My Teeth Wont Whiten. At All.

Why won't my teeth stay white?

Umami flavoured foods can often stain your teeth, as can crisps. Basically any food that is an orange-like colour. These should be definite no-nos, unless you eat them sparingly and brush your teeth immediately after. If you want your teeth to stay white, eating "springy" food such as green vegetables that don't colour or "sit on" your teeth really helps. How do you think celebrities manage to keep their teeth looking so fresh and white?

A healthier diet can, in a way, contribute to the colour of your teeth and stop them going so yellow so quickly.

Try using whitening toothpaste and scrubbing for a minute or so longer than usual - I find this to be the best method. You can use almost any whitening treatment, but these often look quite fake if not used correctly and, with the right diet, doesn't last. It's good to avoid ones that ruin your enamel as this can seriously damage your teeth in the future.

Answer mine?

Why won't my teeth get whiter?

They are no good they will work but they damage teeth and r expensive

1. cap full of hydrogen peroxide on toothbrush
3.Baking Soda arm&hammer preferably
4. It will tase nasty but you have to do it
5. Rinse Toothbrush and Pour hydrogen peroxide in a cup and let ur toothbrush sit in there till the next time you use it (kills germs)

U can use baking soda arm&hamer toothpaste but if u do, steps 1-5 still apply
Arm&Hammer Whitening Booster is like 5$ little expensive but u can get a $1 coupon online

Just do what i said and you will have white teeth fast

Mine go white in 1 week but u have to keep it up. Do not stop once they are white
U can slow down maybe do steps 1-5 every other day or something if u have sparkling teeth

It seems like alot of work but think about it, Strips are expensive, taste awful, hard to apply, and leave a gooey residue

Just make sure you have:
Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking soda u may have baking soda

Hope this helps!!!

P.S. Its worth it after works way better than strips

I can't whiten my teeth?

I've tried all sorts of whitening toothpastes for a long time each. No results. I tried baking soda for a couple weeks but stopped when I saw no results, I heard it's bad for the enamel. My teeth just won't whiten! Not even with whitening strips... I even tried that dumb banana trick. And lord knows what else. It's been a battle of a few years. I brush after meals (usually only two meals) and floss and listerine before bed.

It seems kind of unfair to have gone through hell with braces and still not feel confident to smile. And I'm not talking about a icky white, my teeth are a soft yellow. Any solutions that might finally work on this desperate maiden?

Why won't my teeth whiten?

It can be due to a poor oral care regime or a poor diet. The stains on your teeth remain unaffected due to the improper and irregular brushing methods that you follow. Start brushing your teeth regularly, twice a day, and the right brushing techniques. Ask your dentist for a quick demonstration or learn by watching a YouTube video. With the right brushing movements, stains can be removed more efficiently.For a deep cleaning every time you brush, start using an electric toothbrush. Avoid trying your luck with home remedies that involve the use of highly-abrasive materials that can damage the tooth enamel. Instead, you can try other natural and more effective methods like coconut oil pulling. It is completely safe and natural but may take some time to provide visible results.For instant results, you can use teeth whitening strips or other oral care products that are recommended by the dental professionals. However, if you have got an excessive amount of teeth stains, visit your dentist as you may require professional teeth whitening.

My teeth won't my teeth get (completely) white?

The inner layer of the tooth, dentin, has a yellow tint. I've seen from very slightly yellow to very yellow. The enamel is usually a bit translucent, but can vary a bit. Sometimes it is fairly opaque. People have a natural tooth color, and it is never pure white, like from photoshop'd magazine pictures. People you see with extremely white teeth probably have extensive prosthetic crown/veneer work from a dentist, or are in dentures.
Whitening treatments are not very good at lightening beyond your natural shade if you don't have much staining. You can have slight improvements, but you will never get "white" regardless of toothpaste, LED, strip, paste, laser, etc. If you do actually have a bit of surface staining on your tooth, you can see some decent changes with a cleaning and whitening. Hopefully the dentist you go to doesn't try to sell everyone on whitening treatments regardless of why the teeth are the color they are.
From what you describe I doubt you'll be ever to get teeth as white as you want without some dental work. Veneers are a good way to get teeth a lot whiter. They do require drilling on teeth though, and tend to be expensive.


Go to your local drugstore, and buy CREST 3D whitestrips. They seem to work efficiently and are cheap!

What foods naturally whiten your teeth?

There are many foods that help to white your teeth. However, most whitening products use chemicals to bleach your teeth, which concerns many people. If you want to white your teeth and prevent to chemical so listed food are very helpful for you-1. Cauliflower2. Strawberries3. Cheese4. Apples5. Celery6. Try Oil Pulling7. Pineapple8. Get Plenty of Calcium in Your Diet

How to whiten your canine teeth?

I just got my braces off 2 weeks ago but the tops of my canine teeth are much more yellow than the rest of my teeth... the canines on both the top and the bottom. I have been using Crest 3D white tooth paste and crest 3D white mouthwash for almost 2 weeks now and a few days ago I bough the crest whitening strips for sensitive gums and they are still pretty yellow! How do I whiten them?

Why are my canine teeth yellow and they won't whiten?

if the rest of your teeth are fine, and you say the canines are slightly yellowed, then don't worry about them too much! save the abuse to your enamel to keep them strong and healthy into your older adult years..
i would switch to a tartar control and whitening toothpaste.. and ask the dentist to clean them.. you need that every 6 months.. also remember that your salivary glands are located right under the tongue near the canines and that can cause more tartar build up