shopping, well they are always wanting to check what i buy to make sure it's not too short, too low cut.... :@

how can i get them to stop!!! thanks

Im 13 my parents are so annoying help?

I am 13 and my parents have been so annoying lately. They're being so strict they said i couldn't go to my friends party because it started at 10 thats not late im not a kid anymore i want to go to latish parties. I didn't even have school the next day so i dont even know why they said no. I was so mad i was yelling at them and cussing so they sent me to my room. I was so mad and crying and they told me i couldnt come out until they told me could or else i would have to go to bed early for a week EVEN ON WEEKENDNS. i didn;t think they were serious so i decided to sneek out my window and go to my friends house i did and the party was so much fun. I got home at 1 and my parents relized i was gone and go really mad. They told me i had to go to bed EARLY that WHOLE WEEK. How unfair!!! i hated it i usually go to sleep at 12 and they made me be in bed at 9!!!! i hate them. Every night i was yelling at them and crying and i told them they were so mean!

Help what should i do there're being so mean!!


I had/have the same problems, and I'm 17 in 3 weeks! It's all according to your age too. Most parents are the same. They see you as their little girl, and how you were, not how you are and not an adolescent who needs to space to grow up. My dad does the same to me. Anything new and suddenly it's wrong, because he's protective of me, same as your parents are. Nowadays anything can go wrong, and your parents are only trying to do right by you...because they care :)

Maybe talk with them and say how you feel and see if you can co-operate around the situation and maybe to ask if they could be a little less restrictive on some things. BUT, be prepared for them to say no, don't keep on, back off and accept it because the more you nag; the more they get annoyed and the worse off you'll be.

Seriously, dating isn't that much fun at a young age, it restricts you and forces you to grow up fast, just have fun with your friends. Though it allows you to learn about responsibility and gains you an insight into a new experience, there are plenty of years ahead to do that. As for make-up... why? Natural beauty is the best way to go, not to look like unrealistic and un-natural/fake whatever you want to call it :) Lastly, it depends on what you call ''fun''.

LOL, ever thought you irritate them? Sometimes you need to sit down and realise your actions aren't only going to affect you. Parents have their own problems too, and you need to be considerate of what they think too. As for ''WE NEVER TALK'', how about sitting down and trying to talk, start a conversation up. If they're not going to, then you need to be the one to get the ball rolling so to say.

Good luck!

Why do I get so annoyed with my parents?

I don't mean to get angry at them but sometimes they just get to me. I don't want to be a spoilt brat or a 'typical teenager'. I love my parents but sometimes they just simply annoy me and I don't want to be annoyed with them. The things they say sometimes get to me and today they had a talk about my behavior. What they said was the truth. I want to know if I'm the only one who just gets annoyed with their parents. They're good parents and they love each other so why do I get annoyed?

UGH! My parents are so annoying!!!! Help:(?

Get down on your knees and thank whoever you believe in for........
The fact you have a bed.
That your parents allowed you to see the film, trusted you in getting up next day.
Care about your education.
Have yet to strangle you.
Have provided you with a computer, a roof over your head, clothes on your back and no doubt pocket money as well.
If you think your parents are "so annoying", try putting up with an ungrateful, rebellious CHILD, cos that is what your are, one who thinks all of the above is their God given right, then tell me who should be most pissed off. It ain't YOU.
I hate comparisons, all is relative, but try thinking about having no food or clean water, having to beg for scraps to evade hunger, no chance of an education, early marriage to an old man who will help your family to avoid starvation.
Doing nothing over Thanksgiving?
Try volunteering to help the poor and old in your community, sure beats the dang computer, might even make your parents seem less annoying.
Hell, it might even make them proud of you, but more importantly it will make you feel proud of yourself and more appreciative of just how well off you are.

Why are immigrant parents so annoying?

Heh I have that problem myself. I'm from Filipino descent and my parents are completely strict in everything, including dating out of the Filipino community.

I guess maybe that that older generation immigrants are less accepting, and maybe a little racist. But it's just part of their mind process. How they were brought up.