My Parents Found Out About My Gauges

How can i hide gauges from my parents?

You can buy little plastic bits that are clear or flesh color tubing that will make it less noticeable. Your parents will see them no matter what but it will help. My brother had to buy them because he was not allowed to wear piercings to work.

Try this,

How do i hide gauges from my parents?

Well, there are actually a couple things you can do. They have plugs that essentially look like rhinestones, and many people think they are just studs with large stones (I'm wearing mine right now!). They also have flesh-colored silicone plugs that you wouldn't notice at first glance. Between those two options, and having your hair down, you should be fine!

As for all of the people claiming that you'll regret it: my ears are gauged to 9/16" and have been for three years, and I LOVE THEM.

Hope this helps! :)

How can I hide my ear gauges from my parents?

i really want to gauge my ears but my parents a pompous and stuck up i was just wondering some ways i can hide them and im always around them except when i go to school but i have to keep them in for a while before i can go bigger please dont say then just dont do it! any personnel experience replies?

My parents found out about my gauges!?

I've been gauging my ears for about a month or two. I started as a 14g and i'm at a 8g now I want to go up to a 00g or 7/16g. Earlier today my mom found out i had gauges and chased me around my house telling me to take them out! She said mean things about people with gauges. But this is my body. Damaged has been done! What can i tell her or do that she'll let me keep them i'm scared she might take them out when i'm sleeping. Can i take out when i sleep or will they close up? How can i hide my gauges? Please help

Is it hard to find a job after you get gauges? ?

Your parents just don't want you to do it. Anything smaller than around a 0 gauge will usually close back up within a few months depending on how long you leave it out and how long you had them gauged for. I had mine at 7/8" and they shrank down to a 6g within one month, but stopped shrinking there. So you should tell your parents that it's not exactly a life decision, as long as you don't go too big.

To answer your question though, I never had any trouble.

To hide them, there's tons of jewelry that just looks like big earrings. Or you could wear your hair down.

But who says you have to get your parents' permission? Be a badass and just do it.

How do i convince my parents to let me get gauges?

Wait until you're 18, say nothing and just show up at the family reunion with dishes in your earlobes. Stick it to the man. Alternative: Make a powerpoint.
Reasons for:
Looks hot.
Culture. (Maybe you could bs that one)
Reasons against opposition:
You're growing older and as parents, they should be more lenient on children as they grow.
Your parents should support you in any decision you make.
Its really small (show them how small it really is by buying the actual 18 gauges (show them the 18, but get the 16)).

Good Luck!

How to hide earrings if parents found out?

So today my parents found out i had earrings and all day they have been checking like every hour to see if i have it in still so the hole would close up. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to hide it? My friends giving me clear studs on Tuesday and is their anything I can put in my earring hole so the hole wont close up?

I've pierced my ears myself about 6 days ago and they haven't had time to fully heal yet and they been bleeding because I had to take it out and put it back in to hide from my parents. (Yes, i clean it with hydrogen peroxide everytime i take it in and out) but, they kinda hurt when i put it back in.

Please no answers saying "Wait till your 18" or "Tell your parents to take a chill pill"....

Please answer ASAP! :[

Thanks (: